/usr/share/amsn/alarm.tcl is in amsn-data 0.98.9-1.
This file is owned by root:root, with mode 0o644.
The actual contents of the file can be viewed below.
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# alarm.tcl v 1.0 2002/07/21 BurgerMan
::Version::setSubversionId {$Id: alarm.tcl 9337 2008-01-10 19:24:20Z tjikkun $}
#::Alarms namespace. Everything related to alarms (alerts)
namespace eval ::alarms {
#Returns 1 if the user has an alarm enabled
proc isEnabled { user } {
return [getAlarmItem $user enabled]
#Set an alarm configuration item for the given user
proc setAlarmItem { user item value} {
#We convert the stored data (a list) into an array
array set alarms [::abook::getContactData $user alarms]
set alarms($item) $value
::abook::setContactData $user alarms [array get alarms]
#Return an alarm configuration item for the given user
proc getAlarmItem { user item } {
#We convert the stored data (a list) into an array
array set alarms [::abook::getContactData $user alarms]
if { [info exists alarms($item)] } {
return $alarms($item)
} else {
return ""
proc messageFailed {user msg} {
set newmsg [::alarms::getAlarmItem $user msg]
status_log "Alarm msg delivery failed! Reenabling\n" blue
#Check if the user didn't change any settings
if { $msg != $newmsg } {
status_log "Alarm msg changd before reenabling." blue
::alarms::setAlarmItem $user msg_st 1
proc InitMyAlarms {user} {
global my_alarms
set my_alarms(${user}_enabled) [getAlarmItem $user enabled]
set my_alarms(${user}_sound) [getAlarmItem $user sound]
if { $my_alarms(${user}_sound) == "" } {
set my_alarms(${user}_sound) [::skin::GetSkinFile sounds alarm.wav]
set my_alarms(${user}_sound_st) [getAlarmItem $user sound_st]
set my_alarms(${user}_pic) [getAlarmItem $user pic]
if { $my_alarms(${user}_pic) == "" } {
set my_alarms(${user}_pic) [::skin::GetSkinFile pixmaps alarm.gif]
set my_alarms(${user}_pic_st) [getAlarmItem $user pic_st]
set my_alarms(${user}_msg) [getAlarmItem $user msg]
set my_alarms(${user}_msg_st) [getAlarmItem $user msg_st]
set my_alarms(${user}_loop) [getAlarmItem $user loop]
set my_alarms(${user}_onconnect) [getAlarmItem $user onconnect]
set my_alarms(${user}_onmsg) [getAlarmItem $user onmsg]
set my_alarms(${user}_onstatus) [getAlarmItem $user onstatus]
set my_alarms(${user}_ondisconnect) [getAlarmItem $user ondisconnect]
set my_alarms(${user}_command) [getAlarmItem $user command]
set my_alarms(${user}_oncommand) [getAlarmItem $user oncommand]
set my_alarms(${user}_copied_pic) [getAlarmItem $user copied_pic]
#Function that displays the Alarm configuration for the given user
proc configDialog { user {window ""} } {
global my_alarms
#Create window if not "embedded" mode
if { $window == "" } {
if { $user == "all" } {
set windowtitle [trans alarmpref2]
} else {
set windowtitle "[trans alarmpref] $user"
set w ".alarm_cfg_[::md5::md5 $user]"
if { [ winfo exists $w ] } {
catch { raise $w }
catch { focus -force $w }
toplevel $w
wm title $w $windowtitle
wm iconname $w [trans alarmpref]
} else {
set w $window
InitMyAlarms $user
#If window mode, set a title
if { $window == "" } {
label $w.title -text $windowtitle -font bboldf
pack $w.title -side top -padx 15 -pady 15
checkbutton $w.alarm -text "[trans alarmstatus]" -onvalue 1 -offvalue 0 -variable my_alarms(${user}_enabled) -font splainf
Separator $w.sep1 -orient horizontal
checkbutton $w.alarmonconnect -text "[trans alarmonconnect]" -onvalue 1 -offvalue 0 -variable my_alarms(${user}_onconnect) -font splainf
checkbutton $w.alarmonmsg -text "[trans alarmonmsg]" -onvalue 1 -offvalue 0 -variable my_alarms(${user}_onmsg) -font splainf
checkbutton $w.alarmonstatus -text "[trans alarmonstatus]" -onvalue 1 -offvalue 0 -variable my_alarms(${user}_onstatus) -font splainf
checkbutton $w.alarmondisconnect -text "[trans alarmondisconnect]" -onvalue 1 -offvalue 0 -variable my_alarms(${user}_ondisconnect) -font splainf
Separator $w.sep2 -orient horizontal
pack $w.alarm -side top -anchor w -expand true -padx 30
pack $w.sep1 -side top -anchor w -expand true -fill x -padx 5 -pady 5
pack $w.alarmonconnect -side top -anchor w -expand true -padx 30
pack $w.alarmonmsg -side top -anchor w -expand true -padx 30
pack $w.alarmonstatus -side top -anchor w -expand true -padx 30
pack $w.alarmondisconnect -side top -anchor w -expand true -padx 30
pack $w.sep2 -side top -anchor w -expand true -fill x -padx 5 -pady 5
frame $w.sound1
LabelEntry $w.sound1.entry "[trans soundfile]" my_alarms(${user}_sound) 30
button $w.sound1.browse -text [trans browse] -command [list chooseFileDialog "" "" $w $w.sound1.entry.ent]
pack $w.sound1.entry -side left -expand true -fill x
pack $w.sound1.browse -side left
pack $w.sound1 -side top -padx 10 -pady 2 -anchor w -fill x
checkbutton $w.button -text "[trans soundstatus]" -onvalue 1 -offvalue 0 -variable my_alarms(${user}_sound_st) -font splainf
checkbutton $w.button2 -text "[trans soundloop]" -onvalue 1 -offvalue 0 -variable my_alarms(${user}_loop) -font splainf
Separator $w.sepsound -orient horizontal
pack $w.button -side top -anchor w -expand true -padx 30
pack $w.button2 -side top -anchor w -expand true -padx 30
pack $w.sepsound -side top -anchor w -expand true -fill x -padx 5 -pady 5
frame $w.command1
LabelEntry $w.command1.entry "[trans command]" my_alarms(${user}_command) 30
menubutton $w.command1.help -font sboldf -text "<-" -menu $w.command1.help.menu
menu $w.command1.help.menu -tearoff 0
$w.command1.help.menu add command -label [trans nick] -command "$w.command1.entry.ent insert insert \\\$nick"
$w.command1.help.menu add command -label [trans email] -command "$w.command1.entry.ent insert insert \\\$user"
$w.command1.help.menu add command -label [trans msg] -command "$w.command1.entry.ent insert insert \\\$msg"
$w.command1.help.menu add separator
$w.command1.help.menu add command -label [trans delete] -command "$w.command1.entry.ent delete 0 end"
pack $w.command1.entry -side left -expand true -fill x
pack $w.command1.help -side left
pack $w.command1 -side top -padx 10 -pady 2 -anchor w -fill x
checkbutton $w.buttoncomm -text "[trans commandstatus]" -onvalue 1 -offvalue 0 -variable my_alarms(${user}_oncommand) -font splainf
Separator $w.sepcommand -orient horizontal
pack $w.buttoncomm -side top -anchor w -expand true -padx 30
pack $w.sepcommand -side top -anchor w -expand true -fill x -padx 5 -pady 5
frame $w.pic1
LabelEntry $w.pic1.entry "[trans picfile]" my_alarms(${user}_pic) 30
button $w.pic1.browse -text [trans browse] -command [list chooseFileDialog "" "" $w $w.pic1.entry.ent]
pack $w.pic1.entry -side left -expand true -fill x
pack $w.pic1.browse -side left
pack $w.pic1 -side top -padx 10 -pady 2 -anchor w -fill x
checkbutton $w.buttonpic -text "[trans picstatus]" -onvalue 1 -offvalue 0 -variable my_alarms(${user}_pic_st) -font splainf
pack $w.buttonpic -side top -anchor w -expand true -padx 30
Separator $w.seppic -orient horizontal
pack $w.seppic -side top -anchor w -expand true -fill x -padx 5 -pady 5
frame $w.msg
LabelEntry $w.msg.entry "[trans msg]" my_alarms(${user}_msg) 30
pack $w.msg.entry -side left -expand true -fill x
pack $w.msg -side top -padx 10 -pady 2 -anchor w -fill x
checkbutton $w.buttonmsg -text "[trans sendmsg]" -onvalue 1 -offvalue 0 -variable my_alarms(${user}_msg_st) -font splainf
pack $w.buttonmsg -side top -anchor w -expand true -padx 30
if { $window == "" } {
#Window mode
frame $w.b -class Degt
button $w.b.save -text [trans ok] -command [list ::alarms::OkPressed $user $w]
button $w.b.cancel -text [trans close] -command "destroy $w; unset my_alarms"
button $w.b.delete -text [trans delete] -command "::alarms::DeleteAlarm $user; destroy $w"
pack $w.b.save $w.b.cancel $w.b.delete -side right -padx 10
pack $w.b -side top -padx 0 -pady 4 -anchor e -expand true -fill both
} else {
#Embedded mode
Separator $w.sepbutton -orient horizontal
pack $w.sepbutton -side top -anchor w -expand true -fill x -padx 5 -pady 5
button $w.delete -text [trans delete] -command "::alarms::DeleteAlarm $user"
pack $w.delete -side top -anchor c
proc OkPressed { user w} {
if { [::alarms::SaveAlarm $user] == 0 } {
destroy $w
#Deletes variable settings for current user.
proc DeleteAlarm { user } {
global my_alarms
#Delete pic file if it was copied
if { [getAlarmItem $user copied_pic] == 1 } {
catch {file delete [getAlarmItem $user pic]}
::abook::setContactData $user alarms ""
InitMyAlarms $user
::Event::fireEvent contactAlarmChange gui $user
#Saves alarm settings for current user on OK press.
proc SaveAlarm { user } {
global my_alarms HOME
if { ($my_alarms(${user}_sound_st) == 1) && ([file exists "$my_alarms(${user}_sound)"] == 0) } {
msg_box [trans invalidsound]
return -1
#Check the picture file, and copy to our home directory,
#converting it if necessary
if { ($my_alarms(${user}_pic_st) == 1) } {
if { ([file exists "$my_alarms(${user}_pic)"] == 0) } {
msg_box [trans invalidpic]
return -1
} else {
if { [catch {image create photo joanna -file $my_alarms(${user}_pic) -format cximage}] } {
set file ""
catch {set file [::picture::Convert "$my_alarms(${user}_pic)" "[file join $HOME alarm_${user}.png]"]} res
if { $file == "" } {
msg_box $res
return -1
} else {
image create photo joanna -file $file -format cximage
if { ([image width joanna] >= 1024) || ([image height joanna] >= 768) } {
set my_alarms(${user}_copied_pic) 0
catch {file delete $file}
msg_box [trans invalidpicsize]
return -1
} else {
set my_alarms(${user}_pic) $file
set my_alarms(${user}_copied_pic) 1
image delete joanna
} elseif { ([image width joanna] >= 1024) || ([image height joanna] >= 768) } {
image delete joanna
msg_box [trans invalidpicsize]
return -1
} else {
image delete joanna
catch {file copy -force $my_alarms(${user}_pic) [file join $HOME alarm_${user}.png]}
set my_alarms(${user}_pic) [file join $HOME alarm_${user}.png]
set my_alarms(${user}_copied_pic) 1
set alarms(enabled) $my_alarms(${user}_enabled)
set alarms(loop) $my_alarms(${user}_loop)
set alarms(sound_st) $my_alarms(${user}_sound_st)
set alarms(pic_st) $my_alarms(${user}_pic_st)
set alarms(sound) $my_alarms(${user}_sound)
set alarms(pic) $my_alarms(${user}_pic)
set alarms(msg) $my_alarms(${user}_msg)
set alarms(msg_st) $my_alarms(${user}_msg_st)
set alarms(onconnect) $my_alarms(${user}_onconnect)
set alarms(onmsg) $my_alarms(${user}_onmsg)
set alarms(onstatus) $my_alarms(${user}_onstatus)
set alarms(ondisconnect) $my_alarms(${user}_ondisconnect)
set alarms(command) $my_alarms(${user}_command)
set alarms(oncommand) $my_alarms(${user}_oncommand)
set alarms(copied_pic) $my_alarms(${user}_copied_pic)
status_log "alarms: saving alarm for $user\n" blue
::abook::setContactData $user alarms [array get alarms]
::Event::fireEvent contactAlarmChange gui $user
unset my_alarms
return 0
proc StopSnackAlarm {w snd} {
destroy $w
$snd stop
$snd destroy
proc contactChanged { eventused user } {
if { $eventused == "contactStateChange" } {
set custom_user_name [::abook::getDisplayNick $user]
set status "[trans [::MSN::stateToDescription [::abook::getVolatileData $user state]]]"
if { ( [::alarms::isEnabled $user] == 1 )&& ( [::alarms::getAlarmItem $user onstatus] == 1) } {
run_alarm $user $user $custom_user_name "[trans changestate $custom_user_name $status]"
} elseif { ( [::alarms::isEnabled all] == 1 )&& ( [::alarms::getAlarmItem all onstatus] == 1)} {
run_alarm all $user $custom_user_name "[trans changestate $custom_user_name $status]"
::Event::registerEvent contactStateChange all ::alarms::contactChanged
#Runs the alarm (sound and pic)
proc run_alarm {config_user user nick msg} {
global program_dir alarm_win_number
if { ![info exists alarm_win_number] } {
set alarm_win_number 0
incr alarm_win_number
set wind_name alarm_${alarm_win_number}
if { [::alarms::getAlarmItem ${config_user} pic_st] == 1 || [::alarms::getAlarmItem ${config_user} sound_st] == 1 } {
toplevel .${wind_name}
set myDate [ clock format [clock seconds] -format "%d %b %Y %T" ]
wm title .${wind_name} "[trans alarm] - $nick"
label .${wind_name}.txt -text "$nick ($user)\n[trans on] $myDate\n\n$msg\n"
pack .${wind_name}.txt
#Create picture
if { [::alarms::getAlarmItem ${config_user} pic_st] == 1 } {
if {[file readable [::alarms::getAlarmItem ${config_user} pic]]} {
image create photo joanna_$alarm_win_number -file [::alarms::getAlarmItem ${config_user} pic] -format cximage
if { ([image width joanna_$alarm_win_number] < 1024) && ([image height joanna_$alarm_win_number] < 768) } {
label .${wind_name}.jojo -image joanna_$alarm_win_number
pack .${wind_name}.jojo
#Play sound
if { [::alarms::getAlarmItem ${config_user} sound_st] == 1 } {
if { [::config::getKey usesnack] } {
#Ok, we're using Snack, do it the Snack way
snack::sound alarmsnd_${alarm_win_number} -load [::alarms::getAlarmItem ${config_user} sound]
snack_play_sound alarmsnd_${alarm_win_number} [::alarms::getAlarmItem ${config_user} loop]
button .${wind_name}.stopmusic -text [trans stopalarm] -command [list ::alarms::StopSnackAlarm .${wind_name} alarmsnd_${alarm_win_number}]
wm protocol .${wind_name} WM_DELETE_WINDOW [list ::alarms::StopSnackAlarm .${wind_name} alarmsnd_${alarm_win_number}]
pack .${wind_name}.stopmusic -padx 2
} else {
set sound [::alarms::getAlarmItem ${config_user} sound]
#Prepare the sound command for variable substitution
#set command [::config::getKey soundcommand]
#set command [string map {"\[" "\\\[" "\\" "\\\\" "\$" "\\\$" "\(" "\\\(" } $command]
#Now, let's unquote the variables we want to replace
#set command "[string map {"\\\$sound" "\${sound}" } $command]"
if { [::alarms::getAlarmItem ${config_user} loop] == 1 } {
button .${wind_name}.stopmusic -text [trans stopalarm] -command "destroy .${wind_name}; cancel_loop $wind_name"
wm protocol .${wind_name} WM_DELETE_WINDOW "destroy .${wind_name}; cancel_loop $wind_name"
pack .${wind_name}.stopmusic -padx 2
#Delay it a bit so window users can have the window painted
after 1000 [list play_loop $sound $wind_name]
} else {
button .${wind_name}.stopmusic -text [trans stopalarm] -command "destroy .${wind_name}"
wm protocol .${wind_name} WM_DELETE_WINDOW "destroy .${wind_name}"
pack .${wind_name}.stopmusic -padx 2
play_sound $sound 1 1
} elseif { [::alarms::getAlarmItem ${config_user} pic_st] == 1 } {
button .${wind_name}.stopmusic -text [trans stopalarm] -command "destroy .${wind_name}"
pack .${wind_name}.stopmusic -padx 2
#Send message and disable it after sending
if { [::alarms::getAlarmItem $config_user msg_st] == 1 } {
set msg [::alarms::getAlarmItem $config_user msg]
#This will reenable the message sending if delivery failed
set ackid [after 60000 [list ::alarms::messageFailed $config_user $msg]]
::alarms::setAlarmItem $config_user msg_st 0
::MSN::messageTo $user $msg $ackid
#Disable sending the message again
#Replace variables in command
if { [::alarms::getAlarmItem ${config_user} oncommand] == 1 } {
set the_command [::alarms::getAlarmItem ${config_user} command]
#By default, quote backslashes and variables
set the_command [string map {"\[" "\\\[" "\\" "\\\\" "\$" "\\\$" "\(" "\\\(" } $the_command]
#Now, let's unquote the variables we want to replace
set the_command "[string map {"\\\$nick" "\${nick}" "\\\$user" "\${user}" "\\\$msg" "\${msg}"} $the_command] &"
catch {eval exec $the_command} res
# Switches alarm setting from ON/OFF
proc switch_alarm { user } {
#We get the alarms configuration. It's stored as a list, but it's converted to an array
array set alarms [::abook::getContactData $user alarms]
if { [info exists alarms(enabled)] && $alarms(enabled) == 1 } {
set alarms(enabled) 0
} else {
set alarms(enabled) 1
#We set the alarms configuration. We can't store an array, so we convert it to a list
::abook::setContactData $user alarms [array get alarms]