/usr/share/amsn/plugins/Invisibility/Invisibility.tcl is in amsn-data 0.98.9-1.
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# ::Invisibility by Anto Cvitic #
# Version 0.5 by Kemal Ilgar Eroglu -- September 2008
# This code is released under the GNU Public License Version 3
# =============================================================
# Invisibility will block contacts when they go offline
# and unblock them when they change their state to online,
# with the exception of permanently allowed or blocked users.
rename ::amsn::blockUser ::amsn::blockUserOrig
rename ::amsn::unblockUser ::amsn::unblockUserOrig
namespace eval ::Invisibility {
proc Init { dir } {
::plugins::RegisterPlugin "Invisibility"
plugins_log "Invisibility" "Registered plugin"
::plugins::RegisterEvent "Invisibility" ChangeState blockContact
::plugins::RegisterEvent "Invisibility" OnConnect dummy
plugins_log "Invisibility" "Registered events"
set langdir [file join $dir "lang"]
set lang [::config::getGlobalKey language]
#It's important to load the english file and then the current language lang file
load_lang en $langdir
load_lang $lang $langdir
array set ::Invisibility::config {
iblocklist {}
iallowlist {}
win {}
oldbehav {0}
waitingtime {4000}
automat {1}
set ::Invisibility::configlist [list \
[list frame ::Invisibility::populateFrame ] \
[list bool [trans old_behav] oldbehav] \
[list bool [trans otomat] automat] \
# The proc that does the (un)blocking
proc blockContact { event evpar } {
upvar 2 user user
upvar 2 substate substate
#plugins_log "Invisibility" "user is: $user and substate is: $substate"
if { $substate == "FLN" && [lsearch -exact $::Invisibility::config(iallowlist) $user] == -1} {
::MSN::blockUser ${user}
after 500 ::Event::fireEvent contactStateChange protocol $user
plugins_log "Invisibility" "blocked $user"
# Old behaviour: Contacts are unblocked only when
# they switch to "Online" state
if { $::Invisibility::config(oldbehav) } {
if { $substate == "NLN" && [lsearch -exact $::Invisibility::config(iblocklist) $user] == -1 } {
::MSN::unblockUser ${user}
after 500 ::Event::fireEvent contactStateChange protocol $user
plugins_log "Invisibility" "unblocked $user"
# New behavior: Unblock contacts when they become visible
} else {
if { $substate != "FLN" && [lsearch -exact $::Invisibility::config(iblocklist) $user] == -1 } {
::MSN::unblockUser ${user}
after 500 ::Event::fireEvent contactStateChange protocol $user
plugins_log "Invisibility" "unblocked $user"
# Add a permanently blocked user
proc AddPermBlock { } {
set wind $::Invisibility::config(win)
set user [$wind.clistbox get]
# If user exists in allow list, we romeve it from there first
set rmin [lsearch -exact $::Invisibility::config(iallowlist) $user]
if { $rmin !=-1 } {
set ::Invisibility::config(iallowlist) [lreplace $::Invisibility::config(iallowlist) $rmin $rmin]
::Invisibility::GenerateList "allow"
# If not already in the block list, we add
if { [lsearch -exact $::Invisibility::config(iblocklist) $user] == -1} {
lappend ::Invisibility::config(iblocklist) $user
$wind.status.block.blist insert end $user
# And we unblock the user:
::MSN::blockUser $user
# Add a permanently allowed user
proc AddPermUnBlock { } {
set wind $::Invisibility::config(win)
set user [$wind.clistbox get]
# If user exists in block list, we romeve it from there first
set rmin [lsearch -exact $::Invisibility::config(iblocklist) $user]
if { $rmin !=-1 } {
set ::Invisibility::config(iblocklist) [lreplace $::Invisibility::config(iblocklist) $rmin $rmin]
::Invisibility::GenerateList "block"
# If not already in the allow list, we add
if { [lsearch -exact $::Invisibility::config(iallowlist) $user] == -1} {
lappend ::Invisibility::config(iallowlist) $user
$wind.status.allow.alist insert end $user
# And we unblock the user:
::MSN::unblockUser $user
#puts "\n $user --> [::abook::getVolatileData $user state]"
# Remove a permanently blocked user
proc RemPermBlock { } {
set wind $::Invisibility::config(win)
set rm [$wind.status.block.blist curselection]
if { [llength $rm] != 0 } {
set rmin [lindex $rm 0]
set user [$wind.status.block.blist get $rmin]
$wind.status.block.blist delete $rmin $rmin
set rmin2 [lsearch -exact $::Invisibility::config(iblocklist) $user]
if { $rmin2 != -1 } {
set ::Invisibility::config(iblocklist) [lreplace $::Invisibility::config(iblocklist) $rmin2 $rmin2]
# Remove a permanently allowed user
proc RemPermUnBlock { } {
set wind $::Invisibility::config(win)
set rm [$wind.status.allow.alist curselection]
if { [llength $rm] != 0 } {
set rmin [lindex $rm 0]
set user [$wind.status.allow.alist get $rmin]
$wind.status.allow.alist delete $rmin $rmin
set rmin2 [lsearch -exact $::Invisibility::config(iallowlist) $user]
if { $rmin2 != -1 } {
set ::Invisibility::config(iallowlist) [lreplace $::Invisibility::config(iallowlist) $rmin2 $rmin2]
# Generate the permanent allow/block
# listboxes in the config window.
proc GenerateList { listname } {
set wind $::Invisibility::config(win)
if { $listname eq "allow" } {
$wind.status.allow.alist delete 0 end
foreach entry [lsort -dictionary $::Invisibility::config(iallowlist)] {
$wind.status.allow.alist insert end $entry
} elseif { $listname eq "block" } {
$wind.status.block.blist delete 0 end
foreach entry [lsort -dictionary $::Invisibility::config(iblocklist)] {
$wind.status.block.blist insert end $entry
# The proc to populate the frame
# in the config window
proc populateFrame { win } {
variable win_path
set win_path $win
set ::Invisibility::config(win) $win
frame $win.status -class Degt
pack $win.status -anchor w
frame $win.status.block
pack $win.status.block -anchor w
label $win.status.block.blocklabel -text "[trans pblist]"
listbox $win.status.block.blist -selectmode single -width 32 -yscrollcommand "$win.status.block.sb set"
scrollbar $win.status.block.sb -command "$win.status.block.blist yview"
button $win.status.block.rempb -text "[trans rempb]" -command ::Invisibility::RemPermBlock
grid $win.status.block.blocklabel -row 1 -column 1 -columnspan 2 -sticky w
grid $win.status.block.sb -row 2 -column 2 -sticky e
grid $win.status.block.blist -row 2 -column 1 -sticky wns
grid $win.status.block.rempb -row 3 -column 1 -columnspan 2 -sticky ew
frame $win.status.allow -padx 15
pack $win.status.allow -anchor w
label $win.status.allow.allowlabel -text "[trans palist]"
listbox $win.status.allow.alist -selectmode single -width 32 -yscrollcommand "$win.status.allow.sb set"
scrollbar $win.status.allow.sb -command "$win.status.allow.alist yview"
button $win.status.allow.rempa -text "[trans rempa]" -command ::Invisibility::RemPermUnBlock
grid $win.status.allow.allowlabel -row 1 -column 1 -columnspan 2 -sticky w
grid $win.status.allow.sb -row 2 -column 2 -sticky e
grid $win.status.allow.alist -row 2 -column 1 -sticky wns
grid $win.status.allow.rempa -row 3 -column 1 -columnspan 2 -sticky ew
grid $win.status.allow -row 1 -column 2
grid $win.status.block -row 1 -column 1
::Invisibility::GenerateList "allow"
::Invisibility::GenerateList "block"
label $win.clist -text "[trans allcont]" -pady 5
combobox::combobox $win.clistbox -width 30 -editable 0
$win.clistbox list delete 0 end
set conlist [::abook::getAllContacts]
set rem_ind [lsearch -exact $conlist "myself"]
set conlist [lreplace $conlist $rem_ind $rem_ind]
set rem_ind [lsearch -exact $conlist "contactlist"]
set conlist [lreplace $conlist $rem_ind $rem_ind]
foreach entry [lsort -dictionary $conlist] {
$win.clistbox list insert end $entry
$win.clistbox select 0
button $win.addpb -text "[trans addpb]" -command ::Invisibility::AddPermBlock
button $win.addpa -text "[trans addpa]" -command ::Invisibility::AddPermUnBlock
pack $win.clist -anchor c
pack $win.clistbox -anchor n -pady 5
pack $win.addpb -anchor n -pady 5
pack $win.addpa -anchor n
frame $win.waittime
pack $win.waittime -anchor c
label $win.waittime.waittext -text "[trans waittext]"
spinbox $win.waittime.spin -from 2000 -to 30000 -increment 500 -textvariable ::Invisibility::config(waitingtime)
grid $win.waittime.waittext -row 1 -column 1
grid $win.waittime.spin -row 1 -column 2
# dummy proc. Very useful :).
proc dummy {event evpar} {
after $::Invisibility::config(waitingtime) ::Invisibility::unblockNeutrals $event $evpar
# The proc that unblocks neutral users
# at login time.
proc unblockNeutrals { event evpar } {
plugins_log "Invisibility" "unblocking neutrals"
set conlist [::abook::getAllContacts]
set rem_ind [lsearch -exact $conlist "myself"]
set conlist [lreplace $conlist $rem_ind $rem_ind]
set rem_ind [lsearch -exact $conlist "contactlist"]
set conlist [lreplace $conlist $rem_ind $rem_ind]
foreach user $conlist {
set userstate [::abook::getVolatileData $user state]
if { $::Invisibility::config(oldbehav) } {
if { $userstate == "NLN" && [lsearch -exact $::Invisibility::config(iblocklist) $user] == -1 } {
after 25
::MSN::unblockUser ${user}
after 25 ::Event::fireEvent contactStateChange protocol $user
plugins_log "Invisibility" "unblocked $user"
} else {
if { $userstate != "" && $userstate != "FLN" && [lsearch -exact $::Invisibility::config(iblocklist) $user] == -1 } {
after 25
::MSN::unblockUser ${user}
after 25 ::Event::fireEvent contactStateChange protocol $user
plugins_log "Invisibility" "unblocked $user"
#plugins_log "Invisibility" "\n $user --> [::abook::getVolatileData $user state]"
# We need this so that when trans is
# called in the new lock/unblock
# procs (created in ::amsn) it returns
# the translated keys defined in this
# plugin.
proc localtrans {key} {
return [trans $key]
# Restore the original block/unblock
# and say bye-bye.
proc deInit { } {
plugins_log "Invisibility" "deleting new definitions"
rename ::amsn::unblockUser ""
rename ::amsn::blockUser ""
plugins_log "Invisibility" "restoring definitions"
rename ::amsn::unblockUserOrig ::amsn::unblockUser
rename ::amsn::blockUserOrig ::amsn::blockUser
plugins_log "Invisibility" "restored definitions"
::plugins::UnRegisterEvents "Invisibility"
plugins_log "Invisibility" "plugin unregistered"
# The new block proc.
proc ::amsn::blockUser {user_login} {
set answer [::amsn::messageBox "[trans confirmbl] ($user_login)" yesno question [trans block]]
if { $answer == "yes"} {
::MSN::blockUser ${user_login}
if { $::Invisibility::config(automat) } {
set answer "yes"
} else {
set answer [::amsn::messageBox "[::Invisibility::localtrans invconfirmbl] ($user_login)" yesno question [::Invisibility::localtrans invblock]]
if { $answer == "yes"} {
# If user exists in allow list, we romeve it from there first
set rmin [lsearch -exact $::Invisibility::config(iallowlist) $user_login]
if { $rmin !=-1 } {
set ::Invisibility::config(iallowlist) [lreplace $::Invisibility::config(iallowlist) $rmin $rmin]
# If not already in the block list, we add
if { [lsearch -exact $::Invisibility::config(iblocklist) $user_login] == -1} {
lappend ::Invisibility::config(iblocklist) $user_login
# The new unblock proc.
proc ::amsn::unblockUser {user_login} {
::MSN::unblockUser ${user_login}
set rmin2 [lsearch -exact $::Invisibility::config(iblocklist) $user_login]
if { $rmin2 != -1 } {
if { $::Invisibility::config(automat) } {
set answer "yes"
} else {
set answer [::amsn::messageBox "[::Invisibility::localtrans invconfirmunbl] ($user_login)" yesno question [::Invisibility::localtrans invblock]]
if { $answer == "yes"} {
set ::Invisibility::config(iblocklist) [lreplace $::Invisibility::config(iblocklist) $rmin2 $rmin2]