/usr/share/amsn/plugins/advancedconfigviewer/acv.tcl is in amsn-data 0.98.9-1.
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# Version: 0.1; Released: 02/02/2007
namespace eval ::acv {
# ::acv::init(dir)
# Sets up the plugin. And binds our keystroke to draw the window.
# Arguments:
# - dir => The path to the plugin folder. It is supplied by the plugins system.
proc init { dir } {
::plugins::RegisterPlugin "Advanced Configuration Viewer"
if {[OnMac]} {
bind all <Command-k> "::acv::drawACVWindow"
} else {
bind all <Control-k> "::acv::drawACVWindow"
# ::acv::deinit()
# Called when the plugin is unloaded. Just clears up a few things.
# Also unbinds the keystroke.
proc deinit {} {
if {[winfo exists .acvWindow]} {
destroy .acvWindow
if {[OnMac]} {
bind all <Command-k> ""
} else {
bind all <Control-k> ""
# ::acv::_alternate.listbox.colors(listWin, colList)
# Taken from: http://wiki.tcl.tk/9561
# Gives an alternating row background to a listbox.
# Arguments:
# - listWin => The path to the list item.
# - colList => A list with the colors to alternate between.
proc _alternate.listbox.colors {listWin colList} {
if {![winfo exists $listWin]} {
return -code error {invalid window path}
set listWinEnd [$listWin index end]
set colCount 0
set colListLength [llength $colList]
for {set i 0} {$i < $listWinEnd} {incr i} {
$listWin itemconfigure $i -background [lindex $colList $colCount]
incr colCount
if {$colCount >= $colListLength} {
set colCount 0
# ::acv::_updateReadOnlyTextBox(textItemPath, newText)
# Updates a read only text box item.
# Arguments:
# - textItemPath => The path to the text box item.
# - newText => The text to replace the current text with.
proc _updateReadOnlyTextBox {textItemPath newText} {
${textItemPath} configure -state normal
${textItemPath} delete 1.0 end
${textItemPath} insert end $newText
${textItemPath} configure -state disabled
# ::acv::_updateAlternatingList(listItemPath, newItems)
# Helper function to update an alternating list box.
# Arguments:
# - listItemPath => The path to the list box item.
# - newItems => A list of new items to set as the contents of the list item.
proc _updateAlternatingList {listItemPath newItems} {
${listItemPath} delete 0 end
foreach {item} $newItems {
${listItemPath} insert end $item
_alternate.listbox.colors ${listItemPath} [list white #edf3fe]
# ::acv::setCommandValue(newDescription)
# Set the value of the text box to newDescription.
# Arguments:
# - newDescription => A string with the value of the current command.
proc setCommandValue {newDescription} {
upvar 1 w w
_updateReadOnlyTextBox .acvWindow.t $newDescription
# ::acv::setCommandsList(newList)
# Set the commands list box to the value of newList.
# Arguments:
# - newList => A list with the new values to set in the available commands list.
proc setCommandsList {newList} {
upvar 1 w w
_updateAlternatingList ${w}.l $newList
# ::acv::drawACVWindow()
# Draw the window for the application.
proc drawACVWindow { } {
if {[winfo exists .acvWindow]} {
setCommandValue [::config::getKey [.acvWindow.l get active]]
raise .acvWindow
set w [toplevel .acvWindow]
wm title $w "Advanced Configuration Viewer"
listbox $w.l -listvariable theList -font LucidaGrande \
-height 90 -width 30 -yscrollcommand "$w.listbox_scroll set"
pack $w.l -side left
scrollbar $w.listbox_scroll -command "$w.l yview" -width 16 -highlightthickness 0
pack $w.listbox_scroll -side left -fill y
bind $w.l <Double-B1-ButtonRelease> {::acv::setCommandValue [::config::getKey [.acvWindow.l get active]]}
# Draw the text widget.
text $w.t -yscrollcommand "$w.scroll set" \
-width 70 -height 100 -wrap word -font LucidaGrande -highlightthickness 0
scrollbar $w.scroll -command "$w.t yview" -width 16
pack $w.scroll -side right -fill y
pack $w.t -expand yes -fill both
#bind $w.t <Double-B1-ButtonRelease> {::acv::editCommandValue [.acvWindow.l get active]}
wm geometry $w 600x300+20+40
# Set up the view in the listbox and text widget.
setCommandValue "Please choose a variable from the list on the left."
setCommandsList [lsort -dictionary [::config::getKeys]]