/usr/share/amsn/utils/sha1/sha1.tcl is in amsn-data 0.98.9-1.
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# sha1.tcl - SHA1 in Tcl
# Author: Don Libes <libes@nist.gov>, May 2001
# Version 1.0.3
# SHA1 defined by FIPS 180-1, "The SHA1 Message-Digest Algorithm",
# http://www.itl.nist.gov/fipspubs/fip180-1.htm
# HMAC defined by RFC 2104, "Keyed-Hashing for Message Authentication"
# Some of the comments below come right out of FIPS 180-1; That's why
# they have such peculiar numbers. In addition, I have retained
# original syntax, etc. from the FIPS. All remaining bugs are mine.
# HMAC implementation by D. J. Hagberg <dhagberg@millibits.com> and
# is based on C code in FIPS 2104.
# For more info, see: http://expect.nist.gov/sha1pure
# - Don
### Code speedups by Donal Fellows <fellowsd@cs.man.ac.uk> who may well
### have added some extra bugs of his own... :^)
### Changed the code to use Trf if this package is present on the
### system requiring the sha1 package. Analogous to md5.
package require Tcl 8.2
namespace eval ::sha1 {
if {![catch {package require Trf 2.0}] && ![catch {::sha1 -- test}]} {
# Trf is available, so implement the functionality provided here
# in terms of calls to Trf for speed.
proc ::sha1::sha1 {msg} {
string tolower [::hex -mode encode -- [::sha1 -- $msg]]
# hmac: hash for message authentication
# SHA1 of Trf and SHA1 as defined by this package have slightly
# different results. Trf returns the digest in binary, here we get
# it as hex-string. In the computation of the HMAC the latter
# requires back conversion into binary in some places. With Trf we
# can use omit these. (Not all, the first place must not the changed,
# see [x]
proc ::sha1::hmac {key text} {
# if key is longer than 64 bytes, reset it to SHA1(key). If shorter,
# pad it out with null (\x00) chars.
set keyLen [string length $key]
if {$keyLen > 64} {
set key [binary format H32 [sha1 $key]]
# [x] set key [::sha1 -- $key]
set keyLen [string length $key]
# ensure the key is padded out to 64 chars with nulls.
set padLen [expr {64 - $keyLen}]
append key [binary format "a$padLen" {}]
# Split apart the key into a list of 16 little-endian words
binary scan $key i16 blocks
# XOR key with ipad and opad values
set k_ipad {}
set k_opad {}
foreach i $blocks {
append k_ipad [binary format i [expr {$i ^ 0x36363636}]]
append k_opad [binary format i [expr {$i ^ 0x5c5c5c5c}]]
# Perform inner sha1, appending its results to the outer key
append k_ipad $text
#append k_opad [binary format H* [sha1 $k_ipad]]
append k_opad [::sha1 -- $k_ipad]
# Perform outer sha1
#sha1 $k_opad
string tolower [::hex -mode encode -- [::sha1 -- $k_opad]]
} else {
# Without Trf use the all-tcl implementation by Don Libes.
namespace eval ::sha1 {
variable K
proc initK {} {
variable K {}
foreach t {
} {
for {set i 0} {$i < 20} {incr i} {
lappend K [expr {int($t)}]
# test sha1
# This proc is not necessary during runtime and may be omitted if you
# are simply inserting this file into a production program.
proc ::sha1::test {} {
foreach {msg expected} {
"[string repeat a 1000000]"
} {
puts "testing: sha1 \"$msg\""
set msg [subst $msg]
set msgLen [string length $msg]
if {$msgLen > 10000} {
puts "warning: msg length = $msgLen; this may take a while . . ."
set computed [sha1 $msg]
puts "expected: $expected"
puts "computed: $computed"
if {0 != [string compare $computed $expected]} {
puts "FAILED"
} else {
# time sha1
# This proc is not necessary during runtime and may be omitted if you
# are simply inserting this file into a production program.
proc ::sha1::time {} {
foreach len {10 50 100 500 1000 5000 10000} {
set time [::time {sha1 [format %$len.0s ""]} 10]
set msec [lindex $time 0]
puts "input length $len: [expr {$msec/1000}] milliseconds per interation"
proc ::sha1::sha1 {msg} {
variable K
# pad to 512 bits (512/8 = 64 bytes)
set msgLen [string length $msg]
# last 8 bytes are reserved for msgLen
# plus 1 for "1"
set padLen [expr {56 - $msgLen%64}]
if {$msgLen % 64 >= 56} {
incr padLen 64
# 4a. and b. append single 1b followed by 0b's
append msg [binary format "a$padLen" \200]
# 4c. append 64-bit length
# Our implementation obviously limits string length to 32bits.
append msg \0\0\0\0[binary format "I" [expr {8*$msgLen}]]
# initial H buffer
set H0 [expr {int(0x67452301)}]
set H1 [expr {int(0xEFCDAB89)}]
set H2 [expr {int(0x98BADCFE)}]
set H3 [expr {int(0x10325476)}]
set H4 [expr {int(0xC3D2E1F0)}]
# process message in 16-word blocks (64-byte blocks)
# convert message to array of 32-bit integers
# each block of 16-words is stored in M($i,0-16)
binary scan $msg I* words
set blockLen [llength $words]
for {set i 0} {$i < $blockLen} {incr i 16} {
# 7a. Divide M[i] into 16 words W[0], W[1], ...
set W [lrange $words $i [expr {$i+15}]]
# 7b. For t = 16 to 79 let W[t] = ....
set t 16
set t3 12
set t8 7
set t14 1
set t16 -1
for {} {$t < 80} {incr t} {
set x [expr {[lindex $W [incr t3]] ^ [lindex $W [incr t8]] ^ \
[lindex $W [incr t14]] ^ [lindex $W [incr t16]]}]
lappend W [expr {($x << 1) | (($x >> 31) & 1)}]
# 7c. Let A = H[0] ....
set A $H0
set B $H1
set C $H2
set D $H3
set E $H4
# 7d. For t = 0 to 79 do
for {set t 0} {$t < 20} {incr t} {
set TEMP [expr {(($A << 5) | (($A >> 27) & 0x1f)) + \
(($B & $C) | ((~$B) & $D)) \
+ $E + [lindex $W $t] + [lindex $K $t]}]
set E $D
set D $C
set C [expr {($B << 30) | (($B >> 2) & 0x3fffffff)}]
set B $A
set A $TEMP
for {} {$t<40} {incr t} {
set TEMP [expr {(($A << 5) | (($A >> 27) & 0x1f)) + \
($B ^ $C ^ $D) \
+ $E + [lindex $W $t] + [lindex $K $t]}]
set E $D
set D $C
set C [expr {($B << 30) | (($B >> 2) & 0x3fffffff)}]
set B $A
set A $TEMP
for {} {$t<60} {incr t} {
set TEMP [expr {(($A << 5) | (($A >> 27) & 0x1f)) + \
(($B & $C) | ($B & $D) | ($C & $D)) \
+ $E + [lindex $W $t] + [lindex $K $t]}]
set E $D
set D $C
set C [expr {($B << 30) | (($B >> 2) & 0x3fffffff)}]
set B $A
set A $TEMP
for {} {$t<80} {incr t} {
set TEMP [expr {(($A << 5) | (($A >> 27) & 0x1f)) + \
($B ^ $C ^ $D) \
+ $E + [lindex $W $t] + [lindex $K $t]}]
set E $D
set D $C
set C [expr {($B << 30) | (($B >> 2) & 0x3fffffff)}]
set B $A
set A $TEMP
set H0 [expr {int(($H0 + $A) & 0xffffffff)}]
set H1 [expr {int(($H1 + $B) & 0xffffffff)}]
set H2 [expr {int(($H2 + $C) & 0xffffffff)}]
set H3 [expr {int(($H3 + $D) & 0xffffffff)}]
set H4 [expr {int(($H4 + $E) & 0xffffffff)}]
return [format %0.8x%0.8x%0.8x%0.8x%0.8x $H0 $H1 $H2 $H3 $H4]
### These procedures are either inlined or replaced with a normal [format]!
#proc ::sha1::f {t B C D} {
# switch [expr {$t/20}] {
# 0 {
# expr {($B & $C) | ((~$B) & $D)}
# } 1 - 3 {
# expr {$B ^ $C ^ $D}
# } 2 {
# expr {($B & $C) | ($B & $D) | ($C & $D)}
# }
# }
#proc ::sha1::byte0 {i} {expr {0xff & $i}}
#proc ::sha1::byte1 {i} {expr {(0xff00 & $i) >> 8}}
#proc ::sha1::byte2 {i} {expr {(0xff0000 & $i) >> 16}}
#proc ::sha1::byte3 {i} {expr {((0xff000000 & $i) >> 24) & 0xff}}
#proc ::sha1::bytes {i} {
# format %0.2x%0.2x%0.2x%0.2x [byte3 $i] [byte2 $i] [byte1 $i] [byte0 $i]
# hmac: hash for message authentication
proc ::sha1::hmac {key text} {
# if key is longer than 64 bytes, reset it to SHA1(key). If shorter,
# pad it out with null (\x00) chars.
set keyLen [string length $key]
if {$keyLen > 64} {
set key [binary format H32 [sha1 $key]]
set keyLen [string length $key]
# ensure the key is padded out to 64 chars with nulls.
set padLen [expr {64 - $keyLen}]
append key [binary format "a$padLen" {}]
# Split apart the key into a list of 16 little-endian words
binary scan $key i16 blocks
# XOR key with ipad and opad values
set k_ipad {}
set k_opad {}
foreach i $blocks {
append k_ipad [binary format i [expr {$i ^ 0x36363636}]]
append k_opad [binary format i [expr {$i ^ 0x5c5c5c5c}]]
# Perform inner sha1, appending its results to the outer key
append k_ipad $text
append k_opad [binary format H* [sha1 $k_ipad]]
# Perform outer sha1
sha1 $k_opad
package provide sha1 1.0.3