/usr/src/castle-game-engine-5.0.0/images/images_bmp.inc is in castle-game-engine-src 5.0.0-3.
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Copyright 2001-2014 Michalis Kamburelis.
This file is part of "Castle Game Engine".
"Castle Game Engine" is free software; see the file COPYING.txt,
included in this distribution, for details about the copyright.
"Castle Game Engine" is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
TBitmapFileHeader = packed record
bfType: array[0..1]of char;
bfSize: LongWord;
bfReserved1: Word;
bfReserved2: Word;
bfOffBits: LongWord;
TBitmapInfoHeader = packed record
biSize: LongWord;
biWidth: Longint;
biHeight: Longint;
biPlanes: Word;
biBitCount: Word;
biCompression: LongWord;
biSizeImage: LongWord;
biXPelsPerMeter: Longint;
biYPelsPerMeter: Longint;
biClrUsed: LongWord;
biClrImportant: LongWord;
TRGBQuad = packed record blue, green, red, reserved : byte end;
PRGBQuad = ^TRGBQuad;
TArray_RGBQuad = packed array[0..MaxInt div SizeOf(TRGBQuad)-1]of TRGBQuad;
PArray_RGBQuad = ^TArray_RGBQuad;
TRGB_BMP24 = packed record b, g, r: byte end; { trojka RGB w zapisie danych 24 bitowej bitmapy }
TArray_RGB_BMP24 = array[0..MaxInt div SizeOf(TRGB_BMP24)-1] of TRGB_BMP24;
PArray_RGB_BMP24 = ^TArray_RGB_BMP24;
BI_RGB = 0;
BI_RLE8 = 1;
BI_RLE4 = 2;
function LoadBMP(Stream: TStream;
const AllowedImageClasses: array of TCastleImageClass): TCastleImage;
var fhead: TBitmapFileHeader;
ihead: TBitmapInfoHeader;
paletteSize: integer; { rozmiar palety (0 jesli brak) }
palette: PArray_RGBQuad; { odczytana paleta (nil jesli paletteSize = 0) }
rowLength: integer; { dlugosc wiersza (bez 32bit padding !) }
rownum: integer;
procedure PutPaletteColor(paletteIndex: integer; var rgb3: TVector3Byte);
{ ustaw rgb3 na kolor numer paletteIndex wziety z palety }
rgb3[0] := palette^[paletteIndex].red;
rgb3[1] := palette^[paletteIndex].green;
rgb3[2] := palette^[paletteIndex].blue;
procedure WriteRow(Row: Pointer; bmprow: PByteArray);
{ przepisz wiersz bitmapy bmprow na wiersz strukturek TVector3Byte. }
function FiveBitsToByte(fivebits: Word): byte;
{liczbe z zkaresu 0..31 (1111 binarnie) (ale podana jako typ Word -
ponizej bezdiemy chcieli ja mnozyc przez 255 !) mapuje na zakres 0..255}
result := fivebits*255 div 31;
bmpi, rgbi: integer; { bmpi iteruje po bmprow, rgbi iteruje po rgbrow }
rgbrow: PArray_Vector3Byte absolute Row;
rgbarow: PArray_Vector4Byte absolute Row;
bmpi := 0;
rgbi := 0;
case ihead.biBitCount of
1: for rgbi := 0 to ihead.biWidth-1 do
PutPaletteColor((bmprow^[bmpi] shr (7-(rgbi mod 8)) ) and 1, rgbrow^[rgbi]);
if (rgbi+1) mod 8 = 0 then Inc(bmpi);
4: begin
for bmpi := 0 to rowLength-2 do
PutPaletteColor(bmprow^[bmpi] and $F0 shr 4, rgbrow^[bmpi*2]);
PutPaletteColor(bmprow^[bmpi] and $F, rgbrow^[bmpi*2+1]);
{ gdy bmpi = rowLength - 1 musimy uwazac : kolumna bmpi*2 na pewno
jest w bitmapie, ale kolumna bmp*2+1 moze byc juz poza bitmapa }
bmpi := rowLength-1;
PutPaletteColor(bmprow^[bmpi] and $F0 shr 4, rgbrow^[bmpi*2]);
if bmpi*2+1 < ihead.biWidth then
PutPaletteColor(bmprow^[bmpi] and $F, rgbrow^[bmpi*2+1]);
8: for bmpi := 0 to rowLength-1 do
PutPaletteColor(bmprow^[bmpi], rgbrow^[bmpi]);
16:for rgbi := 0 to ihead.biWidth-1 do
rgbrow^[rgbi, 0] := FiveBitsToByte((PWord(bmprow)[rgbi] and $7C00) shr 10);
rgbrow^[rgbi, 1] := FiveBitsToByte((PWord(bmprow)[rgbi] and $03E0) shr 5);
rgbrow^[rgbi, 2] := FiveBitsToByte(PWord(bmprow)[rgbi] and $001F);
24:{ bmprow in 24 bit bitmap have almost the same format as rgbrow -
we only have to swap bgr to rgb }
for rgbi := 0 to ihead.biWidth-1 do
rgbrow^[rgbi, 0] := PArray_RGB_BMP24(bmprow)^[rgbi].r;
rgbrow^[rgbi, 1] := PArray_RGB_BMP24(bmprow)^[rgbi].g;
rgbrow^[rgbi, 2] := PArray_RGB_BMP24(bmprow)^[rgbi].b;
32:for rgbi := 0 to ihead.biWidth-1 do
{ We know that for 32, we have TRGBAlphaImage, so we use rgbarow }
Assert(Result is TRGBAlphaImage);
rgbarow^[rgbi, 0] := PArray_RGBQuad(bmprow)^[rgbi].red;
rgbarow^[rgbi, 1] := PArray_RGBQuad(bmprow)^[rgbi].green;
rgbarow^[rgbi, 2] := PArray_RGBQuad(bmprow)^[rgbi].blue;
{ At least GIMP treats the 4th component as alpha value. }
rgbarow^[rgbi, 3] := PArray_RGBQuad(bmprow)^[rgbi].reserved;
{ ClassAllowed is only shortcut to global utility. }
function ClassAllowed(ImageClass: TCastleImageClass): boolean;
Result := CastleImages.ClassAllowed(ImageClass, AllowedImageClasses);
var i: integer;
rowsGoingUp: boolean;
rowdata: PByteArray;
NewResult: TCastleImage;
{ read and check headers }
Stream.ReadBuffer(fhead, SizeOf(fhead));
Stream.ReadBuffer(ihead, SizeOf(ihead));
with fhead do
Check( (bfType[0]='B') and (bfType[1]='M'), 'not a bitmap file (first two bytes <> BM)');
with ihead do
{ check removed - ImageMagick can write such wrong bitmaps (but they are
really wrong !
- TotalCommander's internal view
- and Windows2k code to show bmps on desktop
- and GIMP
all fail trying to open them.) }
if biSize <> SizeOf(TBitmapInfoHeader) then
OnWarning(wtMajor, 'BMP', Format(
'Wrong size of a bitmap header --- should be %d, is %d',
[SizeOf(TBitmapInfoHeader), biSize]));
{ height can be negative - it means rows are written from up to down }
rowsGoingUp := biHeight > 0;
biHeight := Abs(biHeight);
PaletteSize := 0;
case biBitCount of
1: begin PaletteSize := 2; rowLength := DivRoundUp(biWidth, 8) end;
4: begin PaletteSize := 16; rowLength := DivRoundUp(biWidth, 2) end;
8: begin PaletteSize := 256; rowLength := biWidth end;
16: begin rowLength := biWidth * 2 end;
24: begin rowLength := biWidth * 3 end;
32: begin rowLength := biWidth * 4 end;
else raise EInvalidBMP.Create('Wrong bitmap : biBitCount doesn''t match any allowed value');
if (paletteSize <> 0 {paletted format}) and (biClrUsed <> 0) then
paletteSize := biClrUsed;
if biCompression <> BI_RGB then
raise EInvalidBMP.Create('TODO: RLE compressed and bitfields bitmaps not implemented yet');
palette := nil;
rowdata := nil;
Result := nil;
{ optionally read palette }
if paletteSize <> 0 then
palette := GetMem(paletteSize * SizeOf(TRGBQuad));
Stream.ReadBuffer(palette[0], paletteSize * SizeOf(TRGBQuad));
{ read data }
{ we have to use here Stream.Position, we can't be sure we're standing
in the right place - because sometimes when the palette is not fully
used image can be written earlier in the file - it's simple, for example
we are writing 8 bit bitmap with only 200 colors. We're writing 200 colors
and than we're immediately start writing pixel-data (even though
documentation states we have to provide 256 colors).
And we're setting bfOffBits 56*4 bytes earlier than SizeOf(fileheader) +
SizeOf(infoheader) + SizeOf(palette with 256 entries). This way we
don't waste place. This is what bitmap writers like Corel do. And it's ok.
Besides we (the bitmap Reader) want to use that feature bacause we're
using biClrUsed so we don't waste time for readind usused colors.
Ans no one said that bitmap writer HAS to use that trick with setting
bfOffBits earlier - it can just fill unused palette space with shit,
and write always 256 color palette event when he doesn't use so many colors.
So we have to use bfOffBits. }
Stream.Position := fhead.bfOffBits;
rowdata := GetMem(rowLength);
{ We always allocate Result most matching to file format
(biBitCount = 32 is RGBA, else RGB).
We also check AllowedImageClasses, to see if they can
be satisfied. There's no point in loading if we would later
be unable to convert to requested class.
However, actual conversion to satisfy AllowedImageClasses
(adding/stripping alpha channel) will be done (if needed) later,
after reading BMP file. }
if biBitCount = 32 then
if ClassAllowed(TRGBAlphaImage) or
ClassAllowed(TRGBImage) then
Result := TRGBAlphaImage.Create(biWidth, biHeight) else
raise EUnableToLoadImage.CreateFmt('Cannot load BMP file (with alpha channel) to %s', [LoadImageParams(AllowedImageClasses)]);
end else
if ClassAllowed(TRGBImage) or
ClassAllowed(TRGBAlphaImage) then
Result := TRGBImage.Create(biWidth, biHeight) else
raise EUnableToLoadImage.CreateFmt('Cannot load BMP file (without alpha channel) to %s', [LoadImageParams(AllowedImageClasses)]);
for i := 0 to biHeight - 1 do
Stream.ReadBuffer(rowdata[0], rowLength);
{ skip row 32bit padding }
with Stream do Position := Position + DivRoundUp(rowLength, 4)*4 - rowLength;
if rowsGoingUp then rownum := i else rownum := biHeight-i-1;
WriteRow(Result.RowPtr(rownum), rowData);
{ Convert now to satisfy AllowedImageClasses }
if (Result is TRGBAlphaImage) and
(not ClassAllowed(TRGBAlphaImage)) then
NewResult := TRGBAlphaImage(Result).ToRGBImage;
Result := NewResult;
if (Result is TRGBImage) and
(not ClassAllowed(TRGBImage)) then
NewResult := TRGBImage(Result).ToRGBAlphaImage_AlphaConst(255);
Result := NewResult;
except Result.Free; raise end;
{ EReadError is thrown by Stream.ReadBuffer when it can't read
specified number of bytes }
on E: EReadError do raise EInvalidBMP.Create('Read error: ' + E.Message);
on E: ECheckFailed do raise EInvalidBMP.Create('Wrong bitmap: ' + E.Message);
procedure SaveBMP(Img: TCastleImage; Stream: TStream);
var fhead: TBitmapFileHeader;
ihead: TBitmapInfoHeader;
i, j, rowPaddedLength, PadSize: cardinal;
p :PVector3Byte;
row, rowdata :PRGB_BMP24;
if not (Img is TRGBImage) then
raise EImageSaveError.CreateFmt('Saving to BMP image class %s not possible', [Img.ClassName]);
rowPaddedLength := img.Width*SizeOf(TRGB_BMP24);
if rowPaddedLength mod 4 <> 0 then
padsize := 4-rowPaddedLength mod 4 else
padsize := 0;
rowPaddedLength := rowPaddedLength + padsize;
fhead.bfType[0] := 'B';
fhead.bfType[1] := 'M';
fhead.bfSize := SizeOf(TBitmapFileHeader) + SizeOf(TBitmapInfoHeader) + rowPaddedLength*img.Height;
fhead.bfReserved1 := 0;
fhead.bfReserved2 := 0;
fhead.bfOffBits := SizeOf(TBitmapFileHeader) + SizeOf(TBitmapInfoHeader);
ihead.biSize := SizeOf(TBitmapInfoHeader);
ihead.biWidth := img.Width;
ihead.biHeight := img.Height;
ihead.biPlanes := 1;
ihead.biBitCount := 24;
ihead.biCompression := BI_RGB;
ihead.biSizeImage := 0;
ihead.biXPelsPerMeter := 3779;
ihead.biYPelsPerMeter := 3779;
ihead.biClrUsed := 0;
ihead.biClrImportant := 0;
Stream.WriteBuffer(fhead, SizeOf(fhead));
Stream.WriteBuffer(ihead, SizeOf(ihead));
rowdata := GetMem(rowPaddedLength);
for j := 0 to img.Height-1 do
p := PVector3Byte(Img.PixelPtr(0, j));
row := rowdata;
for i := 0 to img.Width - 1 do
row^.r := p^[0];
row^.g := p^[1];
row^.b := p^[2];
FillChar(row^, padsize, 0);
Stream.WriteBuffer(rowdata^, rowPaddedLength);
finally FreeMem(rowdata) end;