/usr/share/freemat/help/text/axisproperties.mdc is in freemat-help 4.0-5.
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Below is a summary of the properties for the axis.
- activepositionproperty - four vector - Not used.
- alim - two vector - Controls the mapping of
transparency. The vector [a_1,a_2]@ defines the scale for transparency.
Plots then map a_1 to a completely opaque value, and a_2 to a
completely transparent value. This mapping is applied to the alpha
data of the plot data.
- alimmode - {'auto','manual'} - For auto mode, we
map the alpha ranges of all objects in the plot to a full scale.
For manual mode, we use the alim vector.
- ambientlightcolor - colorspec - Not used.
- box - On/Off - Not used.
- cameraposition - three vector - Set the position for the
camera in axis space.
- camerapositionmode - {'auto','manual'} - For manual
mode, the camera position is picked up from the cameraposition vector.
For auto mode, the camera position is set to be centered on the
x and y axis limits, and beyond the z maximum limit.
- cameratarget - three vector - Defines the point in axis
space that the camera is targetted at.
- cameratargetmode - {'auto','manual'} - For manual
mode the camera target is picked up from the cameratarget vector. For
auto mode, the camera target is chosen to be the center of the
three axes.
- cameraupvector - three vector - Defines the upwards vector
for the camera (what is ultimately mapped to the vertical axis of the
plot or screen). This vector must not be parallel to the vector that
is defined by the optical axis (i.e., the one connecting the target to the
camera position).
- cameraupvectormode - {'auto','manual'} - For manual
mode, the camera up vector is picked up from the cameraupvector. The
auto mode chooses the up vector to point along the positive y axis.
- cameraviewangle - scalar - Not used.
- cameraviewanglemode - {'auto','manual'} - Not used.
- children - vector of handles - A vector containing handles to
children of the current axis. Be careful as to how you manipulate this
vector. FreeMat uses a reference counting mechanism for graphics objects,
so if you remove a handle from the children property of an axis, and
you have not added it to the children property of another object, it
will be deleted.
- clim - two vector - The color range vector. This vector
contains two values that dictate how children of this axis get mapped
to the colormap. Values between the two endpoints of this vector are mapped
to the extremes of the colormap.
- climmode - {'auto','manual'} - For auto mode, the color limits
are chosen to span the colordata for all of the children objects. For manual
mode, the color mapping is based on clim.
- clipping - {'on','off'} - Not used.
- color - colorspec - The color used to draw the background box
for the axes. Defaults to white.
- colororder - color vector - A vector of color specs (in
RGB) that are cycled between when drawing line plots into this axis.
The default is order blue,green,red,cyan,magenta,yellow,black.
- datalimits - six vector - A vector that contains the x, y and z
limits of the data for children of the current axis. Changes to this
property are ignored - it is calculated by FreeMat based on the datasets.
- dataaspectratio - three vector - A vector that describes the
aspect ratio of the data. You can think of this as the relative scaling of
units for each axis. For example, if one unit along the x axis is twice
as long as one unit along the y axis, you would specify a data aspect
ratio of [2,1,1].
- dataaspectratiomode - {'auto','manual'} - When the data aspect
ratio is set to manual, the data is scaled by the data aspect ratio before
being plotted. When the data aspect ratio mode is auto a complex set of
rules are applied to determine how the data should be scaled. If dataaspectratio
mode is auto and plotboxaspectratio is auto, then the default data aspect
ratio is set to [1,1,1] and the default plot box aspect ratio is chosen proportional
to [xrange,yrange,zrange], where xrange is the span of data along the x
axis, and similarly for yrange and zrange. If plotboxaspectratio is set to
[px,py,pz], then the dataaspectratio is set to [xrange/px,yrange/py,zrange/pz].
If one of the axes has been specified manually, then the data will be scaled to fit
the axes as well as possible.
- fontangle - {'normal','italic','oblique'} - The angle of the fonts used
for text labels (e.g., tick labels).
- fontsize - scalar - The size of fonts used for text labels (tick labels).
- fontunits - Not used.
- fontweight - {'normal','bold','light','demi'} - The weight of the font used
for tick labels.
- gridlinestyle - {'-','--',':','-.','none'} - The line style to use for
drawing the grid lines. Defaults to ':'.
- handlevisibility - Not used.
- hittest - Not used.
- interruptible - Not used.
- layer - Not used.
- linestyleorder - linestyle vector - A vector of linestyles that are cycled
through when plotted line series.
- linewidth - scalar - The width of line used to draw grid lines, axis lines,
and other lines.
- minorgridlinestyle - {'-','--',':','-.','none'} - The line style used for
drawing grid lines through minor ticks.
- nextplot - {'add','replace','replacechildren'} - Controls how the next plot
interacts with the axis. If it is set to 'add' the next plot will be added to the
current axis. If it is set to 'replace' the new plot replaces all of the previous
- outerposition - four vector - Specifies the coordinates of the outermost
box that contains the axis relative to the containing figure. This vector is in normalized
coordinates and corresponds to the x, y, width, height coordinates of the box.
- parent - handle - The handle for the containing object (a figure).
- plotboxaspectratio - three vector - Controls the aspect ratio of the plot
box. See the entry under dataaspectratio for details on how FreeMat uses this
vector in combination with the axis limits and the plotboxaspectratio to determine
how to scale the data.
- plotboxaspectratiomode - {'auto','manual'} - The plot box aspect ratio mode
interacts with the dataaspectratiomode and the axis limits.
- position - fourvector - The normalized coordinates of the plot box space.
Should be inside the rectable defined by outerposition.
- positionmode - {'auto','manual'} - the position mode is normally 'auto'
which means that FreeMat computes the position vector to fit the plot inside the outerposition
vector. If you set the position vector manually (using a set command), this mode
flag becomes 'manual' and remains that way until reset to @|'auto'.
- projection - Not used.
- selected - Not used.
- selectionhighlight - Not used.
- tag - A string that can be set to tag the axes with a name.
- textheight - scalar - This value is set by FreeMat to the height of the
current font in pixels.
- tickdir - {'in','out'} - The direction of ticks. Defaults to 'in' for 2D
plots, and 'out' for 3D plots if tickdirmode is auto.
- tickdirmode - {'auto','manual'} - When set to 'auto' the tickdir
defaults to 'in' for 2D plots, and 'out' for 3D plots.
- ticklength - two vector - The first element is the length of the tick in
2D plots, and the second is the length of the tick in the 3D plots. The lengths are
described as fractions of the longer dimension (width or height).
- tightinset - Not used.
- title - handle - The handle of the label used to represent the title of
the plot.
- type - string - Takes the value of 'axes' for objects of the axes type.
- units - Not used.
- userdata - array - An arbitrary array you can set to anything you want.
- visible - {'on','off'} - If set to 'on' the axes are drawn as normal.
If set to 'off', only the children of the axes are drawn. The plot box, axis lines,
and tick labels are not drawn.
- xaxislocation - {'top','bottom'} - Controls placement of the x axis.
- yaxislocation - {'left','right'} - Controls placement of the y axis.
- xcolor - colorspec - The color of the x elements including the the x axis
line, ticks, grid lines and tick labels
- ycolor - colorspec - The color of the y elements including the the y axis
line, ticks, grid lines and tick labels.
- zcolor - colorspec - The color of the z elements including the the z axis
line, ticks, grid lines and tick labels.
- xdir - {'normal','reverse'} - For normal, axes are drawn as you
would expect (e.g, in default 2D mode, the x axis has values increasing from left
to right. For reverse, the x axis has values increasing from right to left.
- ydir - {'normal','reverse'} - For normal, axes are drawn as you
would expect (e.g, in default 2D mode, the y axis has values increasing from bottom
to top. For reverse, the y axis has values increasing from top to bottom.
- zdir - {'normal','reverse'} - For normal, axes are drawn as you
would expect. In default 3D mode, the z axis has values increasing in some direction
(usually up). For reverse the z axis increases in the opposite direction.
- xgrid - {'on','off'} - Set to on to draw grid lines from ticks on
the x axis.
- ygrid - {'on','off'} - Set to on to draw grid lines from ticks on
the y axis.
- zgrid - {'on','off'} - Set to on to draw grid lines from ticks on
the z axis.
- xlabel - handle - The handle of the text label attached to the x axis.
The position of that label and the rotation angle is computed automatically by
- ylabel - handle - The handle of the text label attached to the y axis.
The position of that label and the rotation angle is computed automatically by
- zlabel - handle - The handle of the text label attached to the z axis.
The position of that label and the rotation angle is computed automatically by
- xlim - two vector - Contains the limits of the data along the x axis.
These are set automatically for xlimmode. When manually set it allows you to
zoom into the data. The first element of this vector should be the smallest x value
you want mapped to the axis, and the second element should be the largest.
- ylim - two vector - Contains the limits of the data along the y axis.
These are set automatically for ylimmode. When manually set it allows you to
zoom into the data. The first element of this vector should be the smallest y value
you want mapped to the axis, and the second element should be the largest.
- zlim - two vector - Contains the limits of the data along the z axis.
These are set automatically for zlimmode. When manually set it allows you to
zoom into the data. The first element of this vector should be the smallest z value
you want mapped to the axis, and the second element should be the largest.
- xlimmode - {'auto','manual'} - Determines if xlim is determined
automatically or if it is determined manually. When determined automatically, it
is chosen to span the data range (at least).
- ylimmode - {'auto','manual'} - Determines if ylim is determined
automatically or if it is determined manually. When determined automatically, it
is chosen to span the data range (at least).
- zlimmode - {'auto','manual'} - Determines if zlim is determined
automatically or if it is determined manually. When determined automatically, it
is chosen to span the data range (at least).
- xminorgrid - {'on','off'} - Set to on to draw grid lines from minor ticks on
the x axis.
- yminorgrid - {'on','off'} - Set to on to draw grid lines from minor ticks on
the y axis.
- zminorgrid - {'on','off'} - Set to on to draw grid lines from minor ticks on
the z axis.
- xscale - {'linear','log'} - Determines if the data on the x axis is linear or
logarithmically scaled.
- yscale - {'linear','log'} - Determines if the data on the y axis is linear or
logarithmically scaled.
- zscale - {'linear','log'} - Determines if the data on the z axis is linear or
logarithmically scaled.
- xtick - vector - A vector of x coordinates where ticks are placed on the
x axis. Setting this vector allows you complete control over the placement of ticks on
the axis.
- ytick - vector - A vector of y coordinates where ticks are placed on the
y axis. Setting this vector allows you complete control over the placement of ticks on
the axis.
- ztick - vector - A vector of z coordinates where ticks are placed on the
z axis. Setting this vector allows you complete control over the placement of ticks on
the axis.
- xticklabel - string vector - A string vector, of the form 'stringstring|string'|
that contains labels to assign to the labels on the axis. If this vector is shorter than
xtick, then FreeMat will cycle through the elements of this vector to fill out the labels.
- yticklabel - string vector - A string vector, of the form 'stringstring|string'|
that contains labels to assign to the labels on the axis. If this vector is shorter than
ytick, then FreeMat will cycle through the elements of this vector to fill out the labels.
- zticklabel - string vector - A string vector, of the form 'stringstring|string'|
that contains labels to assign to the labels on the axis. If this vector is shorter than
ztick, then FreeMat will cycle through the elements of this vector to fill out the labels.
- xtickmode - {'auto','manual'} - Set to 'auto' if you want FreeMat to calculate
the tick locations. Setting 'xtick' will cause this property to switch to 'manual'.
- ytickmode - {'auto','manual'} - Set to 'auto' if you want FreeMat to calculate
the tick locations. Setting 'ytick' will cause this property to switch to 'manual'.
- ztickmode - {'auto','manual'} - Set to 'auto' if you want FreeMat to calculate
the tick locations. Setting 'ztick' will cause this property to switch to 'manual'.
- xticklabelmode - {'auto','manual'} - Set to 'auto' if you want FreeMat to
set the tick labels. This will be based on the vector xtick.
- yticklabelmode - {'auto','manual'} - Set to 'auto' if you want FreeMat to
set the tick labels. This will be based on the vector ytick.
- zticklabelmode - {'auto','manual'} - Set to 'auto' if you want FreeMat to
set the tick labels. This will be based on the vector ztick.