/usr/share/help/C/hig/switches.page is in gnome-devel-docs 3.14.1-1.
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<credit type="author">
<name>Allan Day</name>
<include href="legal.xml" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"/>
<p>A switch is a simple interface element which has an on and off state.</p>
<media type="image" mime="image/svg" src="figures/ui-elements/switches.svg"/>
<section id="when-to-use">
<title>When to use</title>
<p>Switches should be used for controlling services or hardware that have a clear on/off logic. They are particularly appropriate when those services or hardware do not activate immediately (ie. there is a delay between the switch being operated and it having an effect), or when they affect the operation of the application in a significant way.</p>
<p>When the control does not turn a function on or off, or when a function does not clearly have an on/off nature, a <link xref="check-boxes">check box</link> is a more appropriate option. For example, an alarm might be controlled using a switch, since it can be turned on or off. However, a check box is a better choice for an option to repeat that alarm on a daily basis, since alarm repetition is a configuration option, rather than starting or stopping a particular piece of functionality.</p>
<p>When in doubt, use switches for important configuration options, and check boxes for minor sub-options.</p>
<section id="switch-labels">
<title>Switch labels</title>
<p>Switch labels should be written using <link xref="writing-style#capitalization">header capitalization</link>. The name of the function affected by the switch should be used as the label. <gui>Automatic Location</gui> or <gui>Notifications</gui> are examples of good switch labels.</p>