/usr/share/help/it/gnome-help/keyboard-key-menu.page is in gnome-user-guide 3.14.1-1.
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<page xmlns="http://projectmallard.org/1.0/" xmlns:its="http://www.w3.org/2005/11/its" type="topic" style="question" id="keyboard-key-menu" xml:lang="it">
<link type="guide" xref="keyboard" group="a11y"/>
<link type="seealso" xref="shell-keyboard-shortcuts"/>
<link type="seealso" xref="a11y#mobility" group="keyboard"/>
<revision pkgversion="3.7.91" version="0.2" date="2013-03-16" status="new"/>
<revision pkgversion="3.13.92" date="2014-09-22" status="review"/>
<credit type="author">
<name>Juanjo Marin</name>
<credit type="editor">
<name>Ekaterina Gerasimova</name>
<include xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" href="legal.xml"/>
<desc>The <key>Menu</key> key launches a context menu with the keyboard
rather than with a right-click.</desc>
<mal:credit xmlns:mal="http://projectmallard.org/1.0/" type="translator copyright">
<mal:name>Luca Ferretti</mal:name>
<mal:years>2011, 2012</mal:years>
<mal:credit xmlns:mal="http://projectmallard.org/1.0/" type="translator copyright">
<mal:name>Flavia Weisghizzi</mal:name>
<mal:years>2011, 2012</mal:years>
<title>Cos'รจ il tasto <key>Menu</key>?</title>
<p>The <key>Menu</key> key, also known as the <em>Application</em> key, is a
key found on some Windows-oriented keyboards. This key is usually on the
bottom-right of the keyboard, next to the <key>Ctrl</key> key, but it can be
placed in a different location by keyboard manufacturers. Its is usually
depicted as a cursor hovering above a menu:
<media its:translate="no" type="image" mime="image/svg" src="figures/keyboard-key-menu.svg">
<key>Menu</key> key icon</media>.</p>
<p>The primary function of this key is to launch a context menu with the
keyboard rather than by clicking the right mouse button: this is useful if
mouse or a similar device is not available, or when the right mouse button is
not present.</p>
<p>The <key>Menu</key> key is sometimes omitted in the interest of space,
particularly on portable and laptop keyboards. In this case, some keyboards
include a <key>Menu</key> function key that can be activated in combination
with the Function (<key>Fn</key>) key.</p>
<p>The <em>context menu</em> is a menu that pops up when you right-click. The
menu that you see, if any, is dependent on the context and function of the
area that you right-clicked. When you use the <key>Menu</key> key, the
context menu is shown for the area of the screen that your cursor is over at
the point when the key is pressed.</p>