/usr/share/help/lv/gnome-help/sound-nosound.page is in gnome-user-guide 3.14.1-1.
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<page xmlns="http://projectmallard.org/1.0/" type="topic" style="problem" id="sound-nosound" xml:lang="lv">
<link type="guide" xref="sound-broken"/>
<revision pkgversion="3.4.0" date="2012-02-19" status="outdated"/>
<revision pkgversion="3.13.92" date="2014-09-22" status="review"/>
<credit type="author">
<name>GNOME dokumentācijas projekts</name>
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<desc>Check that it is not muted, that cables are plugged in properly, and
that the sound card is detected.</desc>
<title>Es nedzirdu nekādas skaņas no datora</title>
<p>If you cannot hear any sounds on your computer, for example when you try
to play music, try these troubleshooting steps to see if you can fix the
<section id="mute">
<title>Pārliecinieties, ka skaņa nav apklusināta</title>
<p>Open the <gui xref="shell-terminology">system menu</gui> from the right
side of the top bar and make sure that the sound is not muted or turned right
<p>Dažiem klēpjdatoriem ir skaņas atslēgšanas slēdži vai pogas uz tastatūrām—pamēģiniet nospiest šo taustiņu, lai pārbaudītu, vai tas ieslēdz skaņu.</p>
<p>You should also check that you have not muted the application that you are
using to play sound (for example, your music player or movie player). The
application may have a mute or volume button in its main window, so check
that. Also, open <app>Settings</app> from the <gui>Activities</gui> overview
and click <gui>Sound</gui>. Go to the <gui>Applications</gui> tab and check
that your application is not muted.</p>
<section id="speakers">
<title>Pārliecinieties, ka skaļruņi ir ieslēgti un pareizi savienoti</title>
<p>If your computer has external speakers, make sure that they are turned on
and that the volume is turned up. Make sure that the speaker cable is securely
plugged into the "output" audio socket on your computer. This socket
is usually light green in color.</p>
<p>Dažas skaņu kartes spēj pārslēgt kontaktu, kuru izmanto izejai (skaļruņiem) un ieejai (piemēram, mikrofonam). Izejas kontakts Linux var atšķirties no tā, kurš ir, piemēram, Windows vai Mac OS. Pamēģiniet pieslēgt atskaņotāju citā kontaktā, lai pārbaudītu, vai tas strādā. </p>
<p>Pēdējā lieta, ko pārbaudīt ir tas, vai audio kabelis ir droši iesprausts skaļruņu aizmugurē. Dažiem skaļruņiem var būt vairāk nekā viena ieeja.</p>
<section id="device">
<title>Pārbaudiet, vai pareizā skaņas ierīce ir izvēlēta</title>
<p>Dažiem datoriem ir instalētas vairākas "skaņu ierīces". Dažas no tām var atskaņot skaņu, bet dažas nē, tāpēc vajadzētu pārbaudīt, vai ir izvēlēta pareizā ierīce. Šeit varētu būt nepieciešami vairāki izmēģinājumi, lai atrastu pareizo.</p>
<p>Atveriet <link xref="shell-terminology">aktivitāšu</link> pārskatu un sāciet rakstīt <gui>Skaņa</gui>.</p>
<p>Spiediet <gui>Skaņa</gui>, lai atvērtu paneli.</p>
<p>In the <gui>Output</gui> tab. Make a note of which device and which
profile are selected (so you can return to the default selections if
changing them does not work).</p>
<p>Izvēlētajai ierīcei pamēģiniet nomainīt profilu—nospēlējiet skaņu pēc profila maiņas, lai redzētu, vai tas strādās. Varbūt vajadzēs iet cauri visam sarakstam un izmēģināt visus profilus.</p>
<p>If that does not work, you might want to try doing the same for any
other devices that are listed.</p>
<section id="hardware-detected">
<title>Pārbaudiet, vai skaņu karte tika pareizi atpazīta</title>
<p>Your sound card may not have been detected properly. If this has happened,
your computer will think that it is not able to play sound. A possible reason
for the card not being detected properly is that the drivers for the card are
not installed. You may need to manually install the drivers for the card.
How you do this will depend on the card you have.</p>
<p>You can see what sound card you have by using the <cmd>lspci</cmd> command
in the Terminal. Go to the <gui>Activities</gui> overview and open a Terminal.
You may have to run <cmd>lspci</cmd> as
<link xref="user-admin-explain">superuser</link>; either type
<cmd>sudo lspci</cmd> and type your password, or type <cmd>su</cmd>, enter
the <em>root</em> (administrative) password, then type <cmd>lspci</cmd>. See
if an <em>audio controller</em> or <em>audio device</em> is listed—it should
have the make and model number of the sound card. <cmd>lspci -v</cmd> will
show a list with more detailed information.</p>
<p>You may be able to find and install drivers for your card. It is best to
ask on support forums (or otherwise) for your Linux distribution for
<p>If you cannot get drivers for your sound card, you might prefer to buy a
new sound card. You can get sound cards that can be installed inside the
computer and external USB sound cards.</p>