/usr/share/help/mr/gnome-help/bluetooth-turn-on-off.page is in gnome-user-guide 3.14.1-1.
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<page xmlns="http://projectmallard.org/1.0/" xmlns:if="http://projectmallard.org/if/1.0/" xmlns:its="http://www.w3.org/2005/11/its" type="guide" style="task" version="1.0 if/1.0" id="bluetooth-turn-on-off" xml:lang="mr">
<link type="guide" xref="bluetooth" group="#first"/>
<revision pkgversion="3.4.0" date="2012-02-19" status="outdated"/>
<revision pkgversion="3.10" date="2013-11-09" status="review"/>
<revision pkgversion="3.12" date="2014-03-04" status="candidate"/>
<revision pkgversion="3.13.92" date="2014-09-21" status="candidate"/>
<credit type="author">
<name>Jim Campbell</name>
<email its:translate="no">jwcampbell@gmail.com</email>
<credit type="author">
<name>Shaun McCance</name>
<email its:translate="no">shaunm@gnome.org</email>
<credit type="editor">
<name>Michael Hill</name>
<email its:translate="no">mdhillca@gmail.com</email>
<credit type="editor">
<name>Ekaterina Gerasimova</name>
<email its:translate="no">kittykat3756@gmail.com</email>
<include xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" href="legal.xml"/>
<desc>तुमच्या संगणकावर ब्लुटुथ उपकरण लागू किंव बंद करा.</desc>
<mal:credit xmlns:mal="http://projectmallard.org/1.0/" type="translator copyright">
<mal:name>Aniket Deshpande <djaniketster@gmail.com>, 2013; संदिप शेडमाके</mal:name>
<title>ब्लुटुथ बंद किंवा सुरु करा</title>
<if:when test="platform:unity">
<p>You can turn Bluetooth on to connect to other Bluetooth devices, or turn
it off to conserve power. To turn Bluetooth on, click the Bluetooth icon in
the menu bar and switch <gui>Bluetooth</gui> to <gui>ON</gui>.</p>
<p>You can turn Bluetooth on to connect to other Bluetooth devices, or turn
it off to conserve power. To turn Bluetooth on:</p>
<p>Open the <gui xref="shell-terminology">Activities</gui> overview and
start typing <gui>Bluetooth</gui>.</p>
<p>Click on <gui>Bluetooth</gui> to open the panel.</p>
<p>Set the switch at the top to <gui>ON</gui>.</p>
<if:when test="platform:unity">
<p>अनेक लॅपटॉप संगणकांकडे हार्डवेअर स्विच किंवा ब्लुटुथ सुरू आणि बंद करण्यासाठी कि जोडणी उपलब्ध आहे. ब्लुटुथ हार्डवेअर बंद केल्यास, तुम्हाला मेन्यु पट्टीत ब्लुटुथ चिन्ह आढळणार नाही. तुमच्या संगणकावरील स्विच किंवा कळफलकवरील किकरिता पहा. कळफलक किकरिता बहुतांशवेळी <key>Fn</key> किच्या मदतीने प्रवेश प्राप्त केला जातो.</p>
<p>Many laptop computers have a hardware switch or key combination to turn
Bluetooth on and off. Look for a switch on your computer or a key on your
keyboard. The keyboard key is often accessed with the help of the
<key>Fn</key> key.</p>
<if:when test="platform:unity">
<p>To turn Bluetooth off, click the Bluetooth icon and switch
<gui>Bluetooth</gui> to <gui>OFF</gui>.</p>
<p>To turn Bluetooth off:</p>
<p>Open the <gui xref="shell-terminology">system menu</gui> from the
right side of the top bar.</p>
<p>Select <gui>Bluetooth</gui>. The Bluetooth section of the menu will
<p>Select <gui>Turn Off</gui>.</p>
<if:when test="platform:unity">
<note><p>तुमचे संगणक <link xref="bluetooth-visibility">दृष्यास्पद</link> असते, जर ब्लुटूथ मेन्युमध्ये <gui>दृष्य</gui> यास <gui>सुरू करा</gui> असे सेट केले असेल.</p></note>
<note><p>तुमचे संगणक <link xref="bluetooth-visibility">दृष्यास्पद</link> असते, <gui>ब्लुटूथ</gui> पटल खुले असेपर्यंत.</p></note>