/usr/share/help/nl/gnome-help/power-suspendfail.page is in gnome-user-guide 3.14.1-1.
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<page xmlns="http://projectmallard.org/1.0/" type="topic" style="problem" id="power-suspendfail" xml:lang="nl">
<link type="guide" xref="power#problems"/>
<link type="guide" xref="hardware-problems-graphics"/>
<revision pkgversion="3.4.0" date="2012-02-20" status="review"/>
<desc>Some computer hardware causes problems with suspend or hibernate.</desc>
<credit type="author">
<credit type="author">
<name>Ekaterina Gerasimova</name>
<include xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" href="legal.xml"/>
<title>Why does my computer not turn back on after I suspended it?</title>
<p>If you <link xref="power-suspend">suspend</link> or <link xref="power-hibernate">hibernate</link> your computer, then try to resume it or
turn it back on, you may find that it does not work as you expected. This could
be because suspend and hibernate are not supported properly by your
<section id="resume">
<title>My computer is suspended and is not resuming</title>
<p>If you suspend your computer and then press a key or click the mouse, it
should wake up and display a screen asking for your password. If this does
not happen, try pressing the power button (do not hold it in, just press it
<p>If this still does not help, make sure that your computer's monitor is
switched on and try pressing a key on the keyboard again.</p>
<p>As a last resort, turn off the computer by holding in the power button for
5-10 seconds, although you will lose any unsaved work by doing this. You
should then be able to turn on the computer again.</p>
<p>If this happens every time you suspend your computer, the suspend
feature may not work with your hardware.</p>
<note style="warning">
<p>If your computer loses power and does not have an alternative power
supply (such as a working battery), it will switch off.</p>
<section id="hibernate">
<title>Geen van mijn toepassingen/documenten is geopend wanneer ik de computer weer aanzet</title>
<p>Als u uw computer in de slaapstand heeft gezet en hem daarna weer aanzet, maar geen van uw documenten of toepassingen is geopend, dan is waarschijnlijk het in de slaapstand zetten niet goed gegaan. Soms gebeurt dit vanwege een klein probleem en de volgende keer dat u de slaapstand gebruikt zal het wel lukken. Het kan ook gebeuren doordat u een software-update geïnstalleerd had waarvoor het nodig is de computer opnieuw te starten; in dit geval kan het zijn dat de computer werd afgesloten in plaats van in de slaapstand te belanden.</p>
<p>It is also possible that the computer is not capable of hibernating
because the hardware does not support it properly. This might be because of a
problem with Linux drivers for your hardware, for example. You can test this
by hibernating again and seeing if it works the second time. If it does not,
it is probably a problem with drivers on your computer.</p>
<section id="hardware">
<title>My wireless connection (or other hardware) does not work when I wake
up my computer</title>
<p>If you suspend or hibernate your computer and then resume it again, you
may find that your internet connection, mouse, or some other device does not
work properly. This could be because the driver for the device does not
properly support suspend or hibernate. This is a <link xref="hardware-driver">problem with the driver</link> and not the device
<p>Als het apparaat een aan/uit-knop heeft, probeer het dan uit en weer aan te zetten. In de meeste gevallen zal het apparaat weer werken. Als het aangesloten is via een USB-kabel kunt u het apparaat afkoppelen en weer aansluiten en kijken of het dan werkt.</p>
<p>If you cannot turn off/unplug the device, or if this does not work, you
may need to restart your computer for the device to start working again.</p>