/usr/share/help/nl/gnome-help/printing-2sided.page is in gnome-user-guide 3.14.1-1.
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<page xmlns="http://projectmallard.org/1.0/" type="guide" style="task" id="printing-2sided" xml:lang="nl">
<link type="guide" xref="printing#paper"/>
<revision pkgversion="3.4.0" date="2012-02-19" status="candidate"/>
<revision pkgversion="3.13.92" date="2014-09-22" status="candidate"/>
<credit type="author">
<name>Phil Bull</name>
<credit type="author">
<name>Jim Campbell</name>
<include xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" href="legal.xml"/>
<desc>Aan beide kanten van het papier afdrukken, of meerdere pagina's per vel.</desc>
<title>Tweezijdig afdrukken en multipagina-opmaak</title>
<p>To print on both sides of each sheet of paper:</p>
<p>Open the print dialog. This can normally be done through
<gui style="menuitem">Print</gui> in the menu or using the
<keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>P</key></keyseq> keyboard shortcut.</p>
<p>Go to the <gui>Page Setup</gui> tab of the Print window and choose an
option from the <gui>Two-sided</gui> drop-down list. If the option is
disabled, two-sided printing is not available for your printer.</p>
<p>Printers handle two-sided printing in different ways. It is a good
idea to experiment with your printer to see how it works.</p>
<p>U kunt ook meer dan één pagina van het document per <em>bladzijde</em> afdrukken. Gebruik de optie <gui>Pagina's per bladzijde</gui> om dit te doen.</p>
<p>The availability of these options may depend on the type of printer you
have, as well as the application you are using. This option may not always
be available.</p>