/usr/share/hol88-2.02.19940316/ml/gen.ml is in hol88-source 2.02.19940316-28.
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% HOL 88 Version 2.0 %
% %
% FILE NAME: gen.ml %
% %
% DESCRIPTION: General purpose functions for ML %
% %
% USES FILES: hol-lcf lisp files, ml-curry.ml, lis.ml %
% %
% University of Cambridge %
% Hardware Verification Group %
% Computer Laboratory %
% New Museums Site %
% Pembroke Street %
% Cambridge CB2 3QG %
% England %
% %
% COPYRIGHT: University of Edinburgh %
% COPYRIGHT: University of Cambridge %
% %
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
% Use the character "sep" to split the token into non-empty words %
% %
% words2 `/` `abc//d/ef/` --> [`abc`; `d`; `ef`] %
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
let words2 sep string =
snd (itlist (\ch (chs,tokl).
if ch = sep then
if null chs then [],tokl
else [], (implode chs . tokl)
else (ch.chs), tokl)
(sep . explode string)
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
% words `are you there` --> [`are`; `you`; `there`] %
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
let words = words2 ` `;;
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
% maptok f `are you there` = [f `are`; f `you`; f `there`] %
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
let maptok f tok = map f (words tok);;
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
% Loading abbreviations. %
% %
% loadx added by MJCG for HOL88.1.05 on April 6 1989 %
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
let loadt tok = load (tok,true) and loadf tok = load (tok,false);;
let compilet tok = compile (tok,true) and compilef tok = compile (tok,false);;
% Deleted TFM 90.12.01 %
% let loadx tok = load(tok, get_flag_value `print_lib`);; %
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
% Token concatenation %
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
let concat tok1 tok2 = implode(explode tok1 @ explode tok2) ;;
let concatl tokl = implode (itlist append (map explode tokl) []);;
ml_curried_infix `^`;;
let $^ = concat;;
let message tok = print_string tok; print_newline();;
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
% combinators, as in Curry & Feys %
% CB added: TFM 91.09.13 %
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
ml_paired_infix `o`;;
ml_paired_infix `#`;;
ml_paired_infix `oo`;;
ml_curried_infix `CB`;;
let $o(f,g)x = f(g x) ;;
let $CB f g x = g(f x) ;;
let $# (f,g) (x,y) = (f x, g y);;
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
% Composition for a function that takes a paired argument %
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
let $oo (f,(g,h)) x = f(g x, h x);;
let I x = x;;
let K x y = x;;
let KI = K I;; % Dual of K; K and KI are analogs of fst and snd%
let C f x y = f y x % the permutator %
and W f x = f x x % the duplicator %
and B f g x = f (g x) % the compositor, curried form of "o" %
and S f g x = f x (g x);;
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
% S, K, I permit the definition of lambda-abstraction %
% \x.x = I actually unnecessary, since I = S K K) %
% \x.A = K A where A is a constant or a variable other than x %
% \x.(A B) = S (\x.A) (\x.B) %
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
ml_paired_infix `Co`;;
let $Co (f,g) x y = f (g y) x;; % permutation-composition %
% Ainsi nomme car $Co (f,g) = C (f o g) %
let pair x y = (x,y);;
let curry f x y = f(x,y);;
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
% sequencing operators for functions [Deleted: TFM 90.09.19] %
% %
% ml_curried_infix `thenf` ;; %
% ml_curried_infix `orelsef` ;; %
% %
% let thenf f g x = g(f x);; %
% let orelsef f g x = f x ? g x;; %
% let all_fun x = x;; %
% let no_fun x = failwith `no_fun`;; %
% let first_fun fl x = %
% itlist $orelsef fl no_fun x ? failwith `first_fun`;; %
% let every_fun fl x = %
% itlist $thenf fl all_fun x ? failwith `first_fun`;; %
% letrec repeatf f x = (f thenf (repeatf f) elsef I) x;; %
% letrec repeatf f x = (f thenf (repeatf f)) x ? x;; %
% %
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
let can f x = (f x ; true) ? false ;;
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
% Check that the value x satisfies the predicate p; if so, pass x on. %
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
let assert p x = if p x then x else fail ;;
let syserror tok =
print_string `ML system error `;
print_string tok;
failwith `syserror`;;
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
% Provides a simple backtrace, since it prefixes a token to the previous%
% failure token. Warning: this %
% (1) slows down failure propagation. %
% (2) works only with the innermost lambda of a curried function. %
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
let set_fail_prefix tok ff arg =
ff arg ?\tail failwith (concatl [tok; ` -- `; tail]);;
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
% Set a function's failure token %
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
let set_fail tok ff arg = ff arg ? failwith tok;;
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
% f^n (x) = f(f....(f x)) %
% Changed to treat -ve arguments as zero, i.e. return x [JRH 94.01.29] %
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
letrec funpow n f x =
if n < 1 then x
else funpow (n-1) f (f x);;
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
% "<<" Added by MJCG for HOL88.1.01 %
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
ml_paired_infix `<<`;;
% ===================================================================== %
% The following were added by MJCG for HOL88.1.02. Revised by TFM for %
% version 1.12 on 1 December 1990. %
% ===================================================================== %
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
% HOLdir no longer used [TFM 90.12.01] %
% %
% letref HOLdir = `<holdir>`;; %
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
% Functions for loading files from a library %
% %
% DELETED: access the library through the search path. [TFM 90.12.01] %
% %
% let load_from_lib t lib file = %
% load((HOLdir ^ `/Library/` ^ lib ^ `/` ^ file),t);; %
% %
% let loadt_from_lib = load_from_lib true %
% and loadf_from_lib = load_from_lib false;; %
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
% Function for resetting various paths relative to a new HOL root %
% directory. [REVISED: TFM 90.12.01] %
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
let install =
let helps = [`/help/ENTRIES/`] in
\st. print_string (`HOL installed (\`` ^ st ^ `\`)`);
lisp (`(setq %hol-dir (quote |` ^ st ^ `|))`);
lisp (`(setq %lib-dir (quote |` ^ st ^ `/Library|))`);
set_search_path [``; `~/`; st ^ `/theories/`];
set_library_search_path [st ^ `/Library/`];
set_help_search_path (map (concat st) helps);
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
% Functions for adding to the search path [DELETED TFM 90.12.01] %
% %
% let add_to_search_path p = set_search_path(p.search_path());; %
% let append_to_search_path p = set_search_path(search_path()@[p]);; %
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %