/usr/share/hol88-2.02.19940316/ml/hol-rule.ml is in hol88-source 2.02.19940316-28.
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% HOL 88 Version 2.0 %
% %
% FILE NAME: hol-rule.ml %
% %
% DESCRIPTION: Primitive inference rules for HOL %
% %
% USES FILES: basic-hol lisp files, bool.th, hol-syn.ml %
% %
% University of Cambridge %
% Hardware Verification Group %
% Computer Laboratory %
% New Museums Site %
% Pembroke Street %
% Cambridge CB2 3QG %
% England %
% %
% COPYRIGHT: University of Edinburgh %
% COPYRIGHT: University of Cambridge %
% %
% Must be compiled in the presence of the hol parser/pretty printer %
% This loads genfns.ml and hol-syn.ml too. %
if compiling then (loadf `ml/hol-in-out`) else ();;
% First we load the definitions from the theory bool %
let T_DEF = definition `bool` `T_DEF`
and F_DEF = definition `bool` `F_DEF`
and FORALL_DEF = definition `bool` `FORALL_DEF`
and AND_DEF = definition `bool` `AND_DEF`
and OR_DEF = definition `bool` `OR_DEF`
and EXISTS_DEF = definition `bool` `EXISTS_DEF`
and NOT_DEF = definition `bool` `NOT_DEF`
and EXISTS_UNIQUE_DEF = definition `bool` `EXISTS_UNIQUE_DEF`
and LET_DEF = definition `bool` `LET_DEF`
and UNCURRY_DEF = definition `bool` `UNCURRY_DEF`
and CURRY_DEF = definition `bool` `CURRY_DEF`
and COND_DEF = definition `bool` `COND_DEF`;;
% Deleted: TFM 91.01.20 %
% and IFF_DEF = definition `bool` `IFF_DEF` %
% and FCOND_DEF = definition `bool` `FCOND_DEF`;; %
% The definition of TYPE_DEFINITION might as well also be loaded. %
let TYPE_DEFINITION = definition `bool` `TYPE_DEFINITION`;;
% then the axioms %
let BOOL_CASES_AX = axiom `bool` `BOOL_CASES_AX`
and IMP_ANTISYM_AX = axiom `bool` `IMP_ANTISYM_AX`
and ETA_AX = axiom `bool` `ETA_AX`
and SELECT_AX = axiom `bool` `SELECT_AX`;;
% then the pairing theorems (the ARB_THM is there so the file
can be loaded before the type ":prod" has been defined, see
hol/theories/mk_bool.ml). %
% Added: PAIR_EQ (TFM 88.03.31) %
let PAIR = theorem `bool` `PAIR` ? ARB_THM
and FST = theorem `bool` `FST` ? ARB_THM
and SND = theorem `bool` `SND` ? ARB_THM
and PAIR_EQ = theorem `bool` `PAIR_EQ` ? ARB_THM;;
% Finally we define the primitive inference rules %
% Introduce an assumption
A |- A
let ASSUME w =
fst(mk_thm([w],w), RecordStep(AssumeStep w)) ? failwith`ASSUME`;;
% Reflexivity
"t" ---> |- t=t
let REFL t =
fst(mk_thm([], mk_eq(t,t)), RecordStep(ReflStep t)) ? failwith `REFL`;;
% Substitution
A1 |- ti = ui , A2 |- t[ti]
A1 u A2 |- t[ui]
let SUBST thvars w lhsthm =
(let ths,vars = split thvars in
let ls, rs = split (map (dest_eq o concl) ths) in
if aconv (subst (combine(ls,vars)) w) (concl lhsthm)
fst(mk_thm( hyp_union(lhsthm . ths), subst(combine(rs,vars)) w),
RecordStep(SubstStep(thvars, w, lhsthm)))
else fail
)? failwith `SUBST` ;;
% Beta-conversion
"(\x.t1)t2" ---> |- (\x.t1)t2 = t1[t2/x]
let BETA_CONV t =
(let f,v = dest_comb t in
let x,u = dest_abs f in
fst(mk_thm([], mk_eq(t,subst[v,x]u)), RecordStep(BetaConvStep t))
% Antiquotation removed TFM 90.07.10 %
) ? failwith `BETA_CONV`;;
% Abstraction
A |- t1 = t2
----------------------- (provided x is not free in A)
A |- (\x.t1) = (\x.t2)
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
% OPTIMIZED: [TFM 90.06.27] %
% %
% Original code: %
% %
% let ABS x th = %
% (let t1,t2 = dest_eq(concl th) %
% in %
% if mem x (freesl(hyp th)) %
% then fail %
% else mk_thm(hyp th, "(\^x.^t1)=(\^x.^t2)") %
% ) ? failwith `ABS`;; %
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
let ABS x th =
(let hy,t1,t2 = (I # dest_eq)(dest_thm th)
if mem x (freesl hy)
then fail
else fst(mk_thm(hy, mk_eq(mk_abs(x,t1),mk_abs(x,t2))),
) ? failwith `ABS`;;
%Instantiate types
A |- t
------------------------------------- (where type variables vtyi not in A)
A |- t[ty1,...,tyn/vty1,...,vtyn]
%< Original code:
let INST_TYPE inst_tylist th =
if null inst_tylist then th
(let asl,w = dest_thm th
and tyvl = map ((assert is_vartype) o snd) inst_tylist in
if exists (\ty. exists (type_in ty) asl) tyvl then fail
else mk_thm(asl, inst (freesl asl) inst_tylist w)
) ? failwith `INST_TYPE` ;;
This failed to check for variable capture (spotted by Roger Jones' team
at ICL Defence Systems). The new code uses a Lisp coded check:
inst_rename_list : term -> term list
which returns a list of variables in a term that are in the scope of
a lambda binding of a variable with the same name but different type.
Such bound variables are renamed if their type is instantiated.
As a slight optimization (to compensate for the loss of performance due to the
extra checking in inst_rename_list) the validity testing for INST_TYPE has
been efficiently coded in Lisp via a dml-ed function:
inst_check : (type # type) list # term list -> term list
A call
inst_check [(ty1,v1); ... ;(tyn,vn)] [tm1; ... ;tmn]
returns the list of free variables in tm1, ..., tmn if:
(i) each vi is a type variable, and
(ii) none of the vi occurs in any of the tm1, ... ,tmn
if (i) or (ii) fails to hold the call fails.
let INST_TYPE inst_tylist th =
if null inst_tylist then th
(let asl,w = dest_thm th
let vars = inst_check(inst_tylist,asl)
fst(mk_thm(asl, inst((inst_rename_list w)@vars) inst_tylist w),
% Discharging an assumption
A |- t2
-------------------- ("A-{t1}" is the set subtraction of {t1} from A)
A-{t1} |- t1 ==> t2
let DISCH w th =
fst(mk_thm(disch(w,hyp th), mk_imp(w,concl th)),
RecordStep(DischStep(w,th))) ? failwith`DISCH`;;
% Modus Ponens
A1 |- t1 ==> t2 , A2 |- t2
A1 u A2 |- t2
CHANGED by WW 24 Jan 94.
Due to some historical reasons, dest_imp also destruct negation and
convert it iinto an implication with F in the conclusio. Therefore, the
old code shown below performs extra inferences. E.g.
MP (A1 |- ~t) (A2 |- t) = (A1,A2 |- F).
The new code implements a strict primitive MP rule. The behaviour of
the old MP rule is implemented by NOT_MP in hol-drule.ml.
let MP thi th =
(let wa,wc = dest_imp (concl thi) in
if aconv wa (concl th)
then fst(mk_thm(union(hyp thi) (hyp th), wc), RecordStep(MpStep(thi,th)))
else fail) ? failwith `MP`;;
let MP thi th =
(let ((c,wa),wc) = (dest_comb # I) (dest_comb (concl thi)) in
if not((fst (dest_const c)) = `==>`) then failwith `not an implication`
else if aconv wa (concl th)
then fst(mk_thm(union(hyp thi) (hyp th), wc), RecordStep(MpStep(thi,th)))
else failwith `theorem does not alpha-convert to antecedent` )
?\s failwith (`MP: `^s);;