/usr/share/hol88-2.02.19940316/ml/hol-thyfn.ml is in hol88-source 2.02.19940316-28.
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% HOL 88 Version 2.0 %
% %
% FILE NAME: hol-thyfn.ml %
% %
% DESCRIPTION: Definitions of functions for creating and accessing %
% theories %
% %
% USES FILES: basic-hol lisp files, bool.th, genfns.ml, hol-syn.ml %
% (commented-out code depends on other ml files as well)%
% %
% University of Cambridge %
% Hardware Verification Group %
% Computer Laboratory %
% New Museums Site %
% Pembroke Street %
% Cambridge CB2 3QG %
% England %
% %
% COPYRIGHT: University of Edinburgh %
% COPYRIGHT: University of Cambridge %
% %
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
% Must be compiled in the presence of the hol parser/pretty printer %
% This loads genfns.ml and hol-syn.ml too. %
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
if compiling then (loadf `ml/hol-in-out`);;
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
% ML for coding assumptions so that %
% these can be restored on reading in theorems. %
% %
% This feature DELETED: TFM 90.12.01 %
% Restored for storing theorems only: TFM 91.04.27 %
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
% Section in which IS_ASSUMPTION_OF hack is implemented. %
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
begin_section IS_ASSUMPTION_OF;;
let IS_ASSUMPTION_OF = definition `bool` `IS_ASSUMPTION_OF`;;
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
% %
% A, t1 |- t2 %
% --------------------------- %
% A |- t1 IS_ASSUMPTION_OF t2 %
% %
% let ASSUMPTION_DISCH t1 th = %
% EQ_MP (SYM(SPEC(concl th)(SPEC t1 IS_ASSUMPTION_OF))) (DISCH t1 th) %
% ? failwith `ASSUMPTION_DISCH`;; %
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
mk_thm(disch(t1,hyp th), "^t1 IS_ASSUMPTION_OF ^(concl th)")
? failwith`ASSUMPTION_DISCH`;;
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
% %
% A |- t1 IS_ASSUMPTION_OF t2 %
% --------------------------- %
% t1, A1 |- t2 %
% %
% (let ((),t1),t2 = ((dest_comb # I) o dest_comb o concl) th %
% in %
% ) ? failwith `ASSUMPTION_UNDISCH`;; %
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
(let (C,t1),t2 = ((dest_comb # I) o dest_comb o concl) th
if fst(dest_const C)=`IS_ASSUMPTION_OF`
then mk_thm(union[t1](hyp th),t2)
else fail
) ? failwith `ASSUMPTION_UNDISCH`;;
let save_thm(name,th) =
(save_thm(name, ASSUMPTION_DISCH_ALL th));;
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
% Functions for dealing with the theorems of a theory. %
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
let theorem thy thm = ASSUMPTION_UNDISCH_ALL(theorem thy thm);;
let delete_thm thy thm = ASSUMPTION_UNDISCH_ALL(delete_thm thy thm);;
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
% Revised: no ASSUMPTION_UNDISCH_ALL [TFM 90.12.01] %
% %
% Note that this OVERWRITES the ML function "theorems". %
% %
% ASSUMPTION_UNDISCH_ALL restored [TFM 91.04.27] %
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
let theorems thy =
then fail
(theorems thy);;
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
% End of section and export of values. %
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
end_section IS_ASSUMPTION_OF;;
let (save_thm,theorem,delete_thm,theorems) = it;;
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
% Get the (proper) ancestors of a theory. %
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
%< Deleted by WW 05-07-93. A faster implementation is in hol-syn.ml
let ancestors =
letrec f st = let ths = parents st in itlist union (map f ths) ths in
\st. f st ? failwith `ancestors: ` ^ st ^ ` is not an ancestor`;; >%
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
% Functions for dealing with the constants of a theory. %
% %
% In HOL88 the ML function constants returns all constants, %
% including binders and infixes. %
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
% The following definition masks the old value of "constants". %
let constants =
let pp_constants = constants in
\thy. union (pp_constants thy) (infixes thy);;
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
% Functions for dealing with the axioms and definitions of a theory. %
% %
% HOL88 versions of the ML functions definition and definitions %
% apply ASSUMPTION_UNDISCH_ALL to a stored definition. %
% %
% Use of ASSUMPTION_UNDISCH_ALL deleted [TFM 90.12.01] %
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
% The following definition masks the old value of "axioms". %
% %
% Conditional call to ASSUMPTION_UNDISCH_ALL deleted (conditional on %
% a undisch_defs flag. [TFM 90.12.01] %
% Adding proof recording for the function definition. [WW 6 Dec. 93] %
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
let (axioms,definition,definitions) =
let pp_axioms = axioms in
let dest_asm_definition t =
let C,t1 = dest_comb t in
if fst(dest_const C)=`HOL_DEFINITION`
then (mk_thm([],t1)) else fail in
(filter(\ (tok,th). not(is_definition(concl th))) o pp_axioms,
(\thy name.
fst(dest_asm_definition(concl(pp_axiom thy name)),
RecordStep(DefinitionStep(thy,name))) ? failwith `definition`),
(mapfilter(\ (tok,th). (tok, dest_asm_definition(concl th))) o
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
% Apply ASSUMPTION_UNDISCH_ALL to output of new_specification. %
% Can't do this in the original definition in hol-syn.ml because %
% ASSUMPTION_UNDISCH_ALL is not defined there. %
% Should really reorganize source files! %
% %
% Calls to ASSUMPTION_UNDISCH_ALL removed, so this no longer needed %
% %
% let new_specification defname flag_name_list th = %
% let defth = new_specification defname flag_name_list th %
% in %
% if get_flag_value`undisch_defs` %
% else defth;; %
% %
% [TFM 90.12.01] %
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
% print_theory : print the contents of a theory. %
% %
% MJCG 31/1/89 for HOL88: print current theory name instead of `-`. %
% %
% Utilities for print_theory made local. [TFM 90.04.24] %
% %
% The utilities are: %
% %
% print_tok_ty : Print a token and type for constants and infixes. %
% %
% print_tok_thm : Print a labelled theorem (or axiom) %
% %
% apply_type_op : Create an example type using arguments of the form %
% *, **, ***, etc. %
% %
% print_tok_all_thm : Print a labelled theorem with its assumptions %
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
% print_list : Print a non-empty list, labelled with name, using %
% a supplied printing function prfn. %
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
let print_list incon name prfn l =
if not (null l) then
do (print_begin 2;
print_string name; print_string ` --`;
print_break (2,0);
if incon then print_ibegin 0
else print_begin 0;
map (\x. prfn x; print_break (5,0)) (rev l);
print_end(); print_end();
let print_theory =
letrec upto from to =
if from>to then [] else from . (upto (from+1) to) in
let print_tok_ty (tok,ty) =
print_begin 2;
print_string tok;
print_break (1,0);
print_type ty;
and print_tok_thm (tok,th) =
print_begin 2;
print_string tok;
print_break (2,0);
print_thm th;
and apply_type_op (arity, name) =
mk_type (name,
map (mk_vartype o implode o (replicate `*`)) (upto 1 arity))
and print_tok_all_thm (tok,th) =
print_begin 2;
print_string tok;
print_break (2,0);
print_all_thm th;
print_end() in
let print_const = print_tok_ty o dest_const in
\tok.let thy = if (tok=`-`) then current_theory() else tok in
print_string (`The Theory ` ^ thy);
print_list true `Parents` print_string (parents thy);
print_list true `Types` (print_type o apply_type_op) (types thy);
print_list true `Type Abbreviations` print_tok_ty (type_abbrevs thy);
print_list true `Constants` print_const (constants thy);
print_list true `Infixes` print_const (infixes thy);
print_list true `Binders` print_const (binders thy);
print_list false `Axioms` print_tok_thm (axioms thy);
print_list false `Definitions` print_tok_all_thm (definitions thy);
print_list false `Theorems` print_tok_all_thm (theorems thy);
print_string(`******************** ` ^ thy ^ ` ********************`);
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
% Functions for loading in axioms, definitions and theorems %
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
% Printing made conditional on value of print_load flag %
% in HOL88.1.05, MJCG April 6 1989. %
let theorem_lfn[thy;th] = theorem thy th;;
% undo_autoload th added in HOL88.1.02
to make autoloading in compiled ML files work.
let theorem_msg_lfn [thy;th] =
(if get_flag_value `print_load`
then (print_string
(`Theorem `^th^` autoloading from theory \``^thy^`\` ...`);
undo_autoload th;
theorem thy th;;
% ml_let changed to let_after for HOL88 (MJCG 6/2/89) %
let load_theorem thy th = let_after(th, `theorem_lfn`, [thy;th]);;
let load_theorems thy =
map (\(tok,th). load_theorem thy tok) (theorems thy);;
let definition_lfn[thy;th] = definition thy th;;
% undo_autoload th added in HOL88.1.02
to make autoloading in compiled ML files work.
let definition_msg_lfn [thy;th] =
(if get_flag_value `print_load`
then (print_string
(`Definition `^th^` autoloading from theory \``^thy^`\` ...`);
undo_autoload th;
definition thy th;;
% ml_let changed to let_after for HOL88 (MJCG 6/2/89) %
let load_definition thy th = let_after(th, `definition_lfn`, [thy;th]);;
let load_definitions thy =
map (\(tok,th). load_definition thy tok) (definitions thy);;
let axiom_lfn[thy;th] = axiom thy th;;
% undo_autoload th added in HOL88.1.02
to make autoloading in compiled ML files work.
let axiom_msg_lfn [thy;th] =
(if get_flag_value `print_load`
then (print_string(`Axiom `^th^` autoloading from theory \``^thy^`\` ...`);
undo_autoload th;
axiom thy th;;
% ml_let changed to let_after for HOL88 (MJCG 6/2/89) %
let load_axiom thy th = let_after(th, `axiom_lfn`, [thy;th]);;
let load_axioms thy =
map (\(tok,th). load_axiom thy tok) (axioms thy);;
% =====================================================================
What follows is now obsolete (and was never debuged) -- see definition of
new_specification on ml/hol-syn.ml for current treatment.
The code that follows implements constant specifications in which
the stored definition is not necessarily of the form |- ?x1 ... xn. t,
be may only be logically equivalent to this. Sequents are encoded as terms
using the infix constant IS_ASSUMPTION_OF defined by:
IS_ASSUMPTION_OF = |- !t1 t2. (t1 IS_ASSUMPTION_OF t2) = (t1 ==> t2)
[`flag1`,`C1`; ... ; `flagn,Cn`]
|- ?x1 ... xn. t[x1,...,xn]
|- !x1 .... xn.
(t1[x1,...,xn] IS_ASSUMPTION_OF
tm[x1,...,xn] IS_ASSUMPTION_OF t'[x1,...,xn]) =
specifies C1, ... ,Cn by the definition:
t1[C1,...,Cn], ... , tm[C1,...,Cn] |- t'[C1,...,Cn])
Normally, t1, ... , tm would be closed terms, but this is
not logically necessary.
let new_general_specification defname flag_name_list th eqth =
let exists_vars,exists_body =
check_specification defname flag_name_list th
let forall_vars,forall_body =
(n_strip_quant dest_forall (length exists_vars) (concl eqth)
? `missing outermost universally quantified variable(s)`)
if not(forall_vars = exists_vars)
then failwith`different quantified variables`;
let left,right =
(dest_eq forall_body ? `not a universally quantified equation`)
if not(right = exists_body)
then failwith`rhs of equation doesn't match body of existential quantification`;
if flag = `constant`
then new_constant(name,type_of var)
if flag = `infix`
then new_infix(name,type_of var)
else new_binder(name,type_of var))
(\((flag,name),var). (mk_const(name,type_of var),var))
===================================================================== %