/usr/share/hol88-2.02.19940316/ml/lis.ml is in hol88-source 2.02.19940316-28.
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% HOL 88 Version 2.0 %
% %
% FILE NAME: lis.ml %
% %
% DESCRIPTION: List-processing functions for ML. Many of these %
% functions could be coded in Lisp for speed. %
% %
% USES FILES: ml-curry.ml %
% %
% University of Cambridge %
% Hardware Verification Group %
% Computer Laboratory %
% New Museums Site %
% Pembroke Street %
% Cambridge CB2 3QG %
% England %
% %
% COPYRIGHT: University of Edinburgh %
% COPYRIGHT: University of Cambridge %
% %
% let nil = [];; [ Deleted: TFM 90.05.31] %
let append x y = x @ y;;
%genmem has been deleted; if p is a curried predicate,
then you can write "exists (p x)"
else write "exists (curry p x)"
let itlist f l x = rev_itlist f (rev l) x;;
% [x1; ...; xn] ---> (ff x1 ... (ff (xn-1) xn)...) for n>0 %
let end_itlist ff l =
if null l then failwith `end_itlist`
else (let last.rest = rev l in
rev_itlist ff rest last);;
% Ad hoc and only used once in HOL sources, so deleted. [TFM 90.06.01] %
% let eqfst x (y,z) = (x=y) %
% and eqsnd x (y,z) = (x=z);; %
% Failure strings added [TFM 90.12.01] %
let assoc x l = find (\(y,z). y=x) l ? failwith `assoc`;;
let rev_assoc x l = find (\(y,z). z=x) l ? failwith `rev_assoc`;;
let intersect l1 l2 = filter (\x. mem x l2) l1 ;;
let subtract l1 l2 = filter (\x. not mem x l2) l1 ;;
let union l1 l2 = l1 @ (subtract l2 l1) ;;
% `make_set' renamed `setify' [RJB 90.10.20]. %
% %
% make a list into a set, stripping out duplicate elements %
let setify l =
itlist (\a s. if mem a s then s else a.s) l [];;
letrec split l =
if null l then ([],[])
(let (x1,x2) .l' = l in
let l1',l2' = split l' in (x1.l1', x2.l2'));;
letrec combine(l1,l2) =
if null l1 & null l2 then []
((hd l1, hd l2) . combine(tl l1, tl l2)
? failwith `combine`);;
ml_paired_infix `com`;;
let $com = combine;;
%Check if the elements of `l` are all distinct%
letrec distinct l =
(null l) or
(not (mem (hd l) (tl l)) & distinct (tl l));;
% chop_list n [e1; ...; en; e[n+1]; ... ; e[n+m] --->
[e1; ...; en] , [e[n+1]; ...; e[n+m]]
letrec chop_list n l =
if n=0 then ([],l)
else (let m,l' = chop_list (n-1) (tl l) in hd l . m , l')
? failwith `chop_list`;;
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
% Functions last and butlast added. [RJB 90.10.20] %
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
% last [x1;...;xn] ---> xn %
letrec last l = last (tl l) ? hd l ? failwith `last`;;
% butlast [x1;...x(n-1);xn] ---> [x1;...;x(n-1)] %
letrec butlast l =
if null (tl l) then [] else (hd l).(butlast(tl l)) ? failwith `butlast`;;
% Occurrences of rotate_left and rotate_right replaced %
% by calls to hd, tl, @, last and butlast. %
% Commented-out [RJB 90.10.20] %
% %
% let rotate_left (a.l) = l @ [a] %
% and rotate_right l = %
% let ra.rl = rev l in ra . (rev rl);; %
% [[1;2;3]; [4;5;6]; [7;8;9]] ---> [1; 5; 9] %
% Not used anywhere: commented-out [TFM 90.04.21] %
% %
% letrec diagonal ll = %
% if null ll then [] %
% else hd (hd ll) . (diagonal (map tl (tl ll)));; %
% [x1; ...; x(m+n)] ---> [y1; ...; ym], [z1; ...; zn]
where the y's are all x's that satisfy p, the z's all other x's
let partition p l =
itlist (\a (yes,no). if p a then (a.yes),no else yes, (a.no))
l ([],[]);;
%make the list [x; x; ...; x] of length n%
letrec replicate x n =
if n<0 then failwith `replicate`
else if n=0 then []
else x . (replicate x (n-1));;
% make the list [from; from+1; ...; to] %
% Made local where actually used: [TFM 90.06.25] %
% letrec upto from to = %
% if from>to then [] %
% else from . (upto (from+1) to);; %
% sort - Quicksorts a list according to a given "less-than" operator %
% [JRH 91.07.17] %
letrec sort cmp lis =
let curry f x y = f (x,y) in
if null lis then []
else let piv.rest = lis in
let (r,l) = partition (curry cmp piv) rest in
(sort cmp l)@(piv.(sort cmp r));;
% splitp --- splits a list into two according to a given predicate %
% [WW 93.05.19] %
let splitp pred l =
letrec spl lst =
if null lst then ([], [])
else let (h.rest) = lst in
if pred h then ([], lst)
else let (p,s) = spl rest in
in spl l ;;
% remove x satisfying p from l.... giving x and the thing and rest of l %
% Moved here by WW 24-July-93 %
letrec remove p l =
if (p(hd l)) then ((hd l), (tl l)) else
let (p', l') = remove p (tl l) in
(p', ((\r. ((hd l) . r)) l')) ;;