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% HOL 88 Version 2.0 %
% %
% FILE NAME: prim_rec.ml %
% %
% DESCRIPTION: Primitive recursive definitions on arbitrary recursive%
% types. Assumes the type is defined by an axiom of %
% the form proved by the recursive types package. %
% %
% See my Ph.D. thesis for details %
% %
% AUTHOR: T. F. Melham (87.08.23) %
% %
% University of Cambridge %
% Hardware Verification Group %
% Computer Laboratory %
% New Museums Site %
% Pembroke Street %
% Cambridge CB2 3QG %
% England %
% %
% COPYRIGHT: T. F. Melham 1987 %
%< Moved to the file lis.ml
remove x satisfying p from l.... giving x and the thing and rest of l
letrec remove p l =
if (p(hd l)) then ((hd l), (tl l)) else
(I # (\r. ((hd l) . r))) (remove p (tl l));;
begin_section prove_rec_fn_exists;;
% derive_existence_thm th tm %
% %
% If th is a rec type axiom and tm is a term giving a prim rec %
% definition, derive an existence theorem for doing the definition. %
% The existence theorem has cases corresponding to those in tm and %
% is suitably type-instantiated. %
% %
% E.g. Input %
% %
% |- !f0 f1 f2 e. ?! fn. %
% (!x0 x1 t t'. fn(C1 t x0 t' x1) = f0(fn t)(fn t')x0 x1 t t') /\ %
% (!t. fn(C2 t) = f1(fn t)t) /\ %
% (!x. fn(C3 x) = f2 x) /\ %
% (fn C4 = e) %
% %
% "(!n b. Fn n C4 b = ...) /\ %
% (!b n m t x t'. Fn n (C1 t' b t m) x = ...) /\ %
% (!m x q. Fn m (C3 x) q = ...)" %
% %
% Output: %
% %
% |- !e f0 f2. ?fn. %
% (!g1 g2. fn C4 g1 g2 = e g1 g2) /\ %
% (!g3 g4 g5 g6 g7 g8. fn(C1 g5 g3 g6 g4) g7 g8 = %
% f0(fn g5)(fn g6)g3 g4 g5 g6) g7 g8 /\ %
% (!g9 g10 g11. fn(C3 g9) g10 g11 = f2 g9 g10 g11) %
% %
% Note: the g's are genvars (so are e ... f2) %
let derive_existence_thm th tm =
(let vars = map(genvar o type_of) (fst(strip_forall(concl th))) in
let e_fn = fst(dest_exists (concl exists)) in
let conjs = conjuncts tm in
letrec splt l =
if (is_var (hd l)) then
(let bv,C,av = splt (tl l) in ((hd l).bv,C,av)) else
if (is_const (hd l) or (is_comb (hd l))) then
[],(hd l),(tl l) else fail in
let bv,Con,av =splt(snd(strip_comb(lhs(snd(strip_forall(hd conjs)))))) in
let rhsfn = let cv = genvar(type_of Con) in
let r = rhs(snd(strip_forall(hd conjs))) in
list_mk_abs(cv. (bv @ av),r) in
let th_inst = INST_TYPE (snd(match e_fn rhsfn)) exists in
let get_c t =
let args = snd(strip_comb(lhs(snd(strip_forall t)))) in
let c = fst(strip_comb(find (\t.is_const t or is_comb t) args)) in
(if (is_const c) then c else fail) in
let cs = map get_c conjs in
let exl = CONJUNCTS (SELECT_RULE th_inst) in
let fn = fst(dest_exists(concl th_inst)) in
let same_c c cl =
(c = fst(strip_comb(rand(lhs(snd(strip_forall(concl cl))))))) in
letrec get_ths cs exl =
if (null cs) then [] else
(let (c,ex) = remove (same_c(hd cs)) exl in
(c.(get_ths (tl cs) ex))) in
let ths = (get_ths cs exl) in
let argvars = map (genvar o type_of) (bv @ av) in
let ap_ths th =
let v = map (genvar o type_of) (fst(strip_forall(concl th))) in
let th1 = rev_itlist (C AP_THM) argvars (SPECL v th) in
(GENL (v @ argvars) th1) in
let th1 = LIST_CONJ (map ap_ths ths) in
let sel = mk_select(dest_exists (concl th_inst)) in
GEN_ALL(EXISTS(mk_exists(fn,subst [fn,sel](concl th1)),sel)th1))?
failwith `Can't derive existence theorem`;;
% mk_fn: make the function for the rhs of a clause in the existence thm %
% %
% returns: 1) the function %
% 2) a list of variables that the clause should be SPECl %
% 3) a pre-done beta-conversion of the rhs. %
let mk_fn (cl,(Fn,bv,C,av,r)) =
let lcl = hd(snd(strip_comb(lhs(snd(strip_forall cl))))) in
let lclvars = tl(snd(strip_comb(lhs(snd(strip_forall cl))))) in
let m = (fst(match lcl C)) @ combine((bv @ av),lclvars) in
let cl' = subst m (snd(strip_forall cl)) in
let nonrec = filter(is_var)(snd(strip_comb(rhs cl'))) in
let rec = filter(is_comb)(snd(strip_comb(rhs cl'))) in
let recvars = map (genvar o type_of) rec in
let basepat = list_mk_comb(Fn,(map (genvar o type_of) bv)) in
let find t =
(\tm. can (match "^basepat ^t") tm &
(fst(strip_comb tm) = Fn) & (rand tm = t)) in
letrec do_subst (new,old) tm =
if (tm = old) then new else
if (is_abs tm) then
mk_abs((I # do_subst(new,old))(dest_abs tm)) else
if (is_comb tm) then
let fn = do_subst(new,old) # do_subst(new,old) in
mk_comb((fn(dest_comb tm))) else tm in
let mk_substs (rc,rcv) t =
let occs = find (rand rc) t in
let args tm = snd(strip_comb (rator tm)) in
let news = map (\tm. list_mk_comb(rcv,args tm)) occs in
itlist do_subst (combine(news,occs)) t in
let r' = itlist mk_substs (combine(rec,recvars)) r in
let varsub = map (\v. (genvar (type_of v)),v) (recvars @ nonrec) in
let fn = list_mk_abs(fst(split varsub),subst varsub r') in
let specl = map (\v.(fst(rev_assoc v m))? v) (fst(strip_forall cl)) in
let beta = LIST_BETA_CONV(list_mk_comb(fn,snd(strip_comb(rhs cl')))) in
% instantiate_existence_thm eth tm : instantiate eth to match tm %
% %
% E.g. INPUT: %
% %
% |- !e f0 f2. ?fn. %
% (!g1 g2. fn C4 g1 g2 = e g1 g2) /\ %
% (!g3 g4 g5 g6 g7 g8. fn(C1 g5 g3 g6 g4) g7 g8 = %
% f0(fn g5)(fn g6)g3 g4 g5 g6) g7 g8 /\ %
% (!g9 g10 g11. fn(C3 g9) g10 g11 = f2 g9 g10 g11) %
% %
% %
% "(!n b. Fn n C4 b = ...) /\ %
% (!b n m t x t'. Fn n (C1 t' b t m) x = ...) /\ %
% (!m x q. Fn m (C3 x) q = ...)" %
% %
% |- ?fn. (!n b. fn C4 n b = ...) /\ %
% (!b n m t x t'. fn (C1 t' b t m) n x = ...) /\ %
% (!m x q. fn (C3 x) m q = ...) %
let instantiate_existence_thm eth tm =
(let cls = map (snd o strip_forall) (conjuncts tm) in
letrec splt l =
if (is_var (hd l)) then
(let bv,C,av = splt (tl l) in ((hd l).bv,C,av)) else
if (is_const (hd l) or (is_comb (hd l))) then
[],(hd l),(tl l) else fail in
let dest tm =
let ((Fn,(bv,C,av)),r)=(((I # splt) o strip_comb) # I)(dest_eq tm) in
(Fn,bv,C,av,r) in
let destcl = (map dest cls) in
let ecls = conjuncts(snd(dest_exists(snd(strip_forall(concl eth))))) in
let fns,spec,beta = (I # split)
(split(map mk_fn (combine(ecls,destcl)))) in
let ethsp = SPECL fns eth in
let conjs = map (uncurry SPECL)
(combine(spec,CONJUNCTS(SELECT_RULE ethsp))) in
let rule (th1,th2) = CONV_RULE (RAND_CONV (REWR_CONV th1)) th2 in
let th = LIST_CONJ (map (GEN_ALL o rule) (combine(beta,conjs))) in
let fn = fst(dest_exists (concl ethsp)) and
fsel = mk_select(dest_exists(concl ethsp)) in
(EXISTS (mk_exists(fn,subst [fn,fsel] (concl th)),fsel) th))?
failwith `Can't instantiate existence theorem`;;
% prove_rec_fn_exists th tm %
% %
% Given 1) th, a recursion theorem (type axiom) %
% 2) tm, the specification of a recursive function %
% %
% proves that such a function exists. %
% Quantify the equations of the function spec. %
let closeup tm =
let lvars t = subtract
(freesl(snd(strip_comb(lhs(snd (strip_forall t))))))
(fst(strip_forall t)) in
list_mk_conj(map (\tm.list_mk_forall(lvars tm,tm)) (conjuncts tm));;
% MJCG 17/1/89: added test for attempted redefinition of a constant and %
% code to propagate failure message %
let prove_rec_fn_exists th tm =
(let eth = derive_existence_thm th tm in
let ith = instantiate_existence_thm eth tm in
letrec get_avars tm =
if (is_var (rand tm)) then (get_avars (rator tm)) else
(snd(strip_comb (rator tm)),rand tm) in
let cl = snd(strip_forall(hd(conjuncts tm))) in
let fn = fst(strip_comb(lhs cl)) and
av,tv = (map (genvar o type_of) # (genvar o type_of))
(get_avars (lhs cl)) in
if is_const fn
then failwith(fst(dest_const fn)^` previously defined`)
let goal = ([],mk_exists(fn,closeup tm)) in
let etac th =
let efn = fst(strip_comb(lhs(snd(strip_forall(concl th))))) in
EXISTS_TAC (list_mk_abs(av@[tv],list_mk_comb(efn,tv.av))) in
let fn_beta th (A,gl) =
let efn = fst(strip_comb(lhs(snd(strip_forall(concl th))))) in
let eabs = (list_mk_abs(av@[tv],list_mk_comb(efn,tv.av))) in
let epat = list_mk_comb(eabs, map (genvar o type_of) (av @ [tv])) in
let tms = find_terms (\tm. can (match epat) tm) gl in
failwith(`Can't solve recursion equation: `^tok);;
end_section prove_rec_fn_exists;;
let prove_rec_fn_exists = it;;
% Make a new recursive function definition. %
Old code:
let new_recursive_definition infix_flag th name tm =
let thm = prove_rec_fn_exists th tm in
if (is_forall (concl thm)) then
failwith `definition contains free vars` else
let def = mk_eq(fst(dest_exists (concl thm)),
mk_select(dest_exists (concl thm))) in
let defn = if (infix_flag) then
new_infix_definition (name ^ `_DEF`,def) else
new_definition (name ^ `_DEF`,def) in
save_thm (name,SUBS [SYM defn] (SELECT_RULE thm));;
New code for HOL88:
let new_recursive_definition infix_flag th name tm =
let thm = prove_rec_fn_exists th tm
((fst o dest_var o fst o dest_exists o concl) thm)]