/usr/share/hol88-2.02.19940316/ml/resolve.ml is in hol88-source 2.02.19940316-28.
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% HOL 88 Version 2.0 %
% %
% FILE NAME: resolve.ml %
% %
% DESCRIPTION: Resolution inference rules and tactics %
% %
% USES FILES: basic-hol lisp files, bool.th, genfns.ml, hol-syn.ml %
% hol-rule.ml, hol-drule.ml, drul.ml, tacticals.ml, %
% tacont.ml, tactics.ml, conv.ml %
% %
% University of Cambridge %
% Hardware Verification Group %
% Computer Laboratory %
% New Museums Site %
% Pembroke Street %
% Cambridge CB2 3QG %
% England %
% %
% COPYRIGHT: University of Edinburgh %
% COPYRIGHT: University of Cambridge %
% %
% REVISION HISTORY: new resolve.ml for HOL Version 1.12 [TFM 91.01.26] %
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
% Must be compiled in the presence of the hol parser/pretty printer %
% This loads genfns.ml and hol-syn.ml too. %
% Also load hol-rule.ml, hol-drule.ml, drul.ml, tacticals.ml, etc %
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
if compiling then
(loadf `ml/hol-in-out`;
loadf `ml/hol-rule`;
loadf `ml/hol-drule`;
loadf `ml/drul`;
loadf `ml/tacticals`;
loadf `ml/tacont`;
loadf `ml/tactics`;
loadf `ml/conv`);;
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
% Search among a list of implications to perform Modus Ponens %
% Used nowhere --- deleted until found useful [TFM 90.04.24] %
% let MULTI_MP impl ante = %
% tryfind (\imp. MATCH_MP imp ante) impl ? failwith `MULTI_MP`;; %
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
% Forwards chaining by Modus Ponens %
% Used nowhere --- deleted until found useful [TFM 90.04.24] %
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
% Accept a theorem that, properly instantiated, satisfies the goal %
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
let MATCH_ACCEPT_TAC thm : tactic =
let fmatch = PART_MATCH I thm in
let atac (asl,w) = [], K (fmatch w) in
set_fail_prefix `MATCH_ACCEPT_TAC` ((REPEAT GEN_TAC) THEN atac);;
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
% Basic unit for resolution tactics %
% DELETED: TFM 88.03.31 (not used anywhere) %
% %
% let MATCH_MP_TAC impth = STRIP_ASSUME_TAC o (MATCH_MP impth);; %
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
% Resolve implicative assumptions with an antecedent %
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
let ANTE_RES_THEN ttac ante : tactic =
ASSUM_LIST (EVERY o (mapfilter (\imp. ttac (MATCH_MP imp ante))));;
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
% Old versions of RESOLVE_THEN etc. [TFM 90.04.24] %
% %
% letrec RESOLVE_THEN antel ttac impth : tactic = %
% let answers = mapfilter (MATCH_MP impth) antel in %
% EVERY (mapfilter ttac answers) %
% THEN %
% (EVERY (mapfilter (RESOLVE_THEN antel ttac) answers));; %
% %
% let OLD_IMP_RES_THEN ttac impth = %
% (\asl. EVERY (mapfilter (RESOLVE_THEN asl ttac) %
% (IMP_CANON impth)));; %
% %
% let OLD_RES_THEN ttac = %
% ASSUM_LIST (EVERY o (mapfilter (OLD_IMP_RES_THEN ttac)));; %
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
% A trick tactic for solving existential/disjunctive goals %
% Too tricky, and depends on obsolete version of IMP_RES_THEN %
% Deleted: TFM 90.04.24 %
% let SELF_RES_TAC (asl,w) = %
% (DISCH w (itlist ADD_ASSUM asl (ASSUME w))) (asl,w);; %
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
% Resolution tactics from LCF - uses IMP_CANON and GSPEC %
% %
% Deleted: TFM 90.04.24 %
% %
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
% ===================================================================== %
% Resolution tactics for HOL - uses RES_CANON and SPEC_ALL %
% ===================================================================== %
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
% Put a theorem %
% %
% |- !x. t1 ==> !y. t2 ==> ... ==> tm ==> t %
% %
% into canonical form for resolution by splitting conjunctions apart %
% (like IMP_CANON but without the stripping out of quantifiers and only %
% outermost negations being converted to implications). %
% %
% ~t ---> t ==> F (at outermost level) %
% t1 /\ t2 ---> t1, t2 %
% (t1/\t2)==>t ---> t1==> (t2==>t) %
% (t1\/t2)==>t ---> t1==>t, t2==>t %
% %
% %
% Modification provided by David Shepherd of Inmos to make resolution %
% work with equalities as well as implications. HOL88.1.08,23 jun 1989. %
% %
% t1 = t2 ---> t1=t2, t1==>t2, t2==>t1 %
% %
% Modification provided by T Melham to deal with the scope of %
% universal quantifiers. [TFM 90.04.24] %
% %
% !x. t1 ==> t2 ---> t1 ==> !x.t2 (x not free in t1) %
% %
% The old code is given below: %
% %
% letrec RES_CANON_FUN th = %
% let w = concl th in %
% if is_conj w %
% else if is_imp w & not(is_neg w) then %
% let ante,conc = dest_imp w in %
% if is_conj ante then %
% let a,b = dest_conj ante in %
% (DISCH a (DISCH b (MP th (CONJ (ASSUME a) (ASSUME b))))) %
% else if is_disj ante then %
% let a,b = dest_disj ante in %
% RES_CANON_FUN (DISCH a (MP th (DISJ1 (ASSUME a) b))) @ %
% RES_CANON_FUN (DISCH b (MP th (DISJ2 a (ASSUME b)))) %
% else %
% map (DISCH ante) (RES_CANON_FUN (UNDISCH th)) %
% else [th];; %
% %
% This version deleted for HOL 1.12 (see below) [TFM 91.01.17] %
% %
% let RES_CANON = %
% letrec FN th = %
% let w = concl th in %
% if (is_conj w) then FN(CONJUNCT1 th) @ FN(CONJUNCT2 th) else %
% if ((is_imp w) & not(is_neg w)) then %
% let ante,conc = dest_imp w in %
% if (is_conj ante) then %
% let a,b = dest_conj ante in %
% let ath = ASSUME a and bth = ASSUME b in %
% FN (DISCH a (DISCH b (MP th (CONJ ath bth)))) else %
% if is_disj ante then %
% let a,b = dest_disj ante in %
% let ath = ASSUME a and bth = ASSUME b in %
% FN (DISCH a (MP th (DISJ1 ath b))) @ %
% FN (DISCH b (MP th (DISJ2 a bth))) else %
% map (GEN_ALL o (DISCH ante)) (FN (UNDISCH th)) else %
% if is_eq w then %
% let l,r = dest_eq w in %
% if (type_of l = ":bool") then %
% let (th1,th2) = EQ_IMP_RULE th in %
% (GEN_ALL th) . ((FN th1) @ (FN th2)) %
% else [GEN_ALL th] %
% else [GEN_ALL th] in %
% \th. (let vars,w = strip_forall(concl th) in %
% let th1 = if (is_neg w) %
% then NOT_ELIM(SPEC_ALL th) %
% else (SPEC_ALL th) in %
% map GEN_ALL (FN th1) ? failwith `RES_CANON`);; %
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
% New RES_CANON for version 1.12. [TFM 90.12.07] %
% %
% The complete list of transformations is now: %
% %
% ~t ---> t ==> F (at outermost level) %
% t1 /\ t2 ---> t1, t2 (at outermost level) %
% (t1/\t2)==>t ---> t1==>(t2==>t), t2==>(t1==>t) %
% (t1\/t2)==>t ---> t1==>t, t2==>t %
% t1 = t2 ---> t1==>t2, t2==>t1 %
% !x. t1 ==> t2 ---> t1 ==> !x.t2 (x not free in t1) %
% (?x.t1) ==> t2 ---> !x'. t1[x'/x] ==> t2 %
% %
% The function now fails if no implications can be derived from the %
% input theorem. %
% %
% Bugfix: |- (?x. P[x]) ==> !x. Q[x] now transforms to the theorem %
% |- !x. P[x] ==> !x'. Q[x']. [TFM 91.10.19] %
% %
% Bugfix: check thm_frees not just frees for previous bugfix (above). %
% [TFM 92.05.11] %
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
let not_elim th = (is_neg (concl th) => true,(NOT_ELIM th) | (false,th)) in
letrec canon fl th =
let w = concl th in
if (is_conj w) then
let (th1,th2) = CONJ_PAIR th in (canon fl th1) @ (canon fl th2) else
if ((is_imp w) & not(is_neg w)) then
let ante,conc = dest_neg_imp w in
if (is_conj ante) then
let a,b = dest_conj ante in
let cth = NOT_MP th (CONJ (ASSUME a) (ASSUME b)) in
let th1 = DISCH b cth and th2 = DISCH a cth in
(canon true (DISCH a th1)) @ (canon true (DISCH b th2)) else
if (is_disj ante) then
let a,b = dest_disj ante in
let ath = DISJ1 (ASSUME a) b and bth = DISJ2 a (ASSUME b) in
let th1 = DISCH a (NOT_MP th ath) and
th2 = DISCH b (NOT_MP th bth) in
(canon true th1) @ (canon true th2) else
if (is_exists ante) then
let v,body = dest_exists ante in
let newv = variant (thm_frees th) v in
let newa = subst [newv,v] body in
let th1 = NOT_MP th (EXISTS (ante, newv) (ASSUME newa)) in
canon true (DISCH newa th1) else
map (GEN_ALL o (DISCH ante)) (canon true (UNDISCH th)) else
if (is_eq w & (type_of (rand w) = ":bool")) then
let (th1,th2) = EQ_IMP_RULE th in
(fl => [GEN_ALL th] | []) @ (canon true th1) @ (canon true th2) else
if (is_forall w) then
let vs,body = strip_forall w in
let fvs = thm_frees th in
let vfn = \l. variant (l @ fvs) in
let nvs = itlist (\v nv. let v' = vfn nv v in (v'.nv)) vs [] in
canon fl (SPECL nvs th) else
if fl then [GEN_ALL th] else [] in
\th. (let args = map (not_elim o SPEC_ALL) (CONJUNCTS (SPEC_ALL th)) in
let imps = flat (map (map GEN_ALL o (uncurry canon)) args) in
assert ($not o null) imps)
? failwith `RES_CANON: no implication is derivable from input thm.`;;
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
% Definitions of the primitive: %
% %
% IMP_RES_THEN: Resolve all assumptions against an implication. %
% %
% The definition uses two auxiliary (local) functions: %
% %
% MATCH_MP : like the built-in version, but doesn't use GSPEC. %
% RESOLVE_THEN : repeatedly resolve an implication %
% %
% This version deleted for HOL version 1.12 [TFM 91.01.17] %
% %
% begin_section IMP_RES_THEN;; %
% %
% let MATCH_MP impth = %
% let sth = SPEC_ALL impth in %
% let pat = fst(dest_imp(concl sth)) in %
% let matchfn = match pat in %
% (\th. MP (INST_TY_TERM (matchfn (concl th)) sth) th);; %
% %
% letrec RESOLVE_THEN antel ttac impth : tactic = %
% let answers = mapfilter (MATCH_MP impth) antel in %
% EVERY (mapfilter ttac answers) THEN %
% (EVERY (mapfilter (RESOLVE_THEN antel ttac) answers));; %
% %
% let IMP_RES_THEN ttac impth = %
% ASSUM_LIST (\asl. %
% EVERY (mapfilter (RESOLVE_THEN asl ttac) (RES_CANON impth))) ? %
% failwith `IMP_RES_THEN`;; %
% %
% %
% end_section IMP_RES_THEN;; %
% %
% let IMP_RES_THEN = it;; %
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
% Definition of the primitive: %
% %
% IMP_RES_THEN: Resolve all assumptions against an implication. %
% %
% The definition uses an auxiliary (local) function, MATCH_MP, which is %
% just like the built-in version, but doesn't use GSPEC. %
% %
% New implementation for version 1.12: fails if no MP-consequences can %
% be drawn, and does only one-step resolution. [TFM 90.12.07] %
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
begin_section resolution_ttcls;;
let MATCH_MP impth =
let sth = SPEC_ALL impth in
let matchfn = match (fst(dest_neg_imp(concl sth))) in
\th. NOT_MP (INST_TY_TERM (matchfn (concl th)) sth) th;;
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
% check st l : Fail with st if l is empty, otherwise return l. %
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
let check st l = (null l => failwith st | l);;
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
% IMP_RES_THEN : Resolve an implication against the assumptions. %
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
let IMP_RES_THEN ttac impth =
let ths = RES_CANON impth ? failwith `IMP_RES_THEN: no implication` in
\asl. let l = itlist (\th.append (mapfilter (MATCH_MP th) asl)) ths [] in
let res = check `IMP_RES_THEN: no resolvents ` l in
let tacs = check `IMP_RES_THEN: no tactics` (mapfilter ttac res) in
EVERY tacs;;
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
% RES_THEN : Resolve all implicative assumptions against the rest. %
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
let RES_THEN ttac (asl,g) =
let as = map ASSUME asl in
let ths = itlist append (mapfilter RES_CANON as) [] in
let imps = check `RES_THEN: no implication` ths in
let l = itlist (\th.append (mapfilter (MATCH_MP th) as)) imps [] in
let res = check `RES_THEN: no resolvents ` l in
let tacs = check `RES_THEN: no tactics` (mapfilter ttac res) in
EVERY tacs (asl,g);;
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
% Export IMP_RES_THEN and RES_THEN outside of the section. %
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
end_section resolution_ttcls;;
let (IMP_RES_THEN,RES_THEN) = it;;
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
% Definition of the standard resolution tactics IMP_RES_TAC and RES_TAC %
% %
% The function SA is like STRIP_ASSUME_TAC, except that it does not %
% strip off existential quantifiers. And ST is like STRIP_THM_THEN, %
% except that it also does not strip existential quantifiers. %
% %
% Old version: deleted for HOL version 1.12 [TFM 91.01.17] %
% %
% let (IMP_RES_TAC,RES_TAC) = %
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
% New versions of IMP_RES_TAC and RES_TAC: repeatedly resolve, and then %
% add FULLY stripped, final, result(s) to the assumption list. %
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
let IMP_RES_TAC th g =
let RES_TAC g =
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
% Used to be for compatibility with the old system. %
% Deleted: TFM 90.04.24 %
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
% MATCH_MP_TAC: Takes a theorem of the form %
% %
% |- !x1..xn. A ==> !y1 ... ym. B %
% %
% and matches B to the goal, reducing it to the subgoal consisting of %
% some existentially-quantified instance of A: %
% %
% !v1...vi. B %
% ======================= MATCH_MP_TAC |- !x1...1n. A ==> !y1...ym. B %
% ?z1...zp. A %
% %
% where {z1,...,zn} is the subset of {x1,...,xn} whose elements to not %
% appear free in B. %
% %
% Added: TFM 88.03.31 %
% Revised: TFM 91.04.20 %
% %
% Old version: %
% %
% let MATCH_MP_TAC thm:tactic (gl,g) = %
% let imp = ((PART_MATCH (snd o dest_imp) thm) g) ? %
% failwith `MATCH_MP_TAC` in %
% ([gl,(fst(dest_imp(concl imp)))], \thl. MP imp (hd thl));; %
% --------------------------------------------------------------------- %
let MATCH_MP_TAC : thm_tactic =
let efn v (tm,th) =
let ntm = mk_exists(v,tm) in ntm,CHOOSE (v, ASSUME ntm) th in
\thm. let gvs,imp = strip_forall (concl thm) in
let ant,cnc = dest_neg_imp imp ?
failwith `MATCH_MP_TAC: not an implication` in
let cvs,con = strip_forall cnc in
let th1 = SPECL cvs (UNDISCH (SPECL gvs thm)) in
let vs,evs = partition (C free_in con) gvs in
let th2 = uncurry DISCH (itlist efn evs (ant,th1)) in
\A,g. let vs,gl = strip_forall g in
let ins = match con gl ? failwith `MATCH_MP_TAC: no match` in
let ith = INST_TY_TERM ins th2 in
let ant = fst(dest_neg_imp(concl ith)) in
let gth = GENL vs (UNDISCH ith) ?
failwith `MATCH_MP_TAC: generalized var(s)` in
([A,ant], \thl. NOT_MP (DISCH ant gth) (hd thl));;