
This package is 15.1 KB. It is available at http://ftp.debian.org/debian/pool/main/d/debian-med/med-bio_2.0_all.deb .

View its full control file here: debian/control.


Debian Med micro-biology packages


This package depends on: med-tasks (= 2.0), med-config (= 2.0).

This package recommends: abacas, acedb-other, acedb-other-belvu, acedb-other-dotter, adun.app, aevol, alien-hunter, altree, amap-align, ampliconnoise, anfo, aragorn, arden, autodock, autodock-vina, autogrid, ballview, bamtools, bedtools, biomaj, blast2, bowtie, bowtie2, boxshade, bwa, cassiopee, cd-hit, cdbfasta, chimeraslayer, circos, clearcut, clonalframe, clustalo, clustalw, clustalx, concavity, conservation-code, dialign, dialign-tx, discosnp, disulfinder, dnaclust, dssp, edtsurf, embassy-domainatrix, embassy-domalign, embassy-domsearch, emboss, exonerate, fastaq, fastdnaml, fastlink, fastqc, fasttree, fastx-toolkit, ffindex, figtree, filo, fitgcp, flexbar, freecontact, gamgi, garlic, gasic, gbrowse, gdpc, genometools, gentle, gff2aplot, gff2ps, giira, glam2, grinder, gromacs, hhsuite, hmmer, hmmer2, idba, infernal, ipig, jalview, jellyfish, jmol, kalign, kissplice, last-align, librg-utils-perl, logol-bin, loki, ltrsift, macs, mafft, mapsembler2, maq, maqview, massxpert, melting, metastudent, microbiomeutil, minia, mipe, mira-assembler, mlv-smile, mothur, mrbayes, mrs, mummer, muscle, mustang, nast-ier, ncbi-blast+, ncbi-epcr, ncbi-seg, ncbi-tools-bin, ncbi-tools-x11, ncoils, neobio, njplot, norsnet, norsp, openms, paraclu, parsinsert, pdb2pqr, perlprimer, perm, phylip, phyml, phyutility, picard-tools, plasmidomics, plink, poa, populations, prank, predictnls, predictprotein, prime-phylo, primer3, proalign, probabel, probalign, probcons, proda, prodigal, profbval, profisis, profnet-bval, profnet-chop, profnet-con, profnet-isis, profnet-md, profnet-norsnet, profnet-prof, profnet-snapfun, profphd, profphd-net, profphd-utils, proftmb, pycorrfit, pymol, pynast, pyscanfcs, python-cogent, qiime, r-bioc-biostrings, r-bioc-cummerbund, r-bioc-gviz, r-bioc-hilbertvis, r-bioc-rtracklayer, r-cran-ape, r-cran-genabel, r-cran-qtl, r-cran-vegan, r-other-bio3d, r-other-mott-happy.hbrem, rasmol, raster3d, rate4site, raxml, ray, readseq, relion-bin, reprof, rnahybrid, rtax, saint, samtools, seaview, seqan-apps, seqtk, sibsim4, sigma-align, sim4, smalt, snap, snp-sites, soapdenovo, soapdenovo2, squizz, sra-toolkit, ssake, staden, staden-io-lib-utils, t-coffee, tabix, theseus, tigr-glimmer, tm-align, tophat, topp, transtermhp, tree-puzzle | tree-ppuzzle, treeviewx, trimmomatic, uc-echo, vcftools, velvet, velvetoptimiser, wigeon, wise, zalign.

This package suggests: abyss, acacia, act, amos-assembler, amoscmp, apollo, arachne, arb, artemis, asap, augustus, autodocktools, axparafit, axpcoords, bagpipe, bambus, beads, beast-mcmc, biceps, big-blast, bigsdb, biomaj-watcher, bitseq, blat, blimps-utils, blixem, btk-core, cactus, caftools, cain, cap3, cdna-db, cinema, clonalorigin, clustalw-mpi, cluster3, cmap, coalesce, codonw, compclust, contralign, coot, copycat, crac, crossbow, cufflinks, cytoscape, das-proserver, dazzle, decipher, e-hive, ecell, eigensoft, elph, embassy-phylip, emboss-explorer, emmax, emperor, ensembl, est-db, estferret, estscan, exalt, excavator, fasta, figaro, finex, fluctuate, forester, forge, freebayes, fsa, galaxy, gassst, gbioseq, gbrowse-syn, genemark, genesplicer, genetrack, genezilla, genographer, ghemical, glimmerhmm, gmap, gmv, grabix, grogui, haploview, hawkeye, hexamer, hilbertvisgui, igv, jbrowse, jigsaw, jstreeview, kclust, kempbasu, lagan, lamarc, logomat-m, lucy, mach-haplotyper, mage2tab, maker2, martj, maude, mauvealigner, maxd, melting-gui, meme, mesquite, metarep, migrate, minimus, mirbase, mobyle, mobyle-programs, mobyle-tutorials, modeller, molekel, mosaik-aligner, mpsqed, msatfinder, mugsy, mummergpu, murasaki, mview, ngila, ngsqctoolkit, nw-align, oases, obo-edit, oligoarrayaux, omegamap, operondb, pal2nal, paml, partigene, patman, patristic, pcma, pfaat, pftools, phagefinder, phpphylotree, phylographer, phyloviz-core, phylowin, plato, profit, prot4est, pscan-tfbs, psipred, pyrophosphate-tools, python-orange, python-reaper, qtlcart, r-cran-boolnet, r-other-valdar-bagphenotype.library, raccoon, rbs-finder, rdp-classifier, recombine, relion-bin-mpi, relion-gui, repeatmasker, rmblast, roche454ace2caf, rose, rosetta, sap, seq-gen, sequenceconverter.app, sga, sift, situs, snpeff, spades, spice, splitstree, spread-phy, ssaha, strap, strap-base, tacg, taverna, taxinspector, tetra, tigr-assembler, tigr-glimmer-mg, trace2dbest, tracetuner, treebuilder3d, treetime, treeview, tripal, trnascan-se, twain, ugene, unc-fish, uniprime, varscan, vienna-rna, vmd, wgs-assembler, x-tandem-pipeline, zodiac-zeden.

This package does not conflict with any other package.

Package Contents

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med-bio 2.0 is in debian - jessie / main. This package's architecture is: architectureless.

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