/usr/share/octave/packages/statistics-1.2.3/kmeans.m is in octave-statistics 1.2.3-1.
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## Copyright (C) 2012 Daniel Ward <dwa012@gmail.com>
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
## the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
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## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
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## -*- texinfo -*-
## @deftypefn {Function File} {[@var{idx}, @var{centers}] =} kmeans (@var{data}, @var{k}, @var{param1}, @var{value1}, @dots{})
## K-means clustering.
## @seealso{linkage}
## @end deftypefn
function [classes, centers, sumd, D] = kmeans (data, k, varargin)
[reg, prop] = parseparams (varargin);
## defaults for options
emptyaction = "error";
start = "sample";
#used for getting the number of samples
nRows = rows (data);
## used to hold the distances from each sample to each class
D = zeros (nRows, k);
#used for convergence of the centroids
err = 1;
#initial sum of distances
sumd = Inf;
## Input checking, validate the matrix and k
if (!isnumeric (data) || !ismatrix (data) || !isreal (data))
error ("kmeans: first input argument must be a DxN real data matrix");
elseif (!isscalar (k))
error ("kmeans: second input argument must be a scalar");
if (length (varargin) > 0)
## check for the 'emptyaction' property
found = find (strcmpi (prop, "emptyaction") == 1);
switch (lower (prop{found+1}))
case "singleton"
emptyaction = "singleton";
error ("kmeans: unsupported empty cluster action parameter");
## check for the 'start' property
switch (lower (start))
case "sample"
idx = randperm (nRows) (1:k);
centers = data (idx, :);
error ("kmeans: unsupported initial clustering parameter");
## Run the algorithm
while err > .001
## Compute distances
for i = 1:k
D (:, i) = sumsq (data - repmat (centers(i, :), nRows, 1), 2);
## Classify
[tmp, classes] = min (D, [], 2);
## Calculate new centroids
for i = 1:k
## Get binary vector indicating membership in cluster i
membership = (classes == i);
## Check for empty clusters
if (sum (membership) == 0)
switch emptyaction
## if 'singleton', then find the point that is the
## farthest and add it to the empty cluster
case 'singleton'
idx=maxCostSampleIndex (data, centers(i,:));
classes(idx) = i;
## if 'error' then throw the error
error ("kmeans: empty cluster created");
endif ## end check for empty clusters
## update the centroids
members = data(membership, :);
centers(i, :) = sum(members,1)/size(members,1);
## calculate the difference in the sum of distances
err = sumd - objCost (data, classes, centers);
## update the current sum of distances
sumd = objCost (data, classes, centers);
## calculate the sum of distances
function obj = objCost (data, classes, centers)
obj = 0;
for i=1:rows (data)
obj = obj + sumsq (data(i,:) - centers(classes(i),:));
function idx = maxCostSampleIndex (data, centers)
cost = 0;
for idx = 1:rows (data)
if cost < sumsq (data(idx,:) - centers)
cost = sumsq (data(idx,:) - centers);
%! ## Generate a two-cluster problem
%! C1 = randn (100, 2) + 1;
%! C2 = randn (100, 2) - 1;
%! data = [C1; C2];
%! ## Perform clustering
%! [idx, centers] = kmeans (data, 2);
%! ## Plot the result
%! figure
%! plot (data (idx==1, 1), data (idx==1, 2), 'ro');
%! hold on
%! plot (data (idx==2, 1), data (idx==2, 2), 'bs');
%! plot (centers (:, 1), centers (:, 2), 'kv', 'markersize', 10);
%! hold off