/usr/share/psychtoolbox-3/PsychBasic/Contents.m is in psychtoolbox-3-common
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% Psychtoolbox:PsychBasic
% Psychtoolbox:PsychBeta:PsychBasic
% help Psychtoolbox % For an overview, triple-click me & hit enter.
% help PsychDemos % For demos, triple-click me & hit enter.
% Beeper - Play a nice beep tone of selectable duration, frequency and volume.
% CharAvail - Is a keypress available for GetChar?
% DisableKeysForKbCheck - Tell KbCheck and KbWait to ignore specific keys.
% DoNothing - Does nothing. Used to time Matlab's overhead.
% DrawFormattedText - Drawing of formatted text into windows.
% FlushEvents - Flush any unprocessed events.
% FontInfo - Return a struct array describing installed fonts.
% Gestalt - Query system configuration on OS 9 and OS X.
% GetBusTicks - Number of system bus ticks since startup.
% GetBusTicksTick - Duration of one tick of the GetBusTicks clock.
% GetChar - Wait for keyboard character and return it.
% GetPID - Get the process ID of the MATLAB process.
% GetMouse - Get mouse position.
% GetMouseWheel - Get mouse wheel position delta on a wheel mouse.
% GetSecs - Time since startup with high precision.
% GetSecsTick - Duration of one tick of the GetSecs clock.
% GetTicks - Number of 60.15 Hz ticks since startup.
% GetTicksTick - Duration of one tick of the GetTicks clock.
% HideCursor - Hide cursor.
% IOPort - A I/O driver for access to serial ports.
% KbCheck - Get instantaneous keyboard state.
% KbEventAvail - Return number of pending keyboard events in ringbuffer.
% KbEventFlush - Remove all pending keyboard events in ringbuffer.
% KbEventGet - Get oldest pending keyboard event in ringbuffer.
% KbKeysAction - Return an incremented or decremented value, depending on keys pressed.
% KbName - Convert keycode to key name and vice versa.
% KbPressWait - Wait for key press, make sure no keys pressed before.
% KbQueueCreate - Create keyboard queue.
% KbQueueRelease - Destroy keyboard queue.
% KbQueueFlush - Empty keyboard queue.
% KbQueueStart - Start recording of key presses into queue.
% KbQueueStop - Stop recording of key presses into queue.
% KbQueueCheck - Check keyboard queue for key presses/releases.
% KbReleaseWait - Wait until all keys on keyboard are released.
% KbStrokeWait - Wait for single, isolated key stroke.
% KbTriggerWait - Wait for trigger keys on keyboard.
% KbWait - Wait until at least one key is pressed and return its time.
% ListenChar - Start GetChar queue.
% LoadPsychHID - Helper function for loading PsychHID on MS-Windows.
% MachAbsoluteTimeClockFrequency - Mach Kernel time measurement.
% PredictVisualOnsetForTime - Predict stimulus onset for given Screen('Flip') 'when' timespec.
% psychassert - Drop in replacement for Matlabs assert().
% psychlasterror - Drop in replacement for Matlabs lasterror().
% psychrethrow - Drop in replacement for Matlabs rethrow().
% PsychCV - Miscellaneous C routines for computer vision and related stuff.
% PsychDrawSprites2D - Fast drawing of many 2D sprite textures.
% PsychKinect - Psychtoolbox driver for the Microsoft XBOX-360 Kinect.
% PsychtoolboxDate - Current version date, e.g. '1 August 1998'
% PsychtoolboxVersion - Current version number, e.g. 2.32
% PsychWatchDog - Watchdog mechanism and error handler for Psychtoolbox.
% PsychTweak - Tweak Psychtoolbox low-level operating parameters.
% RemapMouse - Map mouse position to stimulus position.
% RestrictKeysForKbCheck - Restrict operation of KbCheck et al. to a subset of keys on the keyboard.
% Screen - Control the video display. ** Type "Screen" for a list. **
% SetMouse - Set mouse position.
% ShowCursor - Show the cursor, and set cursor type.
% Snd - Play sounds.
% VideoRefreshFromMeasurement - Alternative calibration procedure to find exact video refresh interval.
% WaitSecs - Wait specified time.
% WaitTicks - Wait specified number of 60.15 Hz ticks.
% from OS 9
% Psychtoolbox:PsychBasic.
% help Psychtoolbox % For an overview, triple-click me & hit enter.
% help PsychDemos % For demos, triple-click me & hit enter.
% Bytes - How much memory is free? (MEX)
% CharAvail - Is a keypress available for GetChar? (Uses EventAvail.mex)
% Debugger - Enter low-level debugger. (MEX)
% DoNothing - Does nothing. Used to time Matlab's overhead. (MEX)
% EventAvail - Check for events: mouse, keyboard, etc. (MEX)
% FileShare - Control filesharing. (Uses FS.mex)
% FlushEvents - Flush any unprocessed events. (MEX)
% FrameRate - Quick accurate old measurement of frame rate, in Hz.
% GetChar - Wait for keyboard character and return it (with time & modifiers).
% GetClicks - Wait for mouse click(s); get location and number. (MEX)
% GetMouse - Get mouse position. (MEX)
% GetSecs - Time since startup (20 us precision, or better). (MEX)
% GetTicks - Number of 60.15 Hz ticks since startup. (MEX)
% HideCursor - Hide cursor. (MEX)
% KbCheck - Get instantaneous keyboard state. (MEX, fast)
% KbName - Convert keycode to key name.
% KbWait - Wait for key press and return its time. (MEX, fast)
% LoadClut - Loads the CLUT, supports all DAC sizes and pixelSizes.
% MaxPriority - The maximum priority compatible with a list of functions.
% PatchTrap - Disable Mac OS routines. Dangerous! (MEX)
% PrepareScreen - Called by Screen when first window is opened on a screen.
% Priority - Disable interrupts. Dangerous! (MEX)
% PsychtoolboxDate - Current version date, e.g. '1 August 1998'
% PsychtoolboxVersion - Current version number, e.g. 2.32
% RestoreScreen - Called by Screen when last window is closed (among all screens) or Screen.mex is flushed.
% Rush - Execute code quickly, minimizing interrupts. (MEX)
% Screen - Fifty display functions. ** Type "screen" for a list. ** (MEX)
% ScreenSaver - Control screen savers, eg AfterDark, Sleeper. (MEX)
% SetMouse - Set mouse position. (MEX)
% ShowCursor - Show the cursor, and set cursor type. (MEX)
% Showtime - Create and show QuickTime movies. (MEX)
% Snd - Play sounds. (MEX)
% WaitSecs - Wait specified time. (MEX)
% WaitTicks - Wait specified number of 60.15 Hz ticks.