/usr/share/psychtoolbox-3/PsychDemos/MovieDemos/PlayMoviesWithoutGapDemo1.m is in psychtoolbox-3-common
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% PlayMoviesWithoutGapDemo1(moviename)
% This demo accepts a pattern for a valid moviename, e.g.,
% moviename='*.mpg', then it plays all movies in the current working
% directory whose names match the provided pattern, e.g., the '*.mpg'
% pattern would play all MPEG files in the current directory.
% Pressing ESC ends the demo.
% Movies are played one after each other. We try to minimize perceptible
% gaps between end of movie i and start of movie i+1 by asynchronous
% loading: While movie i is played back, we ask Psychtoolbox to load the
% next movie i+1 in the background, so startup time for movie i+1 will be
% minimized.
% History:
% 7/5/06 mk Wrote it.
if nargin < 1
moviename = '*.mov' %#ok<NOPRT>
% Switch KbName into unified mode: It will use the names of the OS-X
% platform on all platforms in order to make this script portable:
% Child protection
background=[128, 128, 128];
% Open onscreen window:
win = Screen('OpenWindow', screen, background);
% Initial display and sync to timestamp:
abortit = 0;
% Return full list of movie files from directory+pattern:
for i=1:size(moviefiles,1)
moviefiles(i).name = [ pwd filesep moviefiles(i).name ];
% Playbackrate defaults to 1:
% Load first movie. This is a synchronous (blocking) load:
iteration = 1;
moviename=moviefiles(mod(iteration, size(moviefiles,1))+1).name;
[movie movieduration fps imgw imgh] = Screen('OpenMovie', win, moviename);
% Start playback of movie. This will start
% the realtime playback clock and playback of audio tracks, if any.
% Play 'movie', at a playbackrate = 1, with 1.0 == 100% audio volume.
Screen('PlayMovie', movie, rate, 0, 1.0);
newmovie = -1;
% Endless loop, runs until ESC key pressed:
while (abortit<2)
% Show basic info about movie:
fprintf('ITER=%i::', iteration);
fprintf('Movie: %s : %f seconds duration, %f fps, w x h = %i x %i...\n', moviename, movieduration, fps, imgw, imgh);
% Get moviename of next file:
iteration=iteration + 1;
moviename=moviefiles(mod(iteration, size(moviefiles,1))+1).name;
t1 = GetSecs;
% Playback loop: Fetch video frames and display them...
if (abs(rate)>0)
% Return next frame in movie, in sync with current playback
% time and sound.
% tex either the texture handle or zero if no new frame is
% ready yet. pts = Presentation timestamp in seconds.
[tex pts] = Screen('GetMovieImage', win, movie, 1);
% Valid texture returned?
if tex<0
% No. This means that the end of this movie is reached.
% We exit the loop and prepare next movie:
if (tex>0)
% Yes. Draw the new texture immediately to screen:
Screen('DrawTexture', win, tex);
% Update display:
Screen('Flip', win);
% Release texture:
Screen('Close', tex);
% Check for abortion by user:
[keyIsDown,secs,keyCode]=KbCheck; %#ok<ASGLU>
if (keyIsDown==1 && keyCode(esc))
% Set the abort-demo flag.
% We start background loading of the next movie 0.5 seconds
% after start of playback of the current movie:
if prefetched==0 && pts > 0.5
% Initiate background async load operation:
% We simply set the async flag to 1 and don't query any
% return values:
Screen('OpenMovie', win, moviename, 1);
% If asynchronous load of next movie has been started already
% and we are less than 0.5 seconds from the end of the current
% movie, then we try to finish the async load operation and
% start playback of the new movie in order to give processing a
% headstart:
if prefetched==1 && movieduration - pts < 0.5
% Less than 0.5 seconds until end of current movie. Try to
% start playback for next movie:
% Open the movie - this should take zero-time as the movie
% should have been already prefetched during playback of
% the current movie. In case loading did not finish, this
% command will pause Matlabs execution until the movie is
% really ready.
[newmovie newmovieduration newfps newimgw newimgh] = Screen('OpenMovie', win, moviename);
% Start it:
Screen('PlayMovie', newmovie, rate, 0, 1.0);
telapsed = GetSecs - t1 %#ok<NOPRT,NASGU>
finalcount=i %#ok<NOPRT,NASGU>
% Done with old movie. Stop its playback:
Screen('PlayMovie', movie, 0);
% Close movie object:
Screen('CloseMovie', movie);
% Ok, now our 'newmovie' becomes the current 'movie':
movie = newmovie;
movieduration = newmovieduration;
fps = newfps;
imgw = newimgw;
imgh = newimgh;
prefetched = 0;
% As playback of the new movie has been started already, we can
% simply reenter the playback loop:
% End of movie playback. Shut down and exit:
if prefetched == 1
% A prefetch operation for a movie is still in progress. We need to
% finalize this cleanly by waiting for the movie to open and then
% closing it.
newmovie = Screen('OpenMovie', win, moviename);
prefetched = 2;
if prefetched == 2
% Playback of a new prefetched movie has been started. We need to stop and
% close it:
Screen('PlayMovie', newmovie, 0);
Screen('CloseMovie', newmovie);
% Close screens.
Screen('Close', win);
% Done.
catch %#ok<CTCH>
% Error handling: Close all windows and movies, release all ressources.