/usr/share/psychtoolbox-3/PsychOpenGL/morphtest.m is in psychtoolbox-3-common
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% morphtest -- Quick and dirty test for moglmorpher
% Pass a path to a folder with .obj OBJ files, and a path to the texture image,
% e.g.,
% morphtest('/my/path/to/the/objfiles/myobjfiles*.obj', 'mytexture.png');
% --> Will load all .obj files starting with name myobjfiles in the folder
% /my/path/to/the/objfiles/ and the PNG texture image 'mytexture.png'.
% All OBJ files *must* have a matching format, so they are morpheable. -->
% Same number of vertices, texcoords, normals, same polygon index lists
% (topology).
% The demo will morph the first three loaded shapes modulated by a sine.
% Stop the demo by pressing any key.
% Notable implementation details:
% The call InitializeMatlabOpenGL(1) at the top of the script initializes the
% Matlab-OpenGL toolbox and enables the 3D gfx support in Psychtoolbox to
% allow proper interfacing between the OpenGL toolbox and Psychtoolbox.
% After this call, all OpenGL functions are made available to Matlab with
% the same - or a very similar - calling syntax as in the C programming
% language. OpenGL constants are made available in C-Style, e.g.,
% GL_DEPTH_TEST, and in a format that is optimized for Matlab, where the
% first underscore is replaced by a dot, e.g., GL.DEPTH_TEST. The former
% style is more convenient if you want to copy & paste OpenGL code written
% in C into a Matlab M-File for use, but it only works if you put all your
% code into one single M-File or function. The second style works in
% subfunctions as well, if you place the commands "global GL" and "global
% GLU" at the top of each function... This inconvenience is unavoidable due
% to the design of Matlab.
% In order to execute OpenGL 3D drawing commands to draw 3D stims into a
% Psychtoolbox Onscreen- or offscreen window, one needs to call
% Screen('BeginOpenGL', windowPtr). After OpenGL drawing and before
% execution of standard Screen() commands, one needs to call
% Screen('EndOpenGL', windowPtr) to tell Psychtoolbox that 3D drawing is
% finished.
% Some OpenGL functions that return complex parameters to Matlab are not
% yet implemented - this is work in progress. The performance will be also
% lower than when coding in a compiled language like C++ or C -- that's the
% Matlab tax you'll have to pay ;-)
% Apart from that, use of OpenGL for Matlab is the same as OpenGL for the C
% programming language. If you are used to OpenGL coding in C, it should be
% a zero effort transition to code in Matlab+PTB. If you don't know OpenGL
% then get yourself one of the many good books or visit one of the many
% OpenGL tutorials on the internet.
% The OpenGL Red Book is a great introduction and reference for OpenGL
% programming. Release 1.0 is available online, later releases can be
% purchased in any good book store:
% http://www.opengl.org/documentation/red_book_1.0/
% For more infos, code samples, tutorials, online documentation, go to:
% http://www.opengl.org
% The OpenGL for Matlab toolbox was developed and contributed under
% GPL license by Prof. Richard F. Murray, University of York, Canada.
% Is the script running in OpenGL Psychtoolbox?
% Default paths and names for OBJ's in MK's directories:
if nargin < 1
if IsLinux
objpath = '/win/kleinerm/objs/bench/lowpoly/sorted/*.obj';
if IsWin
objpath = 'U:/Ressourcen/lowpoly/*.obj';
% Parse and build list of filenames:
objpath = [fileparts(objpath) '/'];
% Default path to texture image:
if nargin < 2
texname = [objpath 'Tex200L.png'];
% Load first OBJ. This will define topology and use of texcoords and normals:
obj = LoadOBJFile([objpath objs(1).name]);
% Find the screen to use for display:
% Disable Synctests for this simple demo:
% Setup Psychtoolbox for OpenGL 3D rendering support and initialize the
% mogl OpenGL for Matlab wrapper:
% Open a double-buffered full-screen window on the main displays screen.
[win , winRect] = Screen('OpenWindow', screenid,0); % , [0 0 800 600]);
% Load and create face texture in Psychtoolbox:
texture = imread(texname);
texid = Screen('MakeTexture', win, texture);
% Retrieve a standard OpenGL texture handle and target for use with MOGL:
[gltexid gltextarget] = Screen('GetOpenGLTexture', win, texid);
% Swap (u,v) <-> (v,u) to account for the transposed images read via Matlab imread():
texcoords(2,:) = obj{1}.texcoords(1,:);
texcoords(1,:) = 1 - obj{1}.texcoords(2,:);
% Which texture type?
if gltextarget == GL.TEXTURE_2D
% Nothing to do...
% Rectangle texture: We need to rescale our texcoords as they are made for
% power-of-two textures, not rectangle textures:
texcoords = texcoords * size(texture,1);
% Setup the OpenGL rendering context of the onscreen window for use by
% OpenGL wrapper. After this command, all following OpenGL commands will
% draw into the onscreen window 'win':
Screen('BeginOpenGL', win);
% Setup texture mapping for our face texture:
glBindTexture(gltextarget, gltexid);
% Choose texture application function: It shall modulate the light
% reflection properties of the the cubes face:
% Add first OBJ as mesh:
% Replace texcoords by our modified texcoords:
obj{1}.texcoords = texcoords;
meshid(1) = moglmorpher('addMesh', obj{1});
% Load and add all other OBJs as meshes:
for i=2:size(objs,1)
obj=LoadOBJFile([objpath objs(i).name]);
% Replace texcoords by our modified texcoords:
obj{1}.texcoords = texcoords;
meshid(i) = moglmorpher('addMesh', obj{1});
% Get the aspect ratio of the screen:
% Turn on OpenGL local lighting model: The lighting model supported by
% OpenGL is a local Phong model with Gouraud shading.
% Enable the first local light source GL_LIGHT_0. Each OpenGL
% implementation is guaranteed to support at least 8 light sources.
% Enable proper occlusion handling via depth tests:
% Define some default color as well if lighting is disabled:
% Define the light reflection properties by setting up reflection
% coefficients for ambient, diffuse and specular reflection:
glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK,GL_AMBIENT, [ 1 1 1 1 ]);
glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK,GL_DIFFUSE, [ .78 .57 .11 1 ]);
glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK,GL_SPECULAR, [ 1 1 1 1 ]);
% Set projection matrix: This defines a perspective projection,
% corresponding to the model of a pin-hole camera - which is a good
% approximation of the human eye and of standard real world cameras --
% well, the best aproximation one can do with 3 lines of code ;-)
% Field of view is +/- 25 degrees from line of sight. Objects close than
% 0.1 distance units or farther away than 100 distance units get clipped
% away, aspect ratio is adapted to the monitors aspect ratio:
% Setup modelview matrix: This defines the position, orientation and
% looking direction of the virtual camera:
% Cam is located at 3D position (0,0,10), points upright (0,1,0) and fixates
% at the origin (0,0,0) of the worlds coordinate system:
% Setup position and emission properties of the light source:
% Set background color to 'black':
% Point lightsource at (0 , 0, 100)...
glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0,GL_POSITION,[ 0 0 10 0 ]);
% Emits white (1,1,1,1) diffuse light:
glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0,GL_DIFFUSE, [ 1 1 1 1 ]);
% Emits white (1,1,1,1) specular light:
glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0,GL_SPECULAR, [ 1 1 1 1 ]);
% There's also some blue, but weak (R,G,B) = (0.1, 0.1, 0.1)
% ambient light present:
glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0,GL_AMBIENT, [ .1 .1 .6 1 ]);
% Initialize amount and direction of rotation
rotatev=[ 0 0 1 ];
% Retrieve duration of a single monitor flip interval:
ifi = Screen('GetFlipInterval', win);
% Initially sync us to the VBL:
vbl=Screen('Flip', win);
% Some stats...
framecount = 0;
waitframes = 1;
% Animation loop: Run until key press...
while (1)
% Calculate rotation angle for next frame:
rotatev=rotatev+0.0001*[ sin((pi/180)*theta) sin((pi/180)*2*theta) sin((pi/180)*theta/5) ];
% Setup rotation around axis:
% Scale down head to 1/10th of size:
glScalef(0.1, 0.1, 0.1);
% Clear out the backbuffer: This also cleans the depth-buffer for
% proper occlusion handling:
% Compute simple morph weight vector...
w(1)=0.5 * (sin(framecount / 100 * 3.1415 * 2) + 1)/2;
w(2)=0.5 * (cos(framecount / 100 * 3.1415 * 2) + 1)/2;
% Compute and render morphed shape:
moglmorpher('renderMorph', w);
% Finish OpenGL rendering into PTB window and check for OpenGL errors.
Screen('EndOpenGL', win);
% Show rendered image at next vertical retrace: Skip clearing the
% backbuffer after flip, as this is done above by glClear anyway.
vbl = Screen('Flip', win, vbl + (waitframes - 0.5) * ifi, 2);
framecount = framecount + 1;
% Switch to OpenGL rendering again for drawing of next frame:
Screen('BeginOpenGL', win);
% Check for keyboard press and exit, if so:
if KbCheck
fps = framecount / (vbl - tstart)
% Shut down OpenGL rendering:
Screen('EndOpenGL', win);
% Close onscreen window and release all other ressources:
% Reenable Synctests after this simple demo:
% Well done!