/usr/share/psychtoolbox-3/PsychStairCase/MinExpEntStair.m is in psychtoolbox-3-common
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% Minimum Expected Entropy Staircase
% Caution: Currently only works with Matlab, not with GNU/Octave!
% The staircase gives suggestions for which probe value to test next,
% choosing the probe that will provide the most information (based on the
% principle of minimum entropy = maximally unambiguous probability
% distribution). Probes are chosen from a set of possible probe values
% provided at staircase init, and their use is evaluated based on the
% expected amount of information gain given a space of PSE and slope values
% to test over.
% By default, a psychometric function ranging from 0% to 100% is used, as
% is suitable for discrimination experiments with a standard in the middle
% of the possible stimulus parameter range. For other paradigms, such as
% n-AFC detection tasks, one can set the guessrate input during staircase
% init to 1/num_alternatives, e.g. .5 when doing a 2IFC detection task.
% This guess rate is thus not the rate at which participants guess instead
% of do your task (thats the lapse rate), it the minimum rate of correct
% responses as determined by your design. NB: below discussion is based on
% the default psychometric function with the full range, but all points are
% equally valid for a scaled psychometric function.
% It is recommended to have the staircase determine the optimal next probe
% based on only a random subset of the response history (see options
% 'toggle_use_resp_subset' and 'toggle_use_resp_subset_prop'). This makes
% its operation more robust for response errors and also avoids probe
% oscillations when the fit estimate is converging.
% When we are close to convergence, probes will tend to be near the 25% and
% 75% points. If a probe is 25% and you answer '1' (pedestal faster, which
% is likely, because it's near the correct 25% point), then for the next
% trial the peak in expected entropy reduction will generally be the 75%
% point, and vice versa. This can lead to undesirable probe sequences where
% the correct response alternates 0,1,0,1,0,1. If you choose a random
% subset, this will completely eliminate the problem. If the staircase has
% converged to where there are two almost equal expected entropy minima,
% then small variations due to the selection of subsets will randomly vary
% which minimum emerges as lowest.
% This strategy does not significantly affect optimal operation of the
% staircase. Lots of probe values provide useful information. Therefore, it
% is not crucial to have a highly accurate estimate of likelihoods, so
% relatively few trials are sufficient (less than are needed to for final
% estimates of PSE and DL). Throwing out trials for the staircase
% computation yields robustness without much cost.
% Another option would be to load a non-uniform prior on the space of
% possible location/mean/PSE and dispersion/slope parameters (known as mu
% and sigma respectively for a cumulative Gaussian - see option
% 'loadprior'). Probe sampling will then stay reasonable in early trials
% even if there were a couple bad responses. But this strategy is not as
% robust as using a random subset -- bad trials will continue to have an
% effect throughout.
% In absence of anything to base the optimal probe value on, the first
% probe is chosen randomly from the set of possible probes. When a prior
% was loaded, a likelihood distribution is available based on which the
% optional probe value can be computed. If for any other reason choosing
% the next probe based on the measure of minimum expected entropy fails,
% the staircase will fall back on the same random probe sampling strategy.
% There is an option to set the first probe value to be tested, which, for
% the first trial only, will overrule both of the above probe choice
% strategies. This can be useful if you want to be sure that the first
% trial is an easy one so the participant knows what to expect.
% Another measure for robustness is to choose a small lapse rate. If lapse
% would be zero and a response error is made by the observer, immediately a
% whole range of mean-slope combinations becomes impossible. If lapse rate
% is non-zero, these would still have a non-zero probability and the
% staircase can rebound. Therefore a lapse rate of 5% or even more
% depending on task difficulty is always recommended. NB: in the default
% discrimination setup of the staircase (guessrate is not specified or set
% to 0), half of the lapse rate is taken off the bottom of the psychometric
% function and half is taken off the top. So if the lapse rate is 0.05, the
% psychometric function will range from 0.025 to 0.975. In the setup for a
% n-AFC detection experiment when the psychometric function has a lower
% bound of 1/num_alternatives, the lapse rate is taken off the top. So when
% the guess_rate is set to .5 (2AFC) and the pase rate is set to .05, the
% psychometric function will range from 0.05 to 0.95.
% Note that the staircase does not support a 0 lapse rate in the first
% place as it works with log-probability and we get in trouble if we would
% take the log of a 0 probability. Any lapse rate lower than 1e-10 will be
% adjusted to 1e-10 upon calling the 'init' function.
% If the staircase gets stuck at one of the bounds of the probe set, check
% that the sign of the slope space matches the expected sign of the
% response. E.g., lets look at an experiment in which you are doing 2IFC
% task in which the observer is asked to report which interval contained
% the faster motion. If the observer choses the test over the pedestal
% interval the response is 1, if the observer chosen the pedestal to be
% faster, the response is 0. All slopes in the set would in this case be
% positive as the low end of the probe space (slow speeds) is associated
% with response 0 and the high end with response 1. If we however asked the
% observer to indicate the slower interval, the slopes in our slope set
% would not match the task, and the staircase would get stuck at one of the
% probe bounds. In this case, the lower end of the probe space is
% associated with the response 1 and the higher end with the response
% 0--we'd thus have a negative slope for the fitted cumulative probability
% function.
% The staircase currently only supports logistic and cumulative Gaussian
% (default) psychometric functions (see 'set_psychometric_func'), but
% others could easily be implemented. Changes should be needed only to the
% function "fit_a_point" at the bottom of this mfile, providing that the
% function is characterized by two parameters (which do not necessarily
% have to be PSE and slope, though that is the terminology here.
% Should you implement such a function, please do send me your code at
% dcnieho @at@ gmail.com.
% The above discussion assumes that response inputs to 'process_resp' are
% either 0 or 1 (see note above about their meaning) though in practice
% anything larger than 0 is treated as 1 and anything lower than 0,
% including 0, is treated as 0. the staircase can thus easily be integrated
% with programs that use a 1, -1 response scheme.
% For actual offline fitting of your data, you would probably want to use a
% dedicated toolbox such as Prins, N & Kingdom, F. A. A. (2009) Palamedes:
% Matlab routines for analyzing psychophysical data.
% http://www.palamedestoolbox.org. instead of using the function parameters
% or PSE and DL returned from staircase functions 'get_fit' and
% 'get_PSE_DL'.
% Also note that while the staircase runs far more robust when a small
% lapse rate is assumed, it is common to either fit the psychometric
% function without a lapse rate, or otherwise with the lapse rate as a free
% parameter (possibily varying only over subjects, but not over conditions
% within each subject).
% References:
% Based on the Minimum expected entropy staircase method developed by:
% Saunders JA & Backus BT (2006). Perception of surface slant from
% oriented textures. Journal of Vision 6(9), article 3
% Discussions of conceptually similar staircases can be found in:
% Kontsevich LL & Tyler CW (1999). Bayesian adaptive estimation of
% psychometric slope and threshold. Vision Res 39(16), pp. 2729-37
% Lesmes LA, Lu ZL, Baek J & Albright TD (2010). Bayesian adaptive
% estimation of the contrast sensitivity function: The quick CSF method.
% Journal of Vision 10(3), article 17
% USE:
% Calling this function creates a staircase instance. The interface of the
% staircase is accessed through the returned function handle. You can
% create as many instances as you like by calling this function, each
% instance has its own internal memory/history. In that sense this is
% really OO (I'm not happy with MATLAB's OO features and also want to be
% compatible with old versions, hence the below paradigm).
% When interacting with the staircase through the function handle, the
% first argument is a string that identifies the action you want to perform
% (you can think of this as the string containing the name of the member
% function to be called) and optionally any other arguments that are needed
% for the call. See MESDemo for an example and the comments below for use
% of the different staircase functions.
% Copyright (c) 2011 by DC Niehorster and JA Saunders
% The demo and MinExpEntStair use nested functions internally, something
% not supported by Octave, so this is a no-go unless somebody rewrites this
% stuff:
if IsOctave
error('Sorry, this function does not yet work on GNU/Octave.');
% private member variables
probeset = []; % possible probe values to be tested
aset = []; % pse's tested (and fitted)
bset = []; % slopes fitted
agrid = [];
bgrid = [];
lapse_rate = []; % lapse/mistake rate
guess_rate = []; % guess rate
phist = []; % probe history
rhist = double([]); % response history (0 or 1)
loglik = [];
lik = [];
g0 = [];
g1 = [];
% likelihood lookup table
qUseLookup = []; % can explicitly be set to true or false by user with
likLookup = [];
qLookupCompressed = false; % lots of overlap between likelihoods for different probe values, compute and store in a format making use of this overlap
% option: use a subset of all data for choosing the next probe, default values:
quse_subset = false; % use limited subset for computing next probe? Limited subset by discarding a fixed number of trials
quse_subset_perc = false; % same as above, but instead use a percentage of the available data
minsetsize = 10; % minimum size to start subsetting
subsetsize = 3; % subset contains subsetsize less datapoints than full dataset
percsetsize = .8; % percentage of data in set used
% option: set the value to test if probe history is empty
first_value = []; % first value to test instead of random or by prior
% psychometric function that is used (default)
psychofunc = [];
psychofuncStr = 'cumGauss';
% subfunction
if nargin<1 || strcmpi(mode,'legacy')
fhndl = @MinExpEntStair_internal;
external_funs = {@init, @loadhistory, @loadprior, @toggle_use_resp_subset, @toggle_use_resp_subset_prop, @set_first_value, @set_use_lookup_table, @get_use_lookup_table, @set_psychometric_func, @get_psychometric_func, @get_next_probe, @process_resp, @get_history, @get_fit, @get_PSE_DL};
external_funs_str = cellfun(@(x) strrep(func2str(x),[mfilename '/'],''),external_funs,'uni',false);
elseif strcmpi(mode,'v2')
% setup function handles
fhndl.init = @init;
fhndl.loadhistory = @loadhistory;
fhndl.loadprior = @loadprior;
fhndl.toggle_use_resp_subset = @toggle_use_resp_subset;
fhndl.toggle_use_resp_subset_prop = @toggle_use_resp_subset_prop;
fhndl.set_first_value = @set_first_value;
fhndl.set_use_lookup_table = @set_use_lookup_table;
fhndl.get_use_lookup_table = @get_use_lookup_table;
fhndl.set_psychometric_func = @set_psychometric_func;
fhndl.get_psychometric_func = @get_psychometric_func;
fhndl.get_next_probe = @get_next_probe;
fhndl.process_resp = @process_resp;
fhndl.get_history = @get_history;
fhndl.get_fit = @get_fit;
fhndl.get_PSE_DL = @get_PSE_DL;
% public interface
function [varargout] = MinExpEntStair_internal(mode,varargin)
% get internal function to run
qFun = strcmp(mode,external_funs_str);
if any(qFun)
% run function
[varargout{1:nargout}] = external_funs{qFun}(varargin{:});
error('MinExpEntStair: mode "%s" unknown',mode);
% init
function [] = init(probeset_,meanset,slopeset,lapse_rate_,guess_rate_)
probeset = probeset_;
aset = meanset;
bset = slopeset;
[agrid,bgrid] = meshgrid(aset,bset);
% init with uniform probability, normalized
loglik = zeros(size(agrid)) - log(numel(agrid));
lik = ones(size(agrid))./numel(agrid);
% lapse rate and guess rate
lapse_rate = lapse_rate_;
% the lapse rate cannot be exactly 0 as the computed
% probability must not be exactly 0 so we can work with
% log(prob) without trouble, so set it to 1e-10 at least.
lapse_rate = max(lapse_rate,1e-10);
% guess rate is optional, if not specified we assume a 2IFC
% discrimination experiment where the guess rate is
% irrelevant as function goes from always one option at the
% one end to always the other option at the other end.
if nargin<5
guess_rate = 0;
guess_rate = guess_rate_;
% lapse rate:
% 1. for a discrimination setup (guess_rate==0) the
% lapserate basically means that instead of ranging from 0
% to 1, the psychometric function ranges from lapse_rate/2
% to 1-lapse_rate/2
% 2. for a detection setup, the lower bound is guess_rate
% and the upper bound is 1-lapse_rate
% lower bound of pyschometric function
% and
% range of pyschometric function
if guess_rate==0
g0 = lapse_rate/2;
g1 = 1 - lapse_rate;
g0 = guess_rate;
g1 = 1 - lapse_rate - guess_rate;
set_psychometric_func(psychofuncStr); % calls precomputeLikelihoods()
%%% load bunch of previously run trials (need probes and
%%% responses)
function [] = loadhistory(probes,responses)
phist = probes;
rhist = responses;
% refit likelihood up to this point
[loglik,lik] = fit_all(phist,rhist);
%%% load a prior likelihood, so that first probe is not chosen
%%% randomly and you can influence evolution of the fit
function [] = loadprior(priorlik_)
assert(all(loglik(:)==-log(numel(agrid))),'Cannot load prior if we have a likelihood already'); % this tests if it is not default inited
priorlik = priorlik_;
assert(size(priorlik,1)==length(bset),'Number of rows in prior much match length of slope set')
assert(size(priorlik,2)==length(aset),'Number of columns in prior much match length of mean set')
assert(all(priorlik(:)>=0),'Loaded prior is not expected to be a log likelihood (that is: all your probabilities should be larger than or equal to 0!)');
loglik = normalize_loglik(log(priorlik));
lik = exp(loglik);
%%% use subset of data for computing next probe
function [varargout] = toggle_use_resp_subset(minsetsize_,subsetsize_)
% option: extract a probe and response subset for choosing
% the next probe, and fit just those
% when lots of trials ran, entropy function often has two
% local minima, with their relative values switch back and
% forth. This will lead to large oscillations in the probe
% value being tested (one trial a probe from the beginning
% of set, next trial a probe from the end and the from
% beginning of set again).
% We want to avoid these oscillations in probe values,
% therefore we select a limited subset of data to calculate
% the best next probe.
quse_subset = ~quse_subset;
assert(~(quse_subset && quse_subset_perc));
if nargin>0 % change defaults
minsetsize = minsetsize_;
subsetsize = subsetsize_;
varargout{1} = quse_subset;
varargout{2} = minsetsize;
varargout{3} = subsetsize;
%%% use subset of data for computing next probe
function [varargout] = toggle_use_resp_subset_prop(minsetsize_,percsetsize_)
% same as above, but now always use a proportion of the
% available data
quse_subset_perc = ~quse_subset_perc;
assert(~(quse_subset_perc && quse_subset));
if nargin>0 % change defaults
minsetsize = minsetsize_;
percsetsize = percsetsize_;
varargout{1} = quse_subset_perc;
varargout{2} = minsetsize;
varargout{3} = percsetsize;
%%% set the first value to test. Normally the first is chosen
%%% randomly or by using the prior that you loaded. If you prefer
%%% to start at a fixed value, use this.
function [] = set_first_value(first_value_)
first_value = first_value_;
if ~isempty(phist)
warning('the first trial has already been run. Setting the first value now is pointless and it''ll be ignored');
%%% if set to true or false, for (not) using of a precomputed lookup
%%% table instead of evaluating the psychometric function all the time.
%%% call this before calling init as lookup table computation is
%%% triggered at end of init
function [] = set_use_lookup_table(qUseLookup_)
qUseLookup = qUseLookup_;
if qUseLookup && isempty(likLookup)
%%% get if lookup table is currently used.
function varargout = get_use_lookup_table()
varargout{1} = qUseLookup;
%%% set the psychometric function to be used (default cumulative
%%% Gaussian). Can be called at any time (but it will refit all
%%% the data already present and thus remove the effect of any
%%% priors).
function [] = set_psychometric_func(funcID)
% currently supported:
% 'cumGauss' - Cumulative Gaussian
% 'logistic' - logistic function
switch funcID
case 'cumGauss'
psychofunc = @(x,a,b) normcdf((x-a)./b);
% 1 [ x - a ]
% P = --- [ 1 + erf( ----------- ) ],
% 2 [ b*sqrt(2) ]
% where a and b are known as the mean (mu) and the standard
% deviation (sigma)
% http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Normal_distribution
case 'logistic'
psychofunc = @(x,a,b) 1./(1+exp(-(x-a)./b));
% 1
% P = ------------------,
% -(x - a)/b
% 1 + e^
% where a and b are known as the mean (mu) and b is
% proportional to the standard deviation (s)
% http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logistic_distribution
error('Psychometric function "%s" not supported',funcID);
psychofuncStr = funcID;
% recompute lookup table
% if there's any data already, refit it using the new
% psychometric func. This would remove the effect of any
% priors!
if ~isempty(phist)
ndata = min(length(phist),length(rhist));
[loglik,lik] = fit_all(phist(1:ndata),rhist(1:ndata));
%%% get the psychometric function that is currently used.
function [varargout] = get_psychometric_func()
% currently possible outputs:
% 'cumGauss' - Cumulative Gaussian
% 'logistic' - logistic function
varargout{1} = psychofuncStr;
%%% given history, get which probe is best to test next
function [p,entexp,indmin] = get_next_probe()
if isempty(phist) && ~isempty(first_value)
% first trial and user requested a specific probe value to be tested
p = first_value;
[entexp,indmin] = deal([]);
[p,entexp,indmin] = getnextprobe;
if isempty(p) || isscalar(unique(loglik))
% if we couldn't compute expected entropy, or we have a
% uniform likelihood on which calculation was based
% (useless prior info, such as default inited), fall
% back on random probe selection
p = probeset(round(RandLim(1,1,length(probeset))));
[entexp,indmin] = deal([]);
phist = [phist p];
%%% fit likelihoods for new response
function [] = process_resp(resp) % resp on current trial
rhist(end+1) = resp;
[loglik,lik] = fit_additional_data_point(loglik,phist(end),rhist(end));
%%% retrieve probe and response history
function [varargout] = get_history()
varargout{1} = phist;
varargout{2} = rhist;
%%% get fitted a (PSE) and b (slope) parameters and loglik.
%%% This returns the fit of all data, also when subsetting is
%%% enabled.
function [varargout] = get_fit()
kmin = find(loglik == max(loglik(:))); % most likely combination(s) of PSE and Slope
varargout{1} = mean(agrid(kmin));
varargout{2} = mean(bgrid(kmin));
varargout{3} = loglik;
%%% get fitted PSE and DL (distance of 75% point from the 50%
%%% point) and loglik. This returns the fit of all data, also
%%% when subsetting is enabled.
%%% This function is meant to be used for discrimination
%%% experiments only (hence the terminology), although it will
%%% return the inflection point and the distance between the
%%% points that are equivalent to the 50% and 75% points after
%%% scaling the psychometric function for all setups.
function [varargout] = get_PSE_DL()
[varargout{1:3}] = get_fit();
% convert b (dispersion) parameter to DL
switch psychofuncStr
case 'cumGauss'
varargout{2} = varargout{2} * erfinv(.5)*sqrt(2);
case 'logistic'
varargout{2} = varargout{2} * log(3);
error('Psychometric function "%s" not supported',psychofuncStr);
% helpers (private functions, can only be called from the public
% functions above)
function [p,entexp,indmin] = getnextprobe
if length(rhist)>minsetsize && (quse_subset || quse_subset_perc)
% select subset and fit
if quse_subset_perc
ind = NRandPerm(length(rhist),round(length(rhist)*percsetsize)); % select percentage of set
ind = NRandPerm(length(rhist),length(rhist)-subsetsize); % select set minus a few data points
[thellik,thelik] = fit_all(phist(ind),rhist(ind));
% use likelihoods already fitted for all available data
thelik = lik;
thellik = loglik;
entexp = zeros(1,length(probeset));
for ksamp = 1:length(probeset)
% p values for each possible model
% these are used in multiple steps
pvalsamp = fit_a_point(probeset(ksamp),1);
% expected value is sum, weighted by lik
pval = sum(pvalsamp(:).*thelik(:));
% two possibilities for next response, 0 or 1
% each would make a diff new likelihood function
newloglik0 = thellik(:) + log(1 - pvalsamp(:));
newloglik1 = thellik(:) + log( pvalsamp(:));
% important! need to normalize
newloglik0 = normalize_loglik(newloglik0);
newloglik1 = normalize_loglik(newloglik1);
% 0 and 1 for next response each has an entropy
ent0 = sum(-exp(newloglik0).*newloglik0);
ent1 = sum(-exp(newloglik1).*newloglik1);
% probability pval of 0, probability (1-pval) of 1
% use these to get expected value of entropy
entexp(ksamp) = ent0*(1-pval) + ent1*pval;
indmin = find(entexp == min(entexp),1);
p = probeset(indmin);
function [loglik,lik] = fit_additional_data_point(loglik,probe,resp)
% get likelihood of current point
currlik = fit_a_point(probe,resp);
% multiply with previous likelihoods
loglik = loglik + log(currlik);
% normalize
loglik = normalize_loglik(loglik);
lik = exp(loglik);
function [loglik,lik] = fit_all(probes,resps)
if length(probes) ~= length(resps)
error('Number of probe values and responses does not match');
if strcmp(psychofuncStr,'cumGauss')
% we have a fast one for this!
loglik = FitCumGauss_MES(probes,resps,aset,bset,lapse_rate,guess_rate);
loglik = zeros(size(agrid));
for p=1:length(probes)
loglik = fit_additional_data_point(loglik,probes(p),resps(p));
% normalize
loglik = normalize_loglik(loglik);
lik = exp(loglik);
function pval = fit_a_point(probe,resp)
if qUseLookup
qProbe = probeset==probe;
if qLookupCompressed
pval = likLookup(:,[(end-length(aset)+1):end]-find(qProbe)+1);
pval = likLookup(:,:,qProbe);
pval = evalLikelihood(probe);
% if response was wrong flip probs
if resp <= 0
pval = 1-pval;
function [] = precomputeLikelihoods()
if isempty(aset)
% called before init, parameter space not known yet, nothing to
% do here
if ~isempty(qUseLookup) && ~qUseLookup
% were not using lookup tables by users request, return
% determine if we want to precompute
% first see if compressed format is possible. It is if same
% stepsize for probeset and aset, as there is then significant
% overlap between the pvalues for each probe level (could extend
% this to one being multiples of the other...)
stepP = mean(diff(probeset));
stepA = mean(diff(aset));
qLookupCompressed = abs(stepP-stepA)<=2*eps;
% use lookup if compressed possible, or if table would be small,
% or if user asked for it.
if (isempty(qUseLookup) && (...
qLookupCompressed || ... % same stepsize for probeset and aset
numel(agrid)*length(probeset)/128/1024<3)...% small lookup table (by some arbitrary standard of what is small, which in this case is less than 3 mb)
) ||...
(~isempty(qUseLookup) && qUseLookup) % user asked for it
qUseLookup = true;
nProbe = length(probeset);
if qLookupCompressed
[tempAGrid,tempBGrid] = meshgrid(linspace(probeset(1)-aset(1,end),probeset(end)-aset(1,1),length(aset)+length(probeset)-1),bset);
likLookup = g0 + g1*psychofunc(0,tempAGrid,tempBGrid);
likLookup = zeros([size(agrid) nProbe]);
for p=1:nProbe
likLookup(:,:,p) = evalLikelihood(probeset(p));
qUseLookup = false;
function pval = evalLikelihood(probe)
% evaluate psychometric function, incorporate lapse rate and guess rate
pval = g0 + g1*psychofunc(probe,agrid,bgrid);
function loglik = normalize_loglik(loglik)
loglik = loglik - log(sum(exp(loglik(:))));