/usr/share/psychtoolbox-3/PsychTests/PosterBatchAnalyzeTimestamps.m is in psychtoolbox-3-common
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% PosterBatchAnalyzeTimestamps
% Iterate over all timingtest result files ('Res_flipconfig_xxxx') which
% contain valid high precision flip timestamps, either based on
% 'p'hotodiode measurements or 'd'atapixx measurements.
% measMethod must be 'p' or 'd' for photo-diode measurement via RTBox, or
% Datapixx measurement.
% The recursive search for matching result files starts at /includes the
% current working directory.
% The script iterates over each matching file and adds all collected raw
% and high precision timestamps to a large array of timestamps. At the end
% of iteration, the pooled dataset is analyzed for mean, max and min
% deviation between Flip onset timestamps and measured timestamps. The
% total range of deviation and the standard deviation from the mean (==
% timestamp variability) is computed as well. This is done on the raw
% timestamps and high precision timestamps. End results are printed and
% scatterplots of all individual samples are shown.
% This script was used to compute the values of the "Stimulus timestamp
% precision" result table of Mario Kleiner's ECVP-2010 poster "Visual
% stimulus timing precision in Psychtoolbox-3: Tests, pitfalls &
% solutions". The same data is used in the corresponding table of his PhD
% Dissertation.
clear all;
global res;
global gRawDeltas;
global gPrecDeltas;
includer = [];
measMethod = input('Measurement method p or d for photodiode or datapixx?', 's');
if isempty(measMethod) || ~ismember(measMethod, ['p', 'd'])
error('Invalid measurement method provided!');
sdir = pwd;
% Recursively get filenames of all result files in 'sdir' directory tree:
[fdir, fnames] = subdir(sdir);
[gnrTotal, gnrSkipped, gnrCorrupt, gnrDisagree, gnrDelayed, meanDiff, stdDiff, rawmeanDiff, rawstdDiff, rawrangeDiff] = deal(0);
sc = 0;
count = 0;
rangeDiff = zeros(3,0);
rawrangeDiff = zeros(3,0);
% Check each for valid and matching datafile:
for fi = 1:length(fnames)
fname = char(fnames{fi});
% Only interested in Priority 1 runs with sync-flip and medium load:
if ~isempty(strfind(fname, 'Res_flipconfig_'))
%if ~isempty(strfind(fname, 'Res_flipconfig_prio1_syncflip')) && ~isempty(strfind(fname,'_medium_')) %&& ~isempty(strfind(fname,'noload'))
% Load result file: Will create struct 'res' with data:
if (res.measurementType == measMethod) && ismember(res.VBLTimestampingMode, [1,4]) && isfield(res, 'onsetFlipTime') && res.onsetFlipTime(end) > 0
count = count + 1
if isempty(includer) || ismember(count, includer)
sc = sc + 1;
fprintf('%s\n', fname);
[nrTotal, nrSkipped, nrCorrupt, nrDisagree, nrDelayed, meanDiff(sc), stdDiff(sc), rangeDiff(:, sc), rawmeanDiff(sc), rawstdDiff(sc), rawrangeDiff(:, sc)] = AnalyzeThis;
gnrTotal = gnrTotal + nrTotal;
gnrSkipped = gnrSkipped + nrSkipped;
gnrCorrupt = gnrCorrupt + nrCorrupt;
gnrDisagree = gnrDisagree + nrDisagree;
gnrDelayed = gnrDelayed + nrDelayed;
fprintf('Total frames: %i\n', gnrTotal);
fprintf('Skipped frames: %i\n', gnrSkipped);
fprintf('Corrupted frames: %i\n', gnrCorrupt);
fprintf('Disagreed frames: %i\n', gnrDisagree);
fprintf('Delayed frames: %i\n', gnrDelayed);
if ~isempty(gPrecDeltas)
meanDiff = mean(gPrecDeltas);
stdDiff = std(gPrecDeltas);
rangeDiff(1) = range(gPrecDeltas);
rangeDiff(2) = min(gPrecDeltas);
rangeDiff(3) = max(gPrecDeltas);
rawmeanDiff = mean(gRawDeltas);
rawstdDiff = std(gRawDeltas);
rawrangeDiff(1) = range(gRawDeltas);
rawrangeDiff(2) = min(gRawDeltas);
rawrangeDiff(3) = max(gRawDeltas);
fprintf('Precision timestamps:\n');
fprintf('Mean error: %f\n', meanDiff);
fprintf('Stddev. : %f\n', stdDiff);
fprintf('Range : %f\n', rangeDiff(1));
fprintf('Min Error : %f\n', rangeDiff(2));
fprintf('Max Error : %f\n', rangeDiff(3));
fprintf('Raw timestamps:\n');
fprintf('Mean error: %f\n', rawmeanDiff);
fprintf('Stddev. : %f\n', rawstdDiff);
fprintf('Range : %f\n', rawrangeDiff(1));
fprintf('Min Error : %f\n', rawrangeDiff(2));
fprintf('Max Error : %f\n', rawrangeDiff(3));
close all;
hold on;
scatter(ones(1,length(gPrecDeltas)), gPrecDeltas, 'b');
scatter(2*ones(1,length(gRawDeltas)), gRawDeltas, 'r');
hold off;
fprintf('No measurement data available for analysis!\n');
function [nrTotal, nrSkipped, nrCorrupt, nrDisagree, nrDelayed, meanDiff, stdDiff, rangeDiff, rawmeanDiff, rawstdDiff, rawrangeDiff] = AnalyzeThis
global valids;
global res;
global deltas;
global vdeltas;
global vrawdeltas;
global skippedones;
global gRawDeltas;
global gPrecDeltas;
agrthresh = 0.0016;
% Discard 1st frame by marking it as invalid:
res.failFlag(1) = -1;
valids = find(res.failFlag == 0);
skippedones = find(abs(res.measuredTime - res.predictedOnset) > 0.75 * res.ifi);
skippedones = intersect(skippedones, valids);
nrSkipped = length(skippedones);
nrCorrupt = length(find(res.failFlag > 0));
deltas = res.measuredTime - res.onsetFlipTime;
nrDisagree = length(find(abs(deltas(valids)) > agrthresh));
nrDelayed = length(find(deltas(valids) < -0.66 * res.ifi));
% Compute final indices of valid samples in this set:
agreevalids = intersect(valids, find(abs(deltas) <= agrthresh));
% Only take deltas of valid frames into account:
vdeltas = 1000 * deltas(agreevalids); %#ok<FNDSB>
meanDiff = mean(vdeltas);
stdDiff = std(vdeltas);
rangeDiff(1) = range(vdeltas);
rangeDiff(2) = min(vdeltas);
rangeDiff(3) = max(vdeltas);
% Only take rawdeltas of valid frames into account:
rawdeltas = res.measuredTime - res.rawFlipTime;
vrawdeltas = 1000 * rawdeltas(agreevalids);
% Only add to global sample pools if no corrupt measurements:
if nrCorrupt == 0
% Add to global pool of precsion deltas:
gPrecDeltas = [gPrecDeltas , vdeltas];
% Add to global pool of raw deltas:
gRawDeltas = [gRawDeltas , vrawdeltas];
rawmeanDiff = mean(vrawdeltas);
rawstdDiff = std(vrawdeltas);
rawrangeDiff(1) = range(vrawdeltas);
rawrangeDiff(2) = min(vrawdeltas);
rawrangeDiff(3) = max(vrawdeltas);
nrTotal = max(find(res.onsetFlipTime > 0)); %#ok<MXFND>
fprintf('Comments: %s\n', res.Comments);
if (nrCorrupt > 0) || (nrDisagree > 0) || (nrSkipped > 0)
fprintf('Number of skipped frames: %i\n', nrSkipped);
fprintf('Number of corrupted frames: %i\n', nrCorrupt);
fprintf('Number of > 1.6 msecs disagreement meas vs. flip: %i\n', nrDisagree);
fprintf('Number of flip >= 0.66 ifi later than meas. (Excessive wakeup-delay): %i\n', nrDelayed);
fprintf('Valid high-precision frames: Mean difference %f msecs, stddev %f msecs, range %f msecs.\n', meanDiff, stdDiff, rangeDiff(1));
fprintf('Valid raw-precision frames: Mean difference %f msecs, stddev %f msecs, range %f msecs.\n', rawmeanDiff, rawstdDiff, rawrangeDiff(1));