/usr/share/pyshared/pychess/Players/PyChess.py is in pychess 0.12~beta3-1.
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if __name__ == "__main__":
print "feature done=0"
from pychess.Utils import const
from pychess.System.prefix import addDataPrefix
from pychess.Utils.book import getOpenings
from pychess.Utils.const import *
from pychess.Utils.lutils import lsearch
from pychess.Utils.lutils.ldata import MAXPLY
from pychess.Utils.lutils.lsearch import alphaBeta
from pychess.Utils.lutils.LBoard import LBoard
from pychess.Utils.lutils.lmove import listToSan, toSAN
from time import time
import gettext
import pychess
import random
import sys
gettext.install("pychess", localedir=addDataPrefix("lang"), unicode=1)
class PyChess:
def __init__ (self):
self.sd = MAXPLY
self.skipPruneChance = 0
self.clock = [0, 0]
self.increment = [0, 0]
self.movestogo = 0
self.searchtime = 0
self.scr = 0 # The current predicted score. Used when accepting draw offers
self.playingAs = WHITE
self.ponder = False # Currently unused
self.post = False
self.debug = True
def makeReady(self):
import psyco
except ImportError:
# Play related
def __remainingMovesA (self):
# Based on regression of a 180k games pgn
x = self.board.plyCount
return -1.71086e-12*x**6 \
+1.69103e-9*x**5 \
-6.00801e-7*x**4 \
+8.17741e-5*x**3 \
+2.91858e-4*x**2 \
-0.94497*x \
def __remainingMovesB (self):
# We bet a game will be around 80 moves
x = self.board.plyCount
return max(80-x,4)
def __getBestOpening (self):
totalWeight = 0
choice = None
for move, weight, histGames, histScore in getOpenings(self.board):
totalWeight += weight
if totalWeight == 0:
if not move or random.randrange(totalWeight) < weight:
choice = move
return choice
def __go (self, ondone=None):
""" Finds and prints the best move from the current position """
mv = self.__getBestOpening()
if mv:
mvs = [mv]
if not mv:
lsearch.skipPruneChance = self.skipPruneChance
lsearch.searching = True
timed = self.basetime > 0
if self.searchtime > 0:
usetime = self.searchtime
usetime = self.clock[self.playingAs] / self.__remainingMovesA()
if self.clock[self.playingAs] < 6*60+self.increment[self.playingAs]*40:
# If game is blitz, we assume 40 moves rather than 80
usetime *= 2
# The increment is a constant. We'll use this always
usetime += self.increment[self.playingAs]
if usetime < 0.5:
# We don't wan't to search for e.g. 0 secs
usetime = 0.5
prevtime = 0
starttime = time()
lsearch.endtime = starttime + usetime if timed else sys.maxint
if self.debug:
if timed:
print "# Time left: %3.2f s; Planing to think for %3.2f s" % (self.clock[self.playingAs], usetime)
print "# Searching to depth %d without timelimit" % self.sd
for depth in range(1, self.sd+1):
# Heuristic time saving
# Don't waste time, if the estimated isn't enough to complete next depth
if timed and usetime <= prevtime*4 and usetime > 1:
lsearch.timecheck_counter = lsearch.TIMECHECK_FREQ
search_result = alphaBeta(self.board, depth)
if lsearch.searching:
mvs, self.scr = search_result
if time() > lsearch.endtime:
if self.post:
pv = " ".join(listToSan(self.board, mvs))
time_cs = int(100 * (time()-starttime))
print depth, self.scr, time_cs, lsearch.nodes, pv
# We were interrupted
if depth == 1:
mvs, self.scr = search_result
prevtime = time()-starttime - prevtime
self.clock[self.playingAs] -= time() - starttime - self.increment[self.playingAs]
if not mvs:
if not lsearch.searching:
# We were interupted
lsearch.nodes = 0
# This should only happen in terminal mode
if self.scr == 0:
print "result %s" % reprResult[DRAW]
elif self.scr < 0:
if self.board.color == WHITE:
print "result %s" % reprResult[BLACKWON]
else: print "result %s" % reprResult[WHITEWON]
if self.board.color == WHITE:
print "result %s" % reprResult[WHITEWON]
else: print "result %s" % reprResult[BLACKWON]
lsearch.nodes = 0
lsearch.searching = False
move = mvs[0]
sanmove = toSAN(self.board, move)
if ondone: ondone(sanmove)
return sanmove
def __analyze (self):
""" Searches, and prints info from, the position as stated in the cecp
protocol """
start = time()
lsearch.endtime = sys.maxint
lsearch.searching = True
for depth in xrange (1, self.sd):
if not lsearch.searching:
t = time()
mvs, scr = alphaBeta (self.board, depth)
pv = " ".join(listToSan(self.board, mvs))
time_cs = int(100 * (time() - start))
print depth, scr, time_cs, lsearch.nodes, pv
lsearch.nodes = 0
# main #
if __name__ == "__main__":
if len(sys.argv) == 1 or sys.argv[1:] == ["xboard"]:
from pychess.Players.PyChessCECP import PyChessCECP
pychess = PyChessCECP()
elif len(sys.argv) == 5 and sys.argv[1] == "fics":
from pychess.Players.PyChessFICS import PyChessFICS
pychess = PyChessFICS(*sys.argv[2:])
print "Unknown argument(s):", repr(sys.argv)