/usr/share/pyshared/pychess/System/ping.py is in pychess 0.12~beta3-1.
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from gobject import GObject, SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST
from pychess.System.Log import log
from pychess.System.SubProcess import SubProcess, searchPath
import re
class Pinger (GObject):
""" The recieved signal contains the time it took to get response from the
server in millisecconds. -1 means that some error occurred """
__gsignals__ = {
"recieved": (SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, None, (float,)),
"error": (SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, None, (str,))
def __init__ (self, host):
self.host = host
self.subproc = None
self.expression = re.compile("time=([\d\.]+) (m?s)")
# We need untranslated error messages in regexp search
# below, so have to use deferred translation here
def _(msg): return msg
error = _("Destination Host Unreachable")
self.errorExprs = (
re.compile("(%s)" % error),
del _
self.restartsOnDead = 3
self.deadCount = 0
def start (self):
assert not self.subproc
self.subproc = SubProcess(searchPath("ping"), [self.host], env={"LANG":"en"})
self.conid1 = self.subproc.connect("line", self.__handleLines)
self.conid2 = self.subproc.connect("died", self.__handleDead)
def __handleLines (self, subprocess, lines):
for line in lines:
def __handleLine (self, line):
match = self.expression.search(line)
if match:
time, unit = match.groups()
time = float(time)
if unit == "s":
time *= 1000
self.emit("recieved", time)
for expr in self.errorExprs:
match = expr.search(line)
if match:
msg = match.groups()[0]
self.emit("error", _(msg))
def __handleDead (self, subprocess):
if self.deadCount < self.restartsOnDead:
log.warn("Pinger died and restarted (%d/%d)\n" %
(self.deadCount+1, self.restartsOnDead),
self.deadCount += 1
self.emit("error", _("Died"))
def stop (self):
assert self.subproc
exitCode = self.subproc.gentleKill()
self.subproc = None
if __name__ == "__main__":
pinger = Pinger("google.com")
def callback(pinger, time):
print time
pinger.connect("recieved", callback)
import time