/usr/share/pyshared/pychess/ic/FICSConnection.py is in pychess 0.12~beta3-1.
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import socket
import time
import threading
from gobject import GObject, SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST
import pychess
from pychess.System.Log import log
from pychess.System.ThreadPool import PooledThread
from pychess.Utils.const import *
from managers.SeekManager import SeekManager
from managers.FingerManager import FingerManager
from managers.NewsManager import NewsManager
from managers.BoardManager import BoardManager
from managers.OfferManager import OfferManager
from managers.ChatManager import ChatManager
from managers.ConsoleManager import ConsoleManager
from managers.HelperManager import HelperManager
from managers.ListAndVarManager import ListAndVarManager
from managers.AutoLogOutManager import AutoLogOutManager
from managers.ErrorManager import ErrorManager
from managers.AdjournManager import AdjournManager
from FICSObjects import FICSPlayers, FICSGames
from TimeSeal import TimeSeal
from VerboseTelnet import LinePrediction
from VerboseTelnet import ManyLinesPrediction
from VerboseTelnet import FromPlusPrediction
from VerboseTelnet import FromToPrediction
from VerboseTelnet import PredictionsTelnet
from VerboseTelnet import NLinesPrediction
class LogOnError (StandardError): pass
class Connection (GObject, PooledThread):
__gsignals__ = {
'connecting': (SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, None, ()),
'connectingMsg': (SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, None, (str,)),
'connected': (SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, None, ()),
'disconnected': (SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, None, ()),
'error': (SIGNAL_RUN_FIRST, None, (object,)),
def __init__ (self, host, ports, username, password):
self.host = host
self.ports = ports
self.username = username
self.password = password
self.connected = False
self.connecting = False
self.predictions = set()
self.predictionsDict = {}
self.reply_cmd_dict = {}
# Are we connected to FatICS ?
self.FatICS = False
def expect (self, prediction):
self.predictionsDict[prediction.callback] = prediction
if hasattr(prediction.callback, "BLKCMD"):
self.reply_cmd_dict[prediction.callback.BLKCMD] = prediction
def unexpect (self, callback):
if hasattr(callback, "BLKCMD"):
def expect_line (self, callback, regexp):
self.expect(LinePrediction(callback, regexp))
def expect_many_lines (self, callback, regexp):
self.expect(ManyLinesPrediction(callback, regexp))
def expect_n_lines (self, callback, *regexps):
self.expect(NLinesPrediction(callback, *regexps))
def expect_fromplus (self, callback, regexp0, regexp1):
self.expect(FromPlusPrediction(callback, regexp0, regexp1))
def expect_fromto (self, callback, regexp0, regexp1):
self.expect(FromToPrediction(callback, regexp0, regexp1))
def cancel (self):
raise NotImplementedError()
def close (self):
raise NotImplementedError()
def getUsername (self):
return self.username
def isRegistred (self):
return self.password
def isConnected (self):
return self.connected
def isConnecting (self):
return self.connecting
EOF = _("The connection was broken - got \"end of file\" message")
NOTREG = _("'%s' is not a registered name")
BADPAS = _("The entered password was invalid.\n" + \
"If you have forgot your password, go to http://www.freechess.org/cgi-bin/Utilities/requestPassword.cgi to request a new one over email.")
class FICSConnection (Connection):
def __init__ (self, host, ports, username="guest", password="", conn=None):
Connection.__init__(self, host, ports, username, password)
self.conn = conn
self.registred = None
if self.conn is None:
self.players = FICSPlayers(self)
self.games = FICSGames(self)
def _connect (self):
self.connecting = True
self.client = TimeSeal()
self.emit('connectingMsg', _("Connecting to server"))
for i, port in enumerate(self.ports):
log.debug("Trying port %d\n" % port, (self.host, "raw"))
self.client.open(self.host, port)
except socket.error, e:
log.debug("Failed to open port %d %s\n" % (port, e), (self.host, "raw"))
if i+1 == len(self.ports):
self.client.read_until("login: ")
self.emit('connectingMsg', _("Logging on to server"))
if self.username and self.username != "guest":
print >> self.client, self.username
got = self.client.read_until("password:",
"enter the server as",
"Try again.")
if got == 0:
self.client.sensitive = True
print >> self.client, self.password
self.client.sensitive = False
self.registred = True
# No such name
elif got == 1:
raise LogOnError, NOTREG % self.username
# Bad name
elif got == 2:
raise LogOnError, NOTREG % self.username
print >> self.client, "guest"
self.client.read_until("Press return")
print >> self.client
self.registred = False
while True:
line = self.client.readline()
if "Invalid password" in line:
raise LogOnError, BADPAS
match = re.search("\*\*\*\* Starting FICS session as "+
"([A-Za-z]+)(?:\([A-Z*]+\))* \*\*\*\*", line)
if match:
self.username = match.groups()[0]
self.FatICS = self.client.FatICS
self.client.name = self.username
self.emit('connectingMsg', _("Setting up environment"))
self.client = PredictionsTelnet(self.client, self.predictions, self.reply_cmd_dict)
self.client.run_command("iset block 1")
self.client.run_command("iset defprompt 1")
# The helper just wants only player and game notifications
if self.conn:
# set open 1 is a requirement for availinfo notifications
self.client.run_command("set open 1")
self.client.run_command("set shout 0")
self.client.run_command("set cshout 0")
self.client.run_command("set seek 0")
self.client.run_command("set tell 0")
self.client.run_command("set chanoff 1")
self.client.run_command("set gin 1")
self.client.run_command("set availinfo 1")
self.client.run_command("iset allresults 1")
# New ivar pin
# http://www.freechess.org/Help/HelpFiles/new_features.html
self.client.run_command("iset pin 1")
self.hm = HelperManager(self, self.conn)
# Important: As the other managers use ListAndVarManager, we need it
# to be instantiated first. We might decide that the purpose of this
# manager is different - used by different parts of the code - so it
# should be implemented into the FICSConnection somehow.
self.lvm = ListAndVarManager(self)
while not self.lvm.isReady():
self.lvm.setVariable("interface", NAME+" "+pychess.VERSION)
# FIXME: Some managers use each other to avoid regexp collapse. To
# avoid having to init the in a specific order, connect calls should
# be moved to a "start" function, so all managers would be in
# the connection object when they are called
self.em = ErrorManager(self)
self.glm = SeekManager(self)
self.bm = BoardManager(self)
self.fm = FingerManager(self)
self.nm = NewsManager(self)
self.om = OfferManager(self)
self.cm = ChatManager(self)
self.alm = AutoLogOutManager(self)
self.adm = AdjournManager(self)
self.com = ConsoleManager(self)
# disable setting iveriables from console
self.lvm.setVariable("lock", 1)
self.connecting = False
self.connected = True
if self.conn is None:
def keep_alive():
keep_alive_thread = threading.Thread(target = keep_alive)
keep_alive_thread.daemon = True
self.connecting = False
def run (self):
if not self.isConnected():
while self.isConnected():
except Exception, e:
if self.connected:
self.connected = False
for errortype in (IOError, LogOnError, EOFError,
socket.error, socket.gaierror, socket.herror):
if isinstance(e, errortype):
self.emit("error", e)
def close (self):
if self.isConnected():
if self.conn is None:
except Exception, e:
for errortype in (IOError, LogOnError, EOFError,
socket.error, socket.gaierror, socket.herror):
if isinstance(e, errortype):
else: raise e
self.connected = False
def isRegistred (self):
assert self.registred != None
return self.registred
def getUsername (self):
'''Return the username of the logged in player. Useful for determining if player is the logged in player.'''
assert self.username != None
return self.username