/usr/share/racket/collects/pkg/util.rkt is in racket-common 6.1-4.
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(require racket/path
(define-logger pkg)
(define (make-parent-directory* p)
(define parent (path-only p))
(make-directory* parent))
(define (table-display l)
(define how-many-cols (length (first l)))
(define max-widths
(for/list ([col (in-range how-many-cols)])
(apply max (map (compose string-length (curryr list-ref col)) l))))
(for ([row (in-list l)])
(for ([col (in-list row)]
[i (in-naturals 1)]
[width (in-list max-widths)])
(printf "~a~a"
(if (= i how-many-cols)
(make-string (+ (- width (string-length col)) 4) #\space))))
(printf "\n")))
(define (call/input-url+200 u fun
#:headers [headers '()]
#:failure [fail-k (lambda (s) #f)])
#;(printf "\t\tReading ~a\n" (url->string u))
(define-values (ip hs) (get-pure-port/headers u headers
#:redirections 25
#:status? #t))
(if (string=? "200" (substring hs 9 12))
(fun ip)
(close-input-port ip))
(fail-k hs)))
(define (url-path/no-slash url)
(define p (url-path url))
(define rp (reverse p))
(match rp
[(list* (path/param "" _) rest)
[_ rp])))
(define github-client_id (make-parameter #f))
(define github-client_secret (make-parameter #f))
(define (split-github-url pkg-url)
(if (equal? (url-scheme pkg-url) "github")
;; github://
(map path/param-path (url-path/no-slash pkg-url))
;; git://
(let* ([paths (map path/param-path (url-path/no-slash pkg-url))])
(list* (car paths)
(regexp-replace* #rx"[.]git$" (cadr paths) "")
(or (url-fragment pkg-url) "master")
(let ([a (assoc 'path (url-query pkg-url))])
(or (and a (cdr a) (string-split (cdr a) "/"))
(define (package-url->checksum pkg-url-str [query empty]
#:download-printf [download-printf void]
#:pkg-name [pkg-name "package"])
(define pkg-url
(string->url pkg-url-str))
(match (url-scheme pkg-url)
[(or "github" "git")
(match-define (list* user repo branch path)
(split-github-url pkg-url))
(for/or ([kind '("branches" "tags")])
(define api-u
(url "https" #f "api.github.com" #f #t
(map (λ (x) (path/param x empty))
(list "repos" user repo kind))
(append query
(if (and (github-client_id)
(list (cons 'client_id (github-client_id))
(cons 'client_secret (github-client_secret)))
(download-printf "Querying GitHub ~a\n" kind)
(log-pkg-debug "Querying GitHub at ~a" (url->string api-u))
(define api-bs
api-u port->bytes
#:headers (list (format "User-Agent: raco-pkg/~a" (version)))))
(unless api-bs
(error 'package-url->checksum
"could not connect to GitHub\n URL: ~a"
(struct-copy url api-u
[query query]))))
(define branches
(read-json (open-input-bytes api-bs)))
(unless (and (list? branches)
(andmap hash? branches)
(andmap (λ (b) (hash-has-key? b 'name)) branches)
(andmap (λ (b) (hash-has-key? b 'commit)) branches))
(error 'package-url->checksum
"Invalid response from Github: ~e"
(for/or ([b (in-list branches)])
(and (equal? (hash-ref b 'name) branch)
(hash-ref (hash-ref b 'commit) 'sha))))
;; no matching branch/tag found, so if `branch' matches the
;; syntax of a commit id, then assume that it refers to a commit
(and (regexp-match? #rx"[a-f0-9]+" branch)
(define u (string-append pkg-url-str ".CHECKSUM"))
(download-printf "Downloading checksum for ~a\n" pkg-name)
(log-pkg-debug "Downloading checksum as ~a" u)
(call/input-url+200 (string->url u)
;; uses a custodian to avoid leaks:
(define (call-with-url url handler)
(define c (make-custodian))
(lambda ()
(define-values (p hs)
(parameterize ([current-custodian c])
(get-pure-port/headers url #:redirections 25 #:status? #t)))
(and (string=? "200" (substring hs 9 12))
(handler p))
(close-input-port p)))
(lambda ()
(custodian-shutdown-all c))))
(define (read-from-server who url pred
(lambda (s)
(error who
(~a "bad response from server\n"
" url: ~a\n"
" response: ~v")
(url->string url)
(define bytes (call-with-url url port->bytes))
((if bytes
(with-handlers ([exn:fail:read? (lambda (exn)
(lambda () (failure bytes)))])
(define v (read (open-input-bytes bytes)))
(lambda ()
(if (pred v)
(failure bytes))))
(lambda () (failure #f)))))
(define (lift-directory-content pkg-dir path)
(define orig-sub (let ([s (car path)])
(if (string? s)
(string->path s)
;; Delete everything except `orig-sub`:
(for ([f (in-list (directory-list pkg-dir))])
(unless (equal? f orig-sub)
(delete-directory/files (build-path pkg-dir f))))
;; Get list of files and directories to move:
(define sub-l (directory-list (apply build-path pkg-dir path)))
;; Make sure `sub` doesn't match a name we want to move here:
(define sub
(let loop ([sub orig-sub] [i 0])
[(member sub sub-l)
;; pick a new name:
(loop (string->path (format "sub~a" i)) (add1 i))]
[(not (equal? sub orig-sub))
(rename-file-or-directory (build-path pkg-dir orig-sub)
(build-path pkg-dir sub))
[else sub])))
;; Move content of `sub` out:
(define sub-path (apply build-path (cons sub (cdr path))))
(for ([f (in-list sub-l)])
(rename-file-or-directory (build-path pkg-dir sub-path f)
(build-path pkg-dir f)))
;; Remove directory that we moved files out of:
(delete-directory/files (build-path pkg-dir sub)))
(define (remove-extra-directory-layer pkg-dir)
;; Treat a single directory produced in `pkg-dir`
;; as having the content of the package, instead of
;; being included itself in the package content.
(define l (directory-list pkg-dir))
(when (= 1 (length l))
(define orig-sub (car l))
(when (directory-exists? (build-path pkg-dir orig-sub))
(lift-directory-content pkg-dir (list orig-sub)))))
(provide (all-defined-out))