/usr/share/racket/collects/unstable/socket.rkt is in racket-common 6.1-4.
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;; Support for connecting to UNIX domain sockets.
linux (64):
Linux Standard Base Core Specification 4.1
macosx (64):
/usr/include/i386/_types.h: __darwin_socklen_t
/usr/include/sys/socket.h: AF_UNIX
/usr/include/sys/un.h: struct sockaddr_un
(require racket/contract
(rename-in ffi/unsafe (-> -->))
(-> unix-socket-path? (values input-port? output-port?))]
(-> any/c boolean?)]))
;; Data structures and error handling code differs between the platforms.
(define platform
[(eq? (system-type 'os) 'macosx)
[(regexp-match? #rx"^Linux" (system-type 'machine))
(define unix-socket-available?
(and platform #t))
(define AF-UNIX 1)
(define SOCK-STREAM 1)
(case platform
[(linux) 108]
[else 104]))
(define _socklen_t
(case platform
[(linux) _uint]
[else _uint32]))
(define-cstruct _linux_sockaddr_un
([sun_family _ushort]
[sun_path (make-array-type _byte UNIX-PATH-MAX)]))
(define-cstruct _macosx_sockaddr_un
([sun_len _ubyte]
[sun_family _ubyte]
[sun_path (make-array-type _byte UNIX-PATH-MAX)]))
(define _sockaddr_un-pointer
(case platform
[(linux) _linux_sockaddr_un-pointer]
[(macosx) _macosx_sockaddr_un-pointer]
[else _pointer]))
(define-ffi-definer define-libc (ffi-lib #f)
#:default-make-fail make-not-available)
(define-libc socket
(_fun #:save-errno 'posix
_int _int _int --> _int))
(define-libc connect
(_fun #:save-errno 'posix
_int _sockaddr_un-pointer _int --> _int))
(define-libc close
(_fun #:save-errno 'posix
_int --> _int))
(define-libc scheme_make_fd_output_port
(_fun _int _racket _bool _bool _bool --> _racket))
(define strerror-name
(case platform
[(linux) "__xpg_strerror_r"]
[else "strerror_r"]))
(define strerror_r
(get-ffi-obj strerror-name #f
(_fun (errno) ::
(errno : _int)
(buf : _bytes = (make-bytes 1000))
(buf-len : _size = (bytes-length buf))
--> _void
--> (cast buf _bytes _string/locale))
(lambda ()
(lambda (errno) #f))))
(define (unix-socket-path? v)
(and (unix-socket-path->bytes v) #t))
(define (unix-socket-path->bytes path)
(if (path-string? path)
;; On all platforms, normal path of up to UNIX-PATH-MAX bytes after
;; conversion to absolute is considered valid and shall be accepted.
(let ([bstr (path->bytes (cleanse-path (path->complete-path path)))])
(and (<= (bytes-length bstr) UNIX-PATH-MAX) bstr))
;; On Linux, paths may be in so-called abstract namespace where they
;; start with #\nul and do not have a corresponding socket file.
;; We accept such paths only as byte strings because we don't know
;; the correct encoding.
(and (eq? platform 'linux)
(bytes? path)
(> (bytes-length path) 0)
(<= (bytes-length path) UNIX-PATH-MAX)
(= (bytes-ref path 0) 0)
(define (make-sockaddr path-bytes)
(case platform
(make-linux_sockaddr_un AF-UNIX path-bytes)]
(make-macosx_sockaddr_un (bytes-length path-bytes) AF-UNIX path-bytes)]))
(define (unix-socket-connect path)
(unless platform
(error* 'unix-socket-connect
"unix domain sockets are not supported on this platform"))
(when (path-string? path)
(security-guard-check-file 'unix-socket-connect path '(read write)))
(let* ([path-bytes (unix-socket-path->bytes path)]
[sockaddr (make-sockaddr path-bytes)]
[addrlen (+ (ctype-sizeof _ushort) (bytes-length path-bytes))]
[socket-fd (socket AF-UNIX SOCK-STREAM 0)])
(unless (positive? socket-fd)
(let ([errno (saved-errno)])
(error* 'unix-socket-connect
"failed to create socket"
"errno" errno
'("error" maybe) (strerror_r errno))))
(unless (zero? (connect socket-fd sockaddr addrlen))
(close socket-fd)
(let ([errno (saved-errno)])
(error* 'unix-socket-connect
"failed to connect socket"
'("path" value) path
"errno" errno
'("error" maybe) (strerror_r errno))))
(with-handlers ([(lambda (e) #t)
(lambda (exn)
(close socket-fd)
(raise exn))])
(scheme_make_fd_output_port socket-fd 'unix-socket #f #f #t))))