/usr/share/racket/collects/version/utils.rkt is in racket-common 6.1-4.
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(provide valid-version? version->list version<? version<=? alpha-version?
(define rx:version
;; (this restricts the last component to be below 999 too, which is
;; not really proper according to the spec in schvers.h)
(pregexp (string-append "^(0|[1-9][0-9]*)[.]"
(define (valid-version? s)
(and (string? s) (regexp-match? rx:version s)))
;; the following functions assume valid version string inputs
;; returns a list of 4 integers (see src/racket/src/schvers.h)
(define (version->list str)
(define ver (map string->number (regexp-split #rx"[.]" str)))
(case (length ver)
[(2) (append ver '(0 0))]
[(3) (append ver '(0))]
[(4) ver]
[else (error 'version->list "bad version: ~e" str)]))
(define (version<? a b)
(let loop ([a (version->list a)] [b (version->list b)])
(cond [(null? a) #f]
[(< (car a) (car b)) #t]
[(> (car a) (car b)) #f]
[else (loop (cdr a) (cdr b))])))
(define (version<=? a b)
(or (equal? a b) (version<? a b)))
(define (alpha-version? v)
(define l (version->list v))
(or ((list-ref l 1) . >= . 90)
((list-ref l 2) . >= . 900)
((list-ref l 3) . >= . 900)))
;; returns an integer representing the version (XXYYZZZWWW) or #f if invalid
;; works for pre v4 versions too
(define (version->integer ver)
(define m
(regexp-match-positions #rx"^(?:0|[1-9][0-9]*)" ver)) ; takes all digits
;; translate old versions to new-style versions
(define n (and m (string->number (substring ver 0 (cdar m)))))
(define v
(cond [(not n) #f]
;; new versions
[(< n 49) ver]
;; old versions (earliest useful is 49, changed at 3.99)
[(<= 49 n 379)
(define-values [q r] (quotient/remainder n 100))
(define sfx (let ([sfx (substring ver (cdar m))])
(cond [(equal? sfx "") ""]
;; NNNpN -> N.NN.N
[(regexp-match? #rx"^p[0-9]" sfx)
(string-append "." (substring sfx 1))]
;; NNN.N -> N.NN.0.N (not a release version)
[(regexp-match? #rx"^[.]" sfx)
(string-append ".0" sfx)]
[else #f])))
(and sfx (format "~a.~a~a" q r sfx))]
;; bad strings
[else #f]))
(and v (valid-version? v)
(foldl (λ (ver mul acc) (+ ver (* mul acc))) 0
(version->list v) '(0 100 1000 1000))))