/usr/share/racket/pkgs/profile-lib/analyzer.rkt is in racket-common 6.1-4.
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;; Analyzer for the sampler results
(require "structs.rkt" "utils.rkt" racket/list)
(provide analyze-samples (all-from-out "structs.rkt"))
(define-syntax-rule (with-hash <hash> <key> <expr> ...)
(hash-ref! <hash> <key> (λ () <expr> ...)))
;; This function analyzes the output of the sampler. Returns a `profile'
;; struct holding a list of `node' values, each one representing a node in the
;; call graph, with the relevant information filled in. The results are sorted
;; using a topological sort from the top, and by the total time for nodes at
;; the same level.
(define (analyze-samples cpu-time+samples)
(define cpu-time (car cpu-time+samples))
(define samples (cdr cpu-time+samples))
(define samples-by-thread
(let ([by-thread (split-by-thread samples)])
(for ([samples (in-vector by-thread)] [i (in-naturals 0)])
(vector-set! by-thread i (get-times samples)))
(define id+src->node-hash (make-hasheq))
(define (id+src->node id+src)
(with-hash id+src->node-hash id+src
(node (car id+src) (cdr id+src) '() 0 0 '() '())))
;; special node that is the caller of toplevels and callee of leaves
(define *-node (id+src->node '(#f . #f)))
(define call->edge
(let ([t (make-hasheq)])
(λ (ler lee)
(with-hash (with-hash t ler (make-hasheq)) lee
(define e (edge 0 ler 0 lee 0))
(set-node-callers! lee (cons e (node-callers lee)))
(set-node-callees! ler (cons e (node-callees ler)))
(define total-time 0)
(define thread-times (make-vector (vector-length samples-by-thread) 0))
(for ([thread-samples (in-vector samples-by-thread)]
[thread-id (in-naturals 0)]
#:when #t
[sample (in-list thread-samples)])
(define msecs (car sample))
(define (connect ler lee ler# lee#)
(define edge (call->edge ler lee))
(set-edge-caller-time! edge (+ (edge-caller-time edge) (/ msecs lee#)))
(set-edge-callee-time! edge (+ (edge-callee-time edge) (/ msecs ler#)))
(define stack ; the stack snapshot, translated to `node' values
(for/list ([id+src (in-list (cdr sample))])
(define node (id+src->node id+src))
(define tids (node-thread-ids node))
(unless (memq thread-id tids)
(set-node-thread-ids! node (cons thread-id tids)))
(define counts (get-counts stack))
(define stack+counts (map (λ (x) (assq x counts)) stack))
(define edges
(if (null? stack)
(append (let ([first (car stack+counts)] [last (last stack+counts)])
(list (connect *-node (car last) 1 (cdr last))
(connect (car first) *-node (cdr first) 1)))
(for/list ([callee (in-list stack+counts)]
[caller (in-list (cdr stack+counts))])
(connect (car caller) (car callee)
(cdr caller) (cdr callee))))))
(set! total-time (+ msecs total-time))
(for ([p (in-list counts)])
(set-node-total! (car p) (+ msecs (node-total (car p)))))
(for ([e (remove-duplicates edges eq?)])
(set-edge-total! e (+ msecs (edge-total e))))
(vector-set! thread-times thread-id
(+ msecs (vector-ref thread-times thread-id)))
(when (pair? stack)
(set-node-self! (car stack) (+ (node-self (car stack)) msecs))))
(set-node-total! *-node total-time)
;; convert the nodes from the hash to a list, do a topological sort, and then
;; sort by total time (combining both guarantees(?) sensible order)
(define nodes (append-map (λ (nodes) (sort nodes > #:key node-total))
(topological-sort *-node)))
;; sort all the edges in the nodes according to total time
(for ([n (in-list nodes)])
(set-node-callees! n (sort (node-callees n) > #:key edge-callee-time))
(set-node-callers! n (sort (node-callers n) > #:key edge-caller-time)))
(profile total-time
(length samples)
(for/list ([time (in-vector thread-times)] [n (in-naturals 0)])
(cons n time))
;; Groups raw samples by their thread-id, returns a vector with a field for
;; each thread id holding the sample data for that thread. The samples in
;; these are reversed (so they'll be sorted going forward in time).
(define (split-by-thread samples)
(define threads
(make-vector (add1 (for/fold ([n -1]) ([sample (in-list samples)])
(max (car sample) n)))
(for ([sample (in-list samples)])
(define id (car sample))
(define data (cdr sample))
(vector-set! threads id (cons data (vector-ref threads id))))
(module+ test
(require rackunit)
(check-equal? (split-by-thread '())
(check-equal? (split-by-thread '([0 x]))
(check-equal? (split-by-thread '([0 x] [0 y] [0 z]))
'#([(z) (y) (x)]))
(check-equal? (split-by-thread '([0 x] [1 y] [2 z]))
'#([(x)] [(y)] [(z)]))
(check-equal? (split-by-thread '([0 x1] [1 y1] [0 x2] [2 z1] [0 x3] [2 z2]))
'#([(x3) (x2) (x1)] [(y1)] [(z2) (z1)])))
;; returns a list of (cons item occurrences) for the items in l
(define (get-counts l)
(let loop ([l l] [r '()])
(if (null? l)
(let ([1st (car l)])
(let loop* ([l1 '()] [c 1] [l (cdr l)])
(cond [(null? l) (loop l1 (cons (cons 1st c) r))]
[(eq? 1st (car l)) (loop* l1 (add1 c) (cdr l))]
[else (loop* (cons (car l) l1) c (cdr l))]))))))
(module+ test
(check-equal? (get-counts '()) '())
(check-equal? (get-counts '(1)) '([1 . 1]))
(check-equal? (get-counts '(1 1 1)) '([1 . 3]))
(define (set=? xs ys) (null? (append (remove* xs ys) (remove* ys xs))))
(check set=? (get-counts '(1 2 3)) '([1 . 1] [2 . 1] [3 . 1]))
(check set=? (get-counts '(1 2 2 3 3 3)) '([1 . 1] [2 . 2] [3 . 3]))
(check set=? (get-counts '(3 1 2 3 2 3)) '([1 . 1] [2 . 2] [3 . 3])))