/usr/share/racket/pkgs/profile-lib/render-text.rkt is in racket-common 6.1-4.
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(provide render)
(require "analyzer.rkt" "utils.rkt" racket/list racket/string)
(define (f:msec msec)
(number->string (round (inexact->exact msec))))
(define (f:msec* msec)
(string-append (f:msec msec) "ms"))
(define (display-table aligns table)
;; * thunks are used for cells that are ignored when inspecting widths
;; * chars are used for filler cells
(define (display-line strings)
(printf "~a\n" (regexp-replace #rx" +$" (string-append* strings) "")))
(define widths
(let loop ([table table])
(define table* (filter pair? table))
(if (null? table*) '()
(cons (apply max
(λ (x) (and (string? (car x)) (string-length (car x))))
(loop (map cdr table*))))))
(for ([row (in-list table)])
(for/list ([cell (in-list row)]
[width (in-list widths)]
[align (in-list aligns)])
(define cell*
(cond [(char? cell) (make-string width cell)]
[(procedure? cell) (cell)]
[else cell]))
(define pad
(make-string (max 0 (- width (string-length cell*))) #\space))
(case align
[(l) (string-append cell* pad)]
[(r) (string-append pad cell*)]
[else (error 'internal-error "poof")])))))
(define (render profile
#:truncate-source [truncate-source 50]
#:hide-self [hide-self% 1/100]
#:hide-subs [hide-subs% 2/100])
(define (show . xs)
(let loop ([x xs])
(cond [(or (not x) (null? x) (void? x)) (void)]
[(pair? x) (loop (car x)) (loop (cdr x))]
[else (display x)]))
(define total-time (profile-total-time profile)) ;!! are these two
(define cpu-time (profile-cpu-time profile)) ;!! swapped?
(define sample-number (profile-sample-number profile))
(define granularity (if (zero? sample-number) 0 ;!! this might
(/ total-time sample-number))) ;!! be wrong
(define threads+times (profile-thread-times profile))
(define *-node (profile-*-node profile))
(define hidden (get-hidden profile hide-self% hide-subs%))
(define nodes (remq* hidden (profile-nodes profile)))
(define node->
(let ([t (make-hasheq)])
(for ([node (in-list nodes)] [idx (in-naturals 1)])
(define index (format "[~a]" idx))
(define label (format "~a" (or (node-id node) '???)))
(hash-set! t node (list index label @string-append{@label @index})))
(λ (mode node)
((case mode [(index) car] [(label) cadr] [(sub-label) caddr])
(hash-ref t node)))))
(define (sep ch) (list ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch))
(define =sep (sep #\=))
(define -sep (sep #\-))
Profiling results
Total cpu time observed: @f:msec*[total-time] (out of @f:msec*[cpu-time])
Number of samples taken: @sample-number (once every @f:msec*[granularity])
(when (> (length threads+times) 1)
@show{ Threads observed: @(length threads+times)})
(when (pair? hidden)
(define hidden# (length hidden))
(define nodes# (length (profile-nodes profile)))
(define self% @string-append{self<@(format-percent (or hide-self% 0))})
(define subs% @string-append{local<@(format-percent (or hide-subs% 0))})
(define %s (cond [(not hide-self%) subs%]
[(not hide-subs%) self%]
[else @string-append{@self% and @subs%}]))
@show{ (Hiding functions with @|%s|: @hidden# of @nodes# hidden)})
'(r l r l l r l l l r l l)
(" " " " " "" " " " " "" " " " " Caller")
("Idx" " " "To""tal " " " "Se""lf " " " "Name+src" "Local%")
(" " " " " ms""(pct)" " " "ms""(pct)" " " " Callee")
(for/list ([node (in-list nodes)])
(define index (node-> 'index node))
(define name (node-> 'label node))
(define total (node-total node))
(define totalS (f:msec total))
(define total% @string-append{(@(format-percent total total-time))})
(define self (node-self node))
(define selfS (f:msec self))
(define self% @string-append{(@(format-percent self total-time))})
(define name+src
(let* ([src (format-source (node-src node))]
[src-len (string-length src)]
[name-len (string-length name)])
name " "
;; truncate-source only truncates the source
(let* ([n (and truncate-source
((+ src-len name-len 1) . - . truncate-source))]
[n (and n (positive? n) (- src-len n 3))])
(cond [(not n) src]
[(n . <= . 0) "..."]
[else (string-append "..."
(substring src (- src-len n)))])))))
(define (sub get-edges get-node get-node-time)
(for*/list ([edge (in-list (get-edges node))]
[sub (in-list (list (get-node edge)))] ; <-- hack...
#:unless (or (eq? *-node sub) ; <-- ...for this
(memq sub hidden)))
(define name (node-> 'sub-label sub))
(define local% (format-percent (get-node-time edge) total))
`("" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
,(string-append " " name) ,local%
"" "")))
`(,@(reverse (sub node-callers edge-caller edge-caller-time))
(,(node-> 'index node)
" " ,totalS ,total%
" " ,selfS ,self%
" " ,(λ () name+src))
,@(sub node-callees edge-callee edge-callee-time)