/usr/share/racket/pkgs/profile-lib/utils.rkt is in racket-common 6.1-4.
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The actual contents of the file can be viewed below.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 | #lang racket/base
(require "structs.rkt" racket/list)
;; Format a percent number, possibly doing the division too. If we do the
;; division, then be careful: if we're dividing by zero, then make the result
;; zero. This is useful if the total time is zero because we didn't see any
;; activity (for example, the profiled code is just doing a `sleep'), in which
;; case all times will be 0.
(provide format-percent)
(define format-percent
[(percent) (define p (inexact->exact (round (* percent 1000))))
(format "~a.~a%" (quotient p 10) (modulo p 10))]
[(x y) (format-percent (if (zero? y) 0 (/ x y)))]))
(provide format-source)
(define (format-source src)
(if src
(format "~a:~a"
(srcloc-source src)
(if (srcloc-line src)
(format "~a:~a" (srcloc-line src) (srcloc-column src))
(format "#~a" (srcloc-position src))))
"(unknown source)"))
;; Hide a node if its self time is smaller than the self threshold *and* all of
;; its edges are below the sub-node threshold too -- this avoids confusing
;; output where a node does not have an entry but appears as a caller/callee.
(provide get-hidden)
(define (get-hidden profile hide-self% hide-subs%)
(define self% (or hide-self% 0))
(define subs% (or hide-subs% 0))
(define total-time (profile-total-time profile))
(define (hide? node)
(define (hide-sub? get-subs edge-sub edge-sub-time)
(define %s
(map (λ (edge)
(define total (node-total (edge-sub edge)))
(if (zero? total) 0 (/ (edge-sub-time edge) total)))
(get-subs node)))
(subs% . >= . (apply max %s)))
(and (self% . >= . (/ (node-self node) total-time))
(hide-sub? node-callees edge-callee edge-caller-time)
(hide-sub? node-callers edge-caller edge-callee-time)))
(cond [(and (<= self% 0) (<= subs% 0)) '()]
[(zero? total-time) (profile-nodes profile)]
[else (filter hide? (profile-nodes profile))]))
;; A topological sort of nodes, starting from node `root' (which will be given
;; as the special *-node). The result is a list of node lists, each one
;; corresponds to one level. Conceptually, the root node is always the only
;; item in the first level, so it is not included in the result. This is done
;; by assigning layers to nodes in a similar way to section 9.1 of "Graph
;; Drawing: Algorithms for the Visualization of Graphs" by Tollis, Di Battista,
;; Eades, and Tamassia. It uses a technique similar to the one described in
;; section 9.4 for removing cycles in the input graph, but improved by the fact
;; that we have weights on input/output edges (this is the only point that is
;; specific to the fact that it's a profiler graph). Note that this is useful
;; for a graphical rendering of the results, but it's also useful to sort the
;; results in a way that makes more sense.
(provide topological-sort)
(define (topological-sort root)
;; Make `nodes+io-times' map a node to an mcons of total input and total
;; output times ignoring edges to/from the *-node and self edges, the order
;; is the reverse of how we scan the graph
(define (get-node+io node)
(define (sum node-callers/lees edge-caller/lee edge-callee/ler-time)
(for/fold ([sum 0]) ([e (in-list (node-callers/lees node))])
(define n (edge-caller/lee e))
(if (or (eq? n node) (eq? n root)) sum
(+ sum (edge-callee/ler-time e)))))
(cons node (mcons (sum node-callers edge-caller edge-callee-time)
(sum node-callees edge-callee edge-caller-time))))
(define nodes+io-times
(let loop ([todo (list root)] [r '()])
(if (pair? todo)
(let* ([cur (car todo)] [todo (cdr todo)]
[r (if (eq? cur root) r (cons (get-node+io cur) r))])
(loop (append todo ; append new things in the end, so it's a BFS
(filter-map (λ (e)
(define lee (edge-callee e))
(and (not (memq lee todo))
(not (assq lee r))
(node-callees cur)))
;; note: the result does not include the root node
;; Now create a linear order similar to the way section 9.4 describes, except
;; that this uses the total caller/callee times to get an even better
;; ordering (also, look for sources and sinks in every step). Note that the
;; list we scan is in reverse order.
(define acyclic-order
(let loop ([todo nodes+io-times] [rev-left '()] [right '()])
;; heuristic for best sources: the ones with the lowest intime/outtime
(define (best-sources)
(let loop ([todo todo] [r '()] [best #f])
(if (null? todo)
(let* ([1st (car todo)]
[rest (cdr todo)]
[ratio (/ (mcar (cdr 1st)) (mcdr (cdr 1st)))])
(if (or (not best) (ratio . < . best))
(loop rest (list 1st) ratio)
(loop rest (if (ratio . > . best) r (cons 1st r)) best))))))
(if (pair? todo)
(let* ([sinks (filter (λ (x) (zero? (mcdr (cdr x)))) todo)]
[todo (remq* sinks todo)]
[sources (filter (λ (x) (zero? (mcar (cdr x)))) todo)]
;; if we have no sources and sinks, use the heuristic
[sources (if (and (null? sinks) (null? sources))
(best-sources) sources)]
[todo (remq* sources todo)]
[sinks (map car sinks)]
[sources (map car sources)])
;; remove the source and sink times from the rest
(for* ([nodes (in-list (list sources sinks))]
[n (in-list nodes)])
(for ([e (in-list (node-callees n))])
(define x (assq (edge-callee e) todo))
(when x
(set-mcar! (cdr x) (- (mcar (cdr x)) (edge-callee-time e)))))
(for ([e (in-list (node-callers n))])
(define x (assq (edge-caller e) todo))
(when x
(set-mcdr! (cdr x) (- (mcdr (cdr x)) (edge-caller-time e))))))
(loop todo (append (reverse sources) rev-left) (append sinks right)))
;; all done, get the order
(append (reverse rev-left) right))))
;; We're done, so make `t' map nodes to their callers with only edges that
;; are consistent with this ordering
(define t
(let ([t (make-hasheq)])
(let loop ([nodes acyclic-order])
(when (pair? nodes)
(define ler (car nodes))
(define rest (cdr nodes))
(unless (hash-ref t ler #f) (hash-set! t ler '()))
(for ([e (in-list (node-callees ler))])
(define lee (edge-callee e))
(when (memq lee rest) ; only consistent edges
;; note that we connect each pair of nodes at most once, and
;; never a node with itself
(hash-set! t lee (cons ler (hash-ref t lee '())))))
(loop rest)))
;; finally, assign layers using the simple method from section 9.1: sources
;; are at 0, and other nodes are placed at one layer after their parents
(define height 0)
(for ([node (in-list acyclic-order)])
(let loop ([node node])
(define x (hash-ref t node))
(if (number? x)
(let ([max (add1 (for/fold ([m -1]) ([ler (in-list x)])
(max m (loop ler))))])
(when (max . > . height) (set! height max))
(hash-set! t node max)
(define layers (make-vector (add1 height) '()))
(for ([node (in-list acyclic-order)])
(unless (eq? node root) ; filter out the root
(define l (hash-ref t node))
(vector-set! layers l (cons node (vector-ref layers l)))))
;; in almost all cases, the root is the full first layer (in a few cases it
;; can be there with another node, eg (* -> A 2-> B 3-> A)), but be safe and
;; look for any empty layer
(filter pair? (vector->list layers)))
;; gets a list of thread-id and data for that thread beginning with the
;; millisecond count, and returns a similar list where the samples begin with
;; the time spent for that sample. The time spent is taken as half of the two
;; touching ranges; for example, if there are three samples showing snapshot
;; times of 10, 20, 60, then the middle one is assumed to have a time of 25.
;; For the first and last samples, the time is twice the half of the single
;; touching range -- with this example, this would be 10 for the first and 40
;; for the last. If there is a thread with just one sample, it is dropped.
(provide get-times)
(define (get-times samples)
;; nothing to do
[(null? samples) '()]
;; throw out a single sample
[(null? (cdr samples)) '()]
[else (let loop ([samples samples]
[prevs (cons #f (map car samples))]
[r '()])
(if (null? samples)
(reverse r)
(let* ([prev (car prevs)]
[cur (caar samples)]
[data (cdar samples)]
[prevs (cdr prevs)]
[samples (cdr samples)]
[next (and (pair? samples) (caar samples))])
(loop samples prevs
(cons (cons (if next
;; not the last: there must be a next
(if prev (/ (- next prev) 2) (- next cur))
;; last one: there must be a prev
(- cur prev))
(module+ test
(require rackunit)
(check-equal? (get-times '())
(check-equal? (get-times '([10 a]))
(check-equal? (get-times '([10 a] [20 b]))
'([10 a] [10 b]))
(check-equal? (get-times '([10 a] [20 b] [60 c]))
'([10 a] [25 b] [40 c]))
(check-equal? (get-times '([10 a] [20 b] [30 c] [40 d]))
'([10 a] [10 b] [10 c] [10 d]))
(check-equal? (get-times '([10 a] [20 b] [60 c] [80 d]))
'([10 a] [25 b] [30 c] [20 d])))