/usr/share/lua/5.1/versium/util.lua is in sputnik 12.06.27-2.
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-- Provides some utility functions for use by versium and its clients.
-- (c) 2007, 2008 Yuri Takhteyev (yuri@freewisdom.org)
-- (c) 2007 Hisham Muhammad (quick_LCS())
-- License: MIT/X, see http://sputnik.freewisdom.org/en/License
module(..., package.seeall)
local errors = require"versium.errors"
-- Escapes a node id to make it safe for use as a file name.
-- @param id a node id.
-- @return an escaped node id.
function fs_escape_id(id)
assert(id and id:len() > 0)
return fs_escape_id_but_keep_slash(id):gsub("/", "%%2F")
-- Escapes a node id to make it safe for use as a file name, but keeps
-- forward slash in it.
-- @param id a node id.
-- @return an escaped node id.
function fs_escape_id_but_keep_slash(id, options)
return id:gsub("%%", "%%25"):gsub(":", "%%3A")
-- Un-escapes a node id. (See escape_id().)
-- @param id an escaped node id.
-- @return the original node id.
function fs_unescape_id(id)
assert(id and id:len() > 0)
return id:gsub("%%2F", "/"):gsub("%%3A", ":"):gsub("%%25", "%%")
-- Writes data to a file (to be replaced with atomic write).
-- @param path the file path.
-- @param data data to be written to the file.
-- @return nothing
function write_file(path, data, node)
local f, err = io.open(path, "w")
assert(f, errors.could_not_save(node, err))
-- An auxiliary function for reading the content of a file. (Throws an a
-- Versium-specific error if something goes wrong.)
-- @param path the file path.
-- @return the data read from the file as a string.
function read_file(path, node)
local f, err = io.open(path)
assert(f, errors.could_not_read(node, err))
local data = f:read("*all")
return data
-- Reads data from a file without complaining if the file doesn't exist.
-- @param path the file path.
-- @return the data read from the file or just "" if the file
-- doesn't exist.
function read_file_if_exists(path)
local status, f = pcall(io.open, path)
if status and f then
local data = f:read("*all")
return data
return ""
-- Converts a versium time stamp into the requested format. Uses some code
-- from http://lua-users.org/wiki/TimeZone)
-- @param timestamp Versium timestamp (string)
-- @param format Lua time format (string)
-- @param tzoffset time zone offset as "+hh:mm" or "-hh:mm"
-- (ISO 8601) or "local" [string, optional, defaults
-- to "local"]
-- @param tzname name/description of the time zone [string, optional,
-- defaults to tzoffset, valid XHTML is ok]
-- @return formatted time (string)
function format_time(timestamp, format, tzoffset, tzname)
if tzoffset == "local" then -- calculate local time zone (for the server)
local now = os.time()
local local_t = os.date("*t", now)
local utc_t = os.date("!*t", now)
local delta = (local_t.hour - utc_t.hour)*60 + (local_t.min - utc_t.min)
local h, m = math.modf( delta / 60)
tzoffset = string.format("%+.4d", 100 * h + 60 * m)
tzoffset = tzoffset or "GMT"
format = format:gsub("%%z", tzname or tzoffset)
if tzoffset == "GMT" then
tzoffset = "+0000"
tzoffset = tzoffset:gsub(":", "")
local sign = 1
if tzoffset:sub(1,1) == "-" then
sign = -1
tzoffset = tzoffset:sub(2)
elseif tzoffset:sub(1,1) == "+" then
tzoffset = tzoffset:sub(2)
tzoffset = sign * (tonumber(tzoffset:sub(1,2))*60 + tonumber(tzoffset:sub(3,4)))*60
return os.date(format, os.time{ year=timestamp:sub(1,4), month=timestamp:sub(6,7),
day=timestamp:sub(9,10), hour=timestamp:sub(12,13),
min=timestamp:sub(15,16), sec=timestamp:sub(18)} + tzoffset)