/usr/share/tcltk/tcllib1.16/math/romannumerals.tcl is in tcllib 1.16-dfsg-2.
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# Roman Numeral Utility Functions
# Description
# A set of utility routines for handling and manipulating
# roman numerals.
# Copyright/License
# This code was originally harvested from the Tcler's
# wiki at http://wiki.tcl.tk/1823 and as such is free
# for any use for any purpose.
# Modification history
# 27 Sep 2005 Kenneth Green
# Original version derived from wiki code
package provide math::roman 1.0
# Namespace
namespace eval ::math::roman {
namespace export tointeger toroman
# We dont export 'sort' or 'expr' to prevent collision
# with existing commands. These functions are less likely to be
# commonly used and have to be accessed as fully-scoped names.
# romanvalues - array that maps roman letters to integer values.
variable romanvalues
# i2r - list of integer-roman tuples
variable i2r {1000 M 900 CM 500 D 400 CD 100 C 90 XC 50 L 40 XL 10 X 9 IX 5 V 4 IV 1 I}
# sortkey - list of patterns to supporting sorting of roman numerals
variable sortkey {IX VIIII L Y XC YXXXX C Z D {\^} ZM {\^ZZZZ} M _}
variable rsortkey {_ M {\^ZZZZ} ZM {\^} D Z C YXXXX XC Y L VIIII IX}
# Initialise array variables
array set romanvalues {M 1000 D 500 C 100 L 50 X 10 V 5 I 1}
# Public Functions
# Roman numerals sorted
proc ::math::roman::sort list {
variable sortkey
variable rsortkey
foreach {from to} $sortkey {
regsub -all $from $list $to list
set list [lsort $list]
foreach {from to} $rsortkey {
regsub -all $from $list $to list
return $list
# Roman numerals from integer
proc ::math::roman::toroman {i} {
variable i2r
set res ""
foreach {value roman} $i2r {
while {$i>=$value} {
append res $roman
incr i -$value
return $res
# Roman numerals parsed into integer:
proc ::math::roman::tointeger {s} {
variable romanvalues
set last 99999
set res 0
foreach i [split [string toupper $s] ""] {
if { [catch {set val $romanvalues($i)}] } {
return -code error "roman::tointeger - un-Roman digit $i in $s"
incr res $val
if { $val > $last } {
incr res [::expr -2*$last]
set last $val
return $res
# Roman numeral arithmetic
proc ::math::roman::expr args {
if { [string first \$ $args] >= 0 } {
set args [uplevel subst $args]
regsub -all {[^IVXLCDM]} $args { & } args
foreach i $args {
catch {set i [tointeger $i]}
lappend res $i
return [toroman [::expr $res]]
# Developer test code
if { 0 } {
puts "Basic int-to-roman-to-int conversion test"
for { set i 0 } {$i < 50} {incr i} {
set r [::math::roman::toroman $i]
set j [::math::roman::tointeger $r]
puts [format "%5d %-15s %s" $i $r $j]
if { $i != $j } {
error "Invalid conversion: $i -> $r -> $j"
puts ""
puts "roman arithmetic test"
set x 23
set xr [::math::roman::toroman $x]
set y 77
set yr [::math::roman::toroman $y]
set xr+yr [::math::roman::expr $xr + $yr]
set yr-xr [::math::roman::expr $yr - $xr]
set xr*yr [::math::roman::expr $xr * $yr]
set yr/xr [::math::roman::expr $yr / $xr]
set yr/xr2 [::math::roman::expr {$yr / $xr}]
puts "$x + $y\t\t= [expr $x + $y]"
puts "$x * $y\t\t= [expr $x * $y]"
puts "$y - $x\t\t= [expr $y - $x]"
puts "$y / $x\t\t= [expr $y / $x]"
puts "$xr + $yr\t= ${xr+yr} = [::math::roman::tointeger ${xr+yr}]"
puts "$xr * $yr\t= ${xr*yr} = [::math::roman::tointeger ${xr*yr}]"
puts "$yr - $xr\t= ${yr-xr} = [::math::roman::tointeger ${yr-xr}]"
puts "$yr / $xr\t= ${yr/xr} = [::math::roman::tointeger ${yr/xr}]"
puts "$yr / $xr\t= ${yr/xr2} = [::math::roman::tointeger ${yr/xr2}]"
puts ""
puts "roman sorting test"
set l {X III IV I V}
puts "IN : $l"
puts "OUT: [::math::roman::sort $l]"