/usr/share/tcltk/tcllib1.16/transfer/dsource.tcl is in tcllib 1.16-dfsg-2.
This file is owned by root:root, with mode 0o644.
The actual contents of the file can be viewed below.
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# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
# Class for the handling of stream sources.
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Requirements
package require transfer::copy ; # Data transmission core
package require snit
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Implementation
snit::type ::transfer::data::source {
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## API
# Source is ...
option -string -default {} -configuremethod C-str ; # a string.
option -channel -default {} -configuremethod C-chan ; # an open & readable channel.
option -file -default {} -configuremethod C-file ; # a file.
option -variable -default {} -configuremethod C-var ; # a string held by the named variable.
option -size -default -1 ; # number of characters to transfer.
option -progress -default {}
method type {} {}
method data {} {}
method size {} {}
method valid {mv} {}
method transmit {sock blocksize done} {}
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Implementation
method type {} {
return $myxtype
method data {} {
switch -exact -- $myetype {
undefined {
return -code error "Data source is undefined"
string - chan {
return $mysrc
variable {
upvar \#0 $mysrc thevalue
return $thevalue
file {
return [open $mysrc r]
method size {} {
if {$options(-size) < 0} {
switch -exact -- $myetype {
undefined {
return -code error "Data source is undefined"
string {
return [string length $mysrc]
variable {
upvar \#0 $mysrc thevalue
return [string length $thevalue]
chan - file {
# Nothing, -1 passes through
# We do not use [file size] for a file, as a
# user-specified encoding may distort the
# counting.
return $options(-size)
method valid {mv} {
upvar 1 $mv message
switch -exact -- $myetype {
undefined {
set message "Data source is undefined"
return 0
string - variable {
if {[$self size] > [string length [$self data]]} {
set message "Not enough data to transmit"
return 0
chan {
# Additional check of option ?
file {
# Additional check of option ?
return 1
method transmit {sock blocksize done} {
::transfer::copy::do \
[$self type] [$self data] $sock \
-size [$self size] \
-blocksize $blocksize \
-command $done \
-progress $options(-progress)
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Internal helper commands.
method C-str {o newvalue} {
set myetype string
set myxtype string
set mysrc $newvalue
method C-var {o newvalue} {
set myetype variable
set myxtype string
if {![uplevel \#0 {info exists $newvalue}]} {
return -code error "Bad variable \"$newvalue\", does not exist"
set mysrc $newvalue
method C-chan {o newvalue} {
if {![llength [file channels $newvalue]]} {
return -code error "Bad channel handle \"$newvalue\", does not exist"
set myetype chan
set myxtype chan
set mysrc $newvalue
method C-file {o newvalue} {
if {![file exists $newvalue]} {
return -code error "File \"$newvalue\" does not exist"
if {![file readable $newvalue]} {
return -code error "File \"$newvalue\" not readable"
if {![file isfile $newvalue]} {
return -code error "File \"$newvalue\" not a file"
set myetype file
set myxtype chan
set mysrc $newvalue
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Data structures
variable myetype undefined
variable myxtype undefined
variable mysrc
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
## Ready
package provide transfer::data::source 0.2