/usr/games/xracer-mkmeshnotex is in xracer-tools
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# XRACER (C) 1999-2000 Richard W.M. Jones <rich@annexia.org> and other AUTHORS
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
# $Id: xracer-mkmeshnotex.pl,v 1.2 2000/01/16 23:17:00 rich Exp $
# This script is an intermediate hack that we will use until
# I have convinced Ton to add the ability to export meshes with
# texture coordinates to Blender. This script takes a simple
# VideoScape-format mesh, adds textures coordinates to it using
# a very simple algorithm, and exports it as a C file which you
# may link in as a scenery object to your track.
# This script is not very clever about how it generates polygons.
# It can only ever generate discrete triangles, quads and polygons,
# and someone should optimize it to generate triangle fans, triangle
# strips and quad strips where appropriate.
use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
use lib '../../XRacer/blib/lib'; # So you can run this without installing it.
use XRacer::Math;
# Read command line arguments.
my $coutputfilename;
my $texturefilename;
my $cprefix = "object";
my $texscale = 1.0;
my $rottexture = 0;
my $verbose;
my $help;
GetOptions ("outputc=s" => \$coutputfilename,
"texture=s" => \$texturefilename,
"texscale=f" => \$texscale,
"rottexture=i" => \$rottexture,
"cprefix=s" => \$cprefix,
"verbose" => \$verbose,
"help|?" => \$help);
if ($help)
print STDERR "$0 [--outputc OUTPUTFILE] --texture TEXTURE [--texscale TEXSCALE] [--rottexture ROTATION] [--cprefix CPREFIX] [--verbose] [INPUTFILE]\n";
print STDERR "where: OUTPUTFILE is the C file to write\n";
print STDERR " TEXTURE is the texture to use\n";
print STDERR " TEXSCALE is the texture scale factor (default: 1.0)\n";
print STDERR " ROTATION is the amount to rotate the texture (in degrees - currently\n";
print STDERR " only 0, 90, 180, 270 are supported)\n";
print STDERR " CPREFIX is the name to use before all C identifiers\n";
print STDERR " INPUTFILE is the input VideoScape file\n";
exit 1;
die "texture argument is required" if !defined ($texturefilename);
die "texture rotation must be a multiple of 90 degrees"
if $rottexture != 0 && $rottexture != 90 && $rottexture != 180 &&
$rottexture != 270;
# Read input lines.
my $state = "expect 3DG1";
my $vcount;
my $nr_segments;
my @vertices = ();
my @faces = ();
while (<>)
s/[\n\r]+$//g; # Removes trailing CR, LF.
if ($state eq "expect 3DG1")
die "expecting first line to be 3DG1" if $_ ne "3DG1";
$state = "expect vcount";
elsif ($state eq "expect vcount")
die "expecting vertex count" if $_ !~ m/^[1-9][0-9]*$/;
$vcount = $_;
$state = "reading vertices";
elsif ($state eq "reading vertices")
my @vs = split /[ \t]+/, $_;
push @vertices, { 'vertices' => \@vs };
$state = "reading faces" if $vcount == 0;
elsif ($state eq "reading faces")
my @fs = split /[ \t]+/, $_;
shift @fs; # Remove initial number of vertices.
pop @fs; # Remove trailing colour.
push @faces, { 'vertices' => \@fs };
# Print a summary of the file.
print "number of vertices: ", scalar (@vertices), "\n" if $verbose;
print "number of faces: ", scalar (@faces), "\n" if $verbose;
# Attach texture coordinates to each vertex. To do this, we use a
# very noddy formula: (1) we find the min and max x, y and z coordinates
# over the whole mesh (2) we work out which pair (eg. (x, y)) of these
# coordinates vary the most (3) we set the texture coordinates to range
# over [0,1] over these two axes.
my ($min_x, $min_y, $min_z,
$max_x, $max_y, $max_z) = (1000000, 1000000, 1000000,
-1000000, -1000000, -1000000);
foreach (@vertices)
my @vs = @{$_->{vertices}};
if ($vs[0] < $min_x) { $min_x = $vs[0] }
elsif ($vs[0] > $max_x) { $max_x = $vs[0] }
if ($vs[1] < $min_y) { $min_y = $vs[1] }
elsif ($vs[1] > $max_y) { $max_y = $vs[1] }
if ($vs[2] < $min_z) { $min_z = $vs[2] }
elsif ($vs[2] > $max_z) { $max_z = $vs[2] }
my $range_x = $max_x - $min_x;
my $range_y = $max_y - $min_y;
my $range_z = $max_z - $min_z;
# Which two axes shall we use?
my (@ords, $usub, $uscale, $vsub, $vscale);
if ($range_x >= $range_z && $range_y >= $range_z)
@ords = (0, 1); # Use (x, y).
$usub = $min_x;
$uscale = $range_x;
$vsub = $min_y;
$vscale = $range_y;
elsif ($range_x >= $range_y && $range_z >= $range_y)
@ords = (0, 2); # Use (x, z).
$usub = $min_x;
$uscale = $range_x;
$vsub = $min_z;
$vscale = $range_z;
elsif ($range_y >= $range_x && $range_z >= $range_x)
@ords = (1, 2); # Use (y, z).
$usub = $min_y;
$uscale = $range_y;
$vsub = $min_z;
$vscale = $range_z;
die "oops: ranges = ($range_x, $range_y, $range_z)";
if ($verbose)
print "ords: ($ords[0],$ords[1])\n";
print "usub = $usub, uscale = $uscale, vsub = $vsub, vscale = $vscale\n";
print "x: [$min_x, $max_x] (range: $range_x)\n";
print "y: [$min_y, $max_y] (range: $range_y)\n";
print "z: [$min_z, $max_z] (range: $range_z)\n";
# Assign (u, v) texture coordinates to each vertex.
my $vertex;
foreach $vertex (@vertices)
my @vs = @{$vertex->{vertices}};
my $u = $texscale * ($vs[$ords[0]] - $usub) / $uscale;
my $v = $texscale * ($vs[$ords[1]] - $vsub) / $vscale;
if ($rottexture == 90)
my $c = $v;
$v = $u;
$u = $texscale-$c;
elsif ($rottexture == 180)
$u = $texscale-$u;
$v = $texscale-$v;
elsif ($rottexture == 270)
my $c = $v;
$v = $texscale-$u;
$u = $c;
$vertex->{texcoords} = [ $u, $v ];
# Save what we have to the C output file.
if ($coutputfilename)
open C, ">$coutputfilename"
or die "$coutputfilename: $!";
print C "/* This file describes a scenery object.\n * It is automatically generated.\n */\n\n#include \"common.h\"\n\n";
print C "static int tex;\n\n";
# Begin the display function.
print C "void\n${cprefix}_display ()\n";
print C "{\n";
# Write out the vertex array.
print C " static GLfloat va[", 0+@vertices, "][3] = {",
join (", ",
map ({ "{" . $_->{vertices}[0] . ", "
. $_->{vertices}[1] . ", "
. $_->{vertices}[2] . "}" } @vertices)), "};\n";
# Write out the texture coordinate array.
print C " static GLfloat tca[", 0+@vertices, "][2] = {",
join (", ",
map ({ "{" . $_->{texcoords}[0] . ", "
. $_->{texcoords}[1] . "}" } @vertices)), "};\n";
# Drawing prologue.
print C " glEnableClientState (GL_VERTEX_ARRAY);\n";
print C " glEnableClientState (GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY);\n";
print C " glVertexPointer (3, GL_FLOAT, 0, va);\n";
print C " glTexCoordPointer (2, GL_FLOAT, 0, tca);\n";
print C " glBindTexture (GL_TEXTURE_2D, tex);\n";
# Separate vertices into triangles, quads and polygons.
my @triangles = ();
my @quads = ();
my @polygons = ();
foreach (@faces)
if (@{$_->{vertices}} == 3)
push @triangles, $_->{vertices};
elsif (@{$_->{vertices}} == 4)
push @quads, $_->{vertices};
elsif (@{$_->{vertices}} > 4)
push @polygons, $_->{vertices};
# Draw triangles.
if (@triangles)
print C " glBegin (GL_TRIANGLES);\n";
foreach (@triangles)
print C " glArrayElement (", $_->[0], ");\n";
print C " glArrayElement (", $_->[1], ");\n";
print C " glArrayElement (", $_->[2], ");\n";
print C " glEnd ();\n";
# Draw quads.
if (@quads)
print C " glBegin (GL_QUADS);\n";
foreach (@quads)
print C " glArrayElement (", $_->[0], ");\n";
print C " glArrayElement (", $_->[1], ");\n";
print C " glArrayElement (", $_->[2], ");\n";
print C " glArrayElement (", $_->[3], ");\n";
print C " glEnd ();\n";
# Draw polygons.
if (@polygons)
print C " glBegin (GL_TRIANGLES);\n";
my $polygon;
foreach $polygon (@polygons)
foreach (@$polygon)
print C " glArrayElement (", $_, ");\n";
print C " glEnd ();\n";
# Drawing epilogue.
print C " glDisableClientState (GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY);\n";
print C " glDisableClientState (GL_VERTEX_ARRAY);\n";
print C "}\n\n";
# Generate onload and onunload functions.
print C "int\n${cprefix}_load ()
tex = xrTextureLoad (\"$texturefilename\", 0, 0, 0, 1);
if (tex == 0)
xrLog (LOG_ERROR, \"cannot load texture: $texturefilename\");
return -1;
return 0;
${cprefix}_unload ()
xrTextureUnload (tex);
print C "/* End of file. */\n";
close C;
exit 0;
# This small helper function takes a list of either numbers of
# array refs, and returns an equivalent C string for initializing
# a C multi-dimensional array or structure.
sub cinitializer
return "{ " . join (", ",
map ({ ref ($_) eq 'ARRAY' ? cinitializer (@$_) : $_ }
@_)) . " }";