/usr/include/firefox-esr-52/mozilla/dom/HTMLTextAreaElement.h is in firefox-esr-dev 52.8.1esr-1~deb8u1.
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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
#ifndef mozilla_dom_HTMLTextAreaElement_h
#define mozilla_dom_HTMLTextAreaElement_h
#include "mozilla/Attributes.h"
#include "nsIDOMHTMLTextAreaElement.h"
#include "nsITextControlElement.h"
#include "nsIControllers.h"
#include "nsIDOMNSEditableElement.h"
#include "nsCOMPtr.h"
#include "nsGenericHTMLElement.h"
#include "nsStubMutationObserver.h"
#include "nsIConstraintValidation.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/HTMLFormElement.h"
#include "mozilla/dom/HTMLInputElementBinding.h"
#include "nsGkAtoms.h"
#include "nsTextEditorState.h"
class nsIControllers;
class nsIDocument;
class nsPresContext;
class nsPresState;
namespace mozilla {
class EventChainPostVisitor;
class EventChainPreVisitor;
class EventStates;
namespace dom {
class HTMLFormSubmission;
class HTMLTextAreaElement final : public nsGenericHTMLFormElementWithState,
public nsIDOMHTMLTextAreaElement,
public nsITextControlElement,
public nsIDOMNSEditableElement,
public nsStubMutationObserver,
public nsIConstraintValidation
using nsIConstraintValidation::GetValidationMessage;
explicit HTMLTextAreaElement(already_AddRefed<mozilla::dom::NodeInfo>& aNodeInfo,
FromParser aFromParser = NOT_FROM_PARSER);
// nsISupports
virtual int32_t TabIndexDefault() override;
// Element
virtual bool IsInteractiveHTMLContent(bool aIgnoreTabindex) const override
return true;
// nsIDOMHTMLTextAreaElement
// nsIDOMNSEditableElement
NS_IMETHOD GetEditor(nsIEditor** aEditor) override
return nsGenericHTMLElement::GetEditor(aEditor);
NS_IMETHOD SetUserInput(const nsAString& aInput) override;
// nsIFormControl
NS_IMETHOD_(uint32_t) GetType() const override { return NS_FORM_TEXTAREA; }
NS_IMETHOD Reset() override;
NS_IMETHOD SubmitNamesValues(HTMLFormSubmission* aFormSubmission) override;
NS_IMETHOD SaveState() override;
virtual bool RestoreState(nsPresState* aState) override;
virtual bool IsDisabledForEvents(EventMessage aMessage) override;
virtual void FieldSetDisabledChanged(bool aNotify) override;
virtual EventStates IntrinsicState() const override;
// nsITextControlElemet
NS_IMETHOD SetValueChanged(bool aValueChanged) override;
NS_IMETHOD_(bool) IsSingleLineTextControl() const override;
NS_IMETHOD_(bool) IsTextArea() const override;
NS_IMETHOD_(bool) IsPlainTextControl() const override;
NS_IMETHOD_(bool) IsPasswordTextControl() const override;
NS_IMETHOD_(int32_t) GetCols() override;
NS_IMETHOD_(int32_t) GetWrapCols() override;
NS_IMETHOD_(int32_t) GetRows() override;
NS_IMETHOD_(void) GetDefaultValueFromContent(nsAString& aValue) override;
NS_IMETHOD_(bool) ValueChanged() const override;
NS_IMETHOD_(void) GetTextEditorValue(nsAString& aValue, bool aIgnoreWrap) const override;
NS_IMETHOD_(nsIEditor*) GetTextEditor() override;
NS_IMETHOD_(nsISelectionController*) GetSelectionController() override;
NS_IMETHOD_(nsFrameSelection*) GetConstFrameSelection() override;
NS_IMETHOD BindToFrame(nsTextControlFrame* aFrame) override;
NS_IMETHOD_(void) UnbindFromFrame(nsTextControlFrame* aFrame) override;
NS_IMETHOD CreateEditor() override;
NS_IMETHOD_(nsIContent*) GetRootEditorNode() override;
NS_IMETHOD_(Element*) CreatePlaceholderNode() override;
NS_IMETHOD_(Element*) GetPlaceholderNode() override;
NS_IMETHOD_(void) UpdatePlaceholderVisibility(bool aNotify) override;
NS_IMETHOD_(bool) GetPlaceholderVisibility() override;
NS_IMETHOD_(void) InitializeKeyboardEventListeners() override;
NS_IMETHOD_(void) OnValueChanged(bool aNotify, bool aWasInteractiveUserChange) override;
NS_IMETHOD_(bool) HasCachedSelection() override;
// nsIContent
virtual nsresult BindToTree(nsIDocument* aDocument, nsIContent* aParent,
nsIContent* aBindingParent,
bool aCompileEventHandlers) override;
virtual void UnbindFromTree(bool aDeep = true,
bool aNullParent = true) override;
virtual bool ParseAttribute(int32_t aNamespaceID,
nsIAtom* aAttribute,
const nsAString& aValue,
nsAttrValue& aResult) override;
virtual nsMapRuleToAttributesFunc GetAttributeMappingFunction() const override;
virtual nsChangeHint GetAttributeChangeHint(const nsIAtom* aAttribute,
int32_t aModType) const override;
NS_IMETHOD_(bool) IsAttributeMapped(const nsIAtom* aAttribute) const override;
virtual nsresult PreHandleEvent(EventChainPreVisitor& aVisitor) override;
virtual nsresult PostHandleEvent(
EventChainPostVisitor& aVisitor) override;
virtual bool IsHTMLFocusable(bool aWithMouse, bool *aIsFocusable, int32_t *aTabIndex) override;
virtual void DoneAddingChildren(bool aHaveNotified) override;
virtual bool IsDoneAddingChildren() override;
virtual nsresult Clone(mozilla::dom::NodeInfo *aNodeInfo, nsINode **aResult) const override;
nsresult CopyInnerTo(Element* aDest);
* Called when an attribute is about to be changed
virtual nsresult BeforeSetAttr(int32_t aNameSpaceID, nsIAtom* aName,
nsAttrValueOrString* aValue,
bool aNotify) override;
// nsIMutationObserver
// nsIConstraintValidation
bool IsTooLong();
bool IsTooShort();
bool IsValueMissing() const;
void UpdateTooLongValidityState();
void UpdateTooShortValidityState();
void UpdateValueMissingValidityState();
void UpdateBarredFromConstraintValidation();
nsresult GetValidationMessage(nsAString& aValidationMessage,
ValidityStateType aType) override;
// Web IDL binding methods
bool Autofocus()
return GetBoolAttr(nsGkAtoms::autofocus);
void SetAutofocus(bool aAutoFocus, ErrorResult& aError)
SetHTMLBoolAttr(nsGkAtoms::autofocus, aAutoFocus, aError);
uint32_t Cols()
return GetIntAttr(nsGkAtoms::cols, DEFAULT_COLS);
void SetCols(uint32_t aCols, ErrorResult& aError)
uint32_t cols = aCols ? aCols : DEFAULT_COLS;
SetUnsignedIntAttr(nsGkAtoms::cols, cols, DEFAULT_COLS, aError);
bool Disabled()
return GetBoolAttr(nsGkAtoms::disabled);
void SetDisabled(bool aDisabled, ErrorResult& aError)
SetHTMLBoolAttr(nsGkAtoms::disabled, aDisabled, aError);
// nsGenericHTMLFormElementWithState::GetForm is fine
using nsGenericHTMLFormElementWithState::GetForm;
int32_t MaxLength()
return GetIntAttr(nsGkAtoms::maxlength, -1);
void SetMaxLength(int32_t aMaxLength, ErrorResult& aError)
int32_t minLength = MinLength();
if (aMaxLength < 0 || (minLength >= 0 && aMaxLength < minLength)) {
} else {
SetHTMLIntAttr(nsGkAtoms::maxlength, aMaxLength, aError);
int32_t MinLength()
return GetIntAttr(nsGkAtoms::minlength, -1);
void SetMinLength(int32_t aMinLength, ErrorResult& aError)
int32_t maxLength = MaxLength();
if (aMinLength < 0 || (maxLength >= 0 && aMinLength > maxLength)) {
} else {
SetHTMLIntAttr(nsGkAtoms::minlength, aMinLength, aError);
// XPCOM GetName is fine
void SetName(const nsAString& aName, ErrorResult& aError)
SetHTMLAttr(nsGkAtoms::name, aName, aError);
// XPCOM GetPlaceholder is fine
void SetPlaceholder(const nsAString& aPlaceholder, ErrorResult& aError)
SetHTMLAttr(nsGkAtoms::placeholder, aPlaceholder, aError);
bool ReadOnly()
return GetBoolAttr(nsGkAtoms::readonly);
void SetReadOnly(bool aReadOnly, ErrorResult& aError)
SetHTMLBoolAttr(nsGkAtoms::readonly, aReadOnly, aError);
bool Required()
return GetBoolAttr(nsGkAtoms::required);
void SetRangeText(const nsAString& aReplacement, ErrorResult& aRv);
void SetRangeText(const nsAString& aReplacement, uint32_t aStart,
uint32_t aEnd, const SelectionMode& aSelectMode,
ErrorResult& aRv, int32_t aSelectionStart = -1,
int32_t aSelectionEnd = -1);
void SetRequired(bool aRequired, ErrorResult& aError)
SetHTMLBoolAttr(nsGkAtoms::required, aRequired, aError);
uint32_t Rows()
return GetIntAttr(nsGkAtoms::rows, DEFAULT_ROWS_TEXTAREA);
void SetRows(uint32_t aRows, ErrorResult& aError)
uint32_t rows = aRows ? aRows : DEFAULT_ROWS_TEXTAREA;
SetUnsignedIntAttr(nsGkAtoms::rows, rows, DEFAULT_ROWS_TEXTAREA, aError);
// XPCOM GetWrap is fine
void SetWrap(const nsAString& aWrap, ErrorResult& aError)
SetHTMLAttr(nsGkAtoms::wrap, aWrap, aError);
// XPCOM GetType is fine
// XPCOM GetDefaultValue is fine
void SetDefaultValue(const nsAString& aDefaultValue, ErrorResult& aError);
// XPCOM GetValue/SetValue are fine
uint32_t GetTextLength();
// nsIConstraintValidation::WillValidate is fine.
// nsIConstraintValidation::Validity() is fine.
// nsIConstraintValidation::GetValidationMessage() is fine.
// nsIConstraintValidation::CheckValidity() is fine.
using nsIConstraintValidation::CheckValidity;
using nsIConstraintValidation::ReportValidity;
// nsIConstraintValidation::SetCustomValidity() is fine.
// XPCOM Select is fine
Nullable<uint32_t> GetSelectionStart(ErrorResult& aError);
void SetSelectionStart(const Nullable<uint32_t>& aSelectionStart, ErrorResult& aError);
Nullable<uint32_t> GetSelectionEnd(ErrorResult& aError);
void SetSelectionEnd(const Nullable<uint32_t>& aSelectionEnd, ErrorResult& aError);
void GetSelectionDirection(nsAString& aDirection, ErrorResult& aError);
void SetSelectionDirection(const nsAString& aDirection, ErrorResult& aError);
void SetSelectionRange(uint32_t aSelectionStart, uint32_t aSelectionEnd, const Optional<nsAString>& aDirecton, ErrorResult& aError);
nsIControllers* GetControllers(ErrorResult& aError);
nsIEditor* GetEditor()
return mState.GetEditor();
virtual ~HTMLTextAreaElement() {}
// get rid of the compiler warning
using nsGenericHTMLFormElementWithState::IsSingleLineTextControl;
virtual JSObject* WrapNode(JSContext *aCx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> aGivenProto) override;
nsCOMPtr<nsIControllers> mControllers;
/** Whether or not the value has changed since its default value was given. */
bool mValueChanged;
/** Whether or not the last change to the value was made interactively by the user. */
bool mLastValueChangeWasInteractive;
/** Whether or not we are already handling select event. */
bool mHandlingSelect;
/** Whether or not we are done adding children (always true if not
created by a parser */
bool mDoneAddingChildren;
/** Whether state restoration should be inhibited in DoneAddingChildren. */
bool mInhibitStateRestoration;
/** Whether our disabled state has changed from the default **/
bool mDisabledChanged;
/** Whether we should make :-moz-ui-invalid apply on the element. **/
bool mCanShowInvalidUI;
/** Whether we should make :-moz-ui-valid apply on the element. **/
bool mCanShowValidUI;
void FireChangeEventIfNeeded();
nsString mFocusedValue;
/** The state of the text editor (selection controller and the editor) **/
nsTextEditorState mState;
NS_IMETHOD SelectAll(nsPresContext* aPresContext);
* Get the value, whether it is from the content or the frame.
* @param aValue the value [out]
* @param aIgnoreWrap whether to ignore the wrap attribute when getting the
* value. If this is true, linebreaks will not be inserted even if
* wrap=hard.
void GetValueInternal(nsAString& aValue, bool aIgnoreWrap) const;
* Setting the value.
* @param aValue String to set.
* @param aFlags See nsTextEditorState::SetValueFlags.
nsresult SetValueInternal(const nsAString& aValue, uint32_t aFlags);
nsresult GetSelectionRange(int32_t* aSelectionStart, int32_t* aSelectionEnd);
* Common method to call from the various mutation observer methods.
* aContent is a content node that's either the one that changed or its
* parent; we should only respond to the change if aContent is non-anonymous.
void ContentChanged(nsIContent* aContent);
virtual nsresult AfterSetAttr(int32_t aNamespaceID, nsIAtom *aName,
const nsAttrValue* aValue, bool aNotify) override;
* Return if an element should have a specific validity UI
* (with :-moz-ui-invalid and :-moz-ui-valid pseudo-classes).
* @return Whether the element should have a validity UI.
bool ShouldShowValidityUI() const {
* Always show the validity UI if the form has already tried to be submitted
* but was invalid.
* Otherwise, show the validity UI if the element's value has been changed.
if (mForm && mForm->HasEverTriedInvalidSubmit()) {
return true;
return mValueChanged;
* Get the mutable state of the element.
bool IsMutable() const;
* Returns whether the current value is the empty string.
* @return whether the current value is the empty string.
bool IsValueEmpty() const;
static void MapAttributesIntoRule(const nsMappedAttributes* aAttributes,
nsRuleData* aData);
} // namespace dom
} // namespace mozilla