/usr/lib/goo/mods/samurui/hobar.goo is in goo 0.155-14.
This file is owned by root:root, with mode 0o644.
The actual contents of the file can be viewed below.
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(use samurui/samurui)
;; A HoBar display is made up of multiple HoBars stacked vertically which share a common
;; semantic dimension which is expressed across the x-axis. In some cases HoBars will be
;; used individually, in which case everything reduces to just a GUI widget that has a lot
;; of unused functionality.
;; One core example is that of a synthesizer supporting both drum beats and notes. The drum
;; HoBar can be represented as a series of boolean boxes. The 'piano' parts can be
;; represented as a staff (or a piano roll). When the two are combined together, they will share
;; a common scaling along the x-dimension so everything is synched up. In the case that one
;; scrolls, they all scroll.
;; Note that in case of scrolling, we aren't actually assuming a 1:1 mapping, My previous
;; experience in visualizations has led me to believe that visualization is sometimes most
;; useful in those cases where we don't have absolute information, but at least have some
;; information. In those cases, we want things to scroll appropriately.
;; In terms of the SamurUI model, we can think of the use of HoBars to be the parallel
;; visualizations of multiple items in a single collection.
;; Potential Uses:
;; - Drum Machine
;; - Pattern Editor
;; - Song Editor (Pattern Composition)
;; - E-mail Client
;; - Thread history navigation
(idrawmodel-ext <col> <hobar-pimp>
;; Fitness evaluation
(if (mem? attribs 'hobar)
;; Init Magic
(dp! wrapped (<hobar-pimp> => <col>))
(dp! bars (<hobar-pimp> => <col>) (vec))
(dp! scale (<hobar-pimp> => <int>) 16)
(dp! badge-space (<hobar-pimp> => <int>) 0)
(dp! scroll-offset (<hobar-pimp> => <int>) 0)
(dc <hobar> (<any>))
(dp! pimp (<hobar> => <hobar-pimp>))
(dp! height (<hobar> => <int>) 32)
(dp! item (<hobar> => <any>))
(dg fab-ho (pimp|<hobar-pimp> item|<any> example-item|<any> => <hobar>))
;; x,y are non-local coordinates. transform appropriately yourself
(dg hobar-draw (hobar|<hobar> widget|<gui-drawable> scale|<int> scroll|<int> clip|<gui-rect>))
;; x,y are local coordinates. no need to transform.
(dg hobar-mouse-press (hobar|<hobar> x|<int> y|<int> button|<int>))
(dg hobar-mouse-release (hobar|<hobar> x|<int> y|<int> button|<int>))
(dg hobar-mouse-move (hobar|<hobar> x|<int> y|<int> state|<int>))
(dg hobar-item-payload (item|<any> => <any>))
;; Returns:
;; - Number of items there are to display
;; - The minimum number of pixels per item required.
(dg hobar-report-scale (hobar|<hobar> => (tup <int> <int>)))
;; ......:::::: Pimp
(dm bind (pimp|<hobar-pimp> info|<interface-info> => (tup <fun> <fun> <fun>))
;; -- Rebinder --
(fun (new-obj)
;; Detach from current if applicable
(when (and (prop-bound? pimp wrapped)
(wrapped pimp))
(zap! (bars pimp))
(set (wrapped pimp) ((getter info) new-obj))
;; Fab the bars
(do (fun (item)
(add! (bars pimp) (fab-ho pimp item (1st (hobar-item-payload item))))
(wrapped pimp))
;; -- Refresher --
(fun ()
;; Might need to re-fab the bars...
(when (~= (len (bars pimp)) (len (wrapped pimp)))
(zap! (bars pimp))
;; Fab the bars
(do (fun (item)
(add! (bars pimp) (fab-ho pimp item (1st (hobar-item-payload item))))
(wrapped pimp))
(repaint-widget pimp)
;; -- Free / Cleanup --
(fun ()
(dm rescale (pimp|<hobar-pimp>)
(def avail-width (- (gui-width pimp) (badge-space pimp)))
(rep loop ((ho-enum (enum (bars pimp))) (max-items 0) (min-pix avail-width))
(if (not (fin? ho-enum))
(def cur-ho (now ho-enum))
(def answer (hobar-report-scale cur-ho))
(loop (nxt ho-enum) (max max-items (1st answer)) (min min-pix (2nd answer)))
(def min-req-pix (* max-items min-pix))
(set (scale pimp)
(if (> min-req-pix avail-width)
(div avail-width max-items)
(dm repaint-widget (pimp|<hobar-pimp>)
;; White it out
(blank pimp)
(when (< 0 (len (bars pimp)))
;; Rescale
(rescale pimp)
;; Paint
(rep loop ((ho-enum (enum (bars pimp))) (cur-x (badge-space pimp)) (cur-y 0))
(when (not (fin? ho-enum))
(def cur-ho (now ho-enum))
(hobar-draw cur-ho pimp (scale pimp) 0 (rect cur-x cur-y (gui-width pimp) (height cur-ho)))
(loop (nxt ho-enum) cur-x (+ cur-y (height cur-ho)))
(invalidate-all pimp)
(dm pimp-find-ho (pimp|<hobar-pimp> x|<int> y|<int>)
(rep loop ((ho-enum (enum (bars pimp))) (cur-x x) (cur-y y))
(when (not (fin? ho-enum))
(def cur-ho (now ho-enum))
(if (< cur-y (height cur-ho))
(loop (nxt ho-enum) cur-x (- cur-y (height cur-ho))))
(dm get-ho-vert-offset (hobar|<hobar>)
(rep loop ((ho-enum (enum (bars (pimp hobar)))) (cur-y 0))
(when (not (fin? ho-enum))
(def cur-ho (now ho-enum))
(if (== cur-ho hobar)
(loop (nxt ho-enum) (+ cur-y (height cur-ho))))
(dm mouse-press (pimp|<hobar-pimp> x|<int> y|<int> button|<int> time|<int>)
(def ho (pimp-find-ho pimp x y))
(when ho
(hobar-mouse-press ho x (- y (get-ho-vert-offset ho)) button)
(dm mouse-release (pimp|<hobar-pimp> x|<int> y|<int> button|<int> time|<int>)
(def ho (pimp-find-ho pimp x y))
(when ho
(hobar-mouse-release ho x (- y (get-ho-vert-offset ho)) button)
(dm mouse-move (pimp|<hobar-pimp> x|<int> y|<int> state|<int>)
(def ho (pimp-find-ho pimp x y))
(when ho
(hobar-mouse-move ho x (- y (get-ho-vert-offset ho)) state)
(dm hobar-invalidate (hobar|<hobar>)
(invalidate (pimp hobar) (rect 0
(get-ho-vert-offset hobar)
(gui-width (pimp hobar))
(height hobar)))
;; ......:::::: BoolBox
(dv c_line (color 5 5 5))
(dv c_true (color 128 192 128))
(dv c_false (color 64 96 64))
(dc <hobar-boolbox> (<hobar>))
(dm fab-ho (pimp|<hobar-pimp> item|<any> example-item|<log> => <hobar-boolbox>)
(def ho (new <hobar-boolbox>))
(set (pimp ho) pimp)
(set (item ho) item)
(dm hobar-draw (boolbox|<hobar-boolbox> widget|<gui-drawable> scale|<int> scroll|<int> clip|<gui-rect>)
(def start-idx (div scroll scale))
(def n-boxes (len (hobar-item-payload (item boolbox))))
(def end-idx (min n-boxes (+ start-idx (div (rect-w clip) scale))))
(def pix-per-box scale)
(rep loop ((i-box start-idx))
(when (< i-box end-idx)
(def cur-box-val (elt (hobar-item-payload (item boolbox)) i-box))
(def box-rect (rect (+ (rect-x clip) (* pix-per-box i-box))
(rect-y clip)
(height boolbox)))
(draw-rect widget
(if cur-box-val c_true c_false))
(draw-rect widget
(loop (+ i-box 1))
(dm hobar-mouse-press (boolbox|<hobar-boolbox> x|<int> y|<int> button|<int>)
(def start-idx (div (scroll-offset (pimp boolbox))
(scale (pimp boolbox))))
(def n-boxes (len (hobar-item-payload (item boolbox))))
(def pix-per-box (scale (pimp boolbox)))
(def cur-idx (+ start-idx (div x pix-per-box)))
(def end-idx (min n-boxes (+ start-idx (div (- (gui-width (pimp boolbox))
(badge-space (pimp boolbox)))
(scale (pimp boolbox))))))
(when (<= cur-idx end-idx)
(def cur-val (elt (hobar-item-payload (item boolbox)) cur-idx))
(set (elt (hobar-item-payload (item boolbox)) cur-idx) (not cur-val))
(repaint-widget (pimp boolbox))
(hobar-invalidate boolbox)
(dm hobar-mouse-release (boolbox|<hobar-boolbox> x|<int> y|<int> button|<int>)
(dm hobar-mouse-move (boolbox|<hobar-boolbox> x|<int> y|<int> state|<int>)
(dm hobar-report-scale (boolbox|<hobar-boolbox> => (tup <int> <int>))
(tup (len (hobar-item-payload (item boolbox))) ;; how many items?
4) ;; Our boxes need to be at least 4 pix wide