/usr/include/gmsh/GEdge.h is in libgmsh-dev 2.8.5+dfsg-1.1+b1.
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// See the LICENSE.txt file for license information. Please report all
// bugs and problems to the public mailing list <gmsh@geuz.org>.
#ifndef _GEDGE_H_
#define _GEDGE_H_
#include <list>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <set>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "GmshMessage.h"
#include "GEntity.h"
#include "GVertex.h"
#include "SVector3.h"
#include "SPoint3.h"
#include "SPoint2.h"
class MElement;
class MLine;
class ExtrudeParams;
class GEdgeCompound;
class closestPointFinder;
// A model edge.
class GEdge : public GEntity {
double _length;
bool _tooSmall;
closestPointFinder *_cp;
GVertex *v0, *v1;
// FIXME: normals need to be mutable at the moment, because thay can
// be created in const member functions
mutable std::map<MVertex*, SVector3, std::less<MVertex*> > _normals;
GEdgeCompound *compound; // this model edge belongs to a compound
std::list<GFace *> l_faces;
// for specific solid modelers that need to re-do the internal curve
// if a topological change ending points is done (gluing)
virtual void replaceEndingPointsInternals(GVertex *, GVertex *) {}
GEdge(GModel *model, int tag, GVertex *_v0, GVertex *_v1);
virtual ~GEdge();
// delete mesh data
virtual void deleteMesh();
// get the start/end vertices of the edge
GVertex *getBeginVertex() const { return v0; }
GVertex *getEndVertex() const { return v1; }
void reverse();
// add/delete a face bounded by this edge
void addFace(GFace *f);
void delFace(GFace *f);
// get the dimension of the edge (1)
virtual int dim() const { return 1; }
// set the visibility flag
virtual void setVisibility(char val, bool recursive=false);
// true if the edge is a seam for the given face.
virtual bool isSeam(const GFace *face) const { return false; }
// get the bounding box
virtual SBoundingBox3d bounds() const;
// get the oriented bounding box
virtual SOrientedBoundingBox getOBB();
// regions that are boundedby this entity
virtual std::list<GRegion*> regions() const;
// faces that this entity bounds
virtual std::list<GFace*> faces() const { return l_faces; }
// get the point for the given parameter location
virtual GPoint point(double p) const = 0;
// true if the edge contains the given parameter
virtual bool containsParam(double pt) const;
// get the position for the given parameter location
virtual SVector3 position(double p) const
GPoint gp = point(p);
return SVector3(gp.x(), gp.y(), gp.z());
// get first derivative of edge at the given parameter
virtual SVector3 firstDer(double par) const = 0;
// get second derivative of edge at the given parameter (default
// implentation using central differences)
virtual SVector3 secondDer(double par) const;
// get the curvature
virtual double curvature(double par) const;
// reparmaterize the point onto the given face
virtual SPoint2 reparamOnFace(const GFace *face, double epar, int dir) const;
// return the minimum number of segments used for meshing the edge
virtual int minimumMeshSegments() const { return 1; }
// return the minimum number of segments used for drawing the edge
virtual int minimumDrawSegments() const { return 1; }
// return a type-specific additional information string
virtual std::string getAdditionalInfoString();
// export in GEO format
virtual void writeGEO(FILE *fp);
// tell if the edge is a 3D edge (in opposition with a trimmed curve on a surface)
virtual bool is3D() const { return true; }
// get/set/compute the length of the model edge
inline double length() const { return _length; }
inline void setLength(const double l) { _length = l; }
double length(const double &u0, const double &u1, const int nbQuadPoints = 4);
// get the prescribed mesh size on the edge
virtual double prescribedMeshSizeAtVertex() const { return meshAttributes.meshSize; }
// true if start == end and no more than 2 segments
void setTooSmall(bool b) { _tooSmall = b; }
bool isMeshDegenerated() const
if (_tooSmall)
Msg::Debug("degenerated mesh on edge %d: too small", tag());
if (v0 == v1 && mesh_vertices.size() < 2)
Msg::Debug("degenerated mesh on edge %d: %d mesh vertices", tag(),
return _tooSmall || (v0 == v1 && mesh_vertices.size() < 2);
// number of types of elements
int getNumElementTypes() const { return 1; }
// get total/by-type number of elements in the mesh
unsigned int getNumMeshElements();
unsigned int getNumMeshParentElements();
void getNumMeshElements(unsigned *const c) const;
// get the start of the array of a type of element
MElement *const *getStartElementType(int type) const;
// get the element at the given index
MElement *getMeshElement(unsigned int index);
// reset the mesh attributes to default values
virtual void resetMeshAttributes();
// true if entity is periodic in the "dim" direction.
virtual bool periodic(int dim) const { return v0 == v1; }
std::map<MVertex*, SVector3, std::less<MVertex*> > &getNormals() { return _normals; }
// get bounds of parametric coordinate
virtual Range<double> parBounds(int i) const = 0;
inline double getLowerBound() const{ return parBounds(0).low();};
inline double getUpperBound() const{ return parBounds(0).high();};
// return the point on the face closest to the given point
virtual GPoint closestPoint(const SPoint3 &queryPoint, double ¶m) const;
// return the parmater location on the edge given a point in space
// that is on the edge
virtual double parFromPoint(const SPoint3 &P) const;
// compute the parameter U from a point XYZ
virtual bool XYZToU(const double X, const double Y, const double Z,
double &U, const double relax=0.5) const;
// compound
void setCompound(GEdgeCompound *gec) { compound = gec; }
GEdgeCompound *getCompound() const { return compound; }
// gluing
void replaceEndingPoints(GVertex *, GVertex *);
// relocate mesh vertices using parametric coordinates
void relocateMeshVertices();
struct {
char method;
double coeffTransfinite;
double meshSize;
int nbPointsTransfinite;
int typeTransfinite;
int minimumMeshSegments;
// the extrusion parameters (if any)
ExtrudeParams *extrude;
// reverse mesh orientation
bool reverseMesh;
} meshAttributes ;
struct {
mutable GEntity::MeshGenerationStatus status;
} meshStatistics;
std::vector<MLine*> lines;
void addLine(MLine *line){ lines.push_back(line); }
virtual void discretize(double tol, std::vector<SPoint3> &dpts, std::vector<double> &ts);
SPoint3 closestPoint (SPoint3 &p, double tolerance);