/usr/share/ada/adainclude/gtkada/glib-object.ads is in libgtkada2.24.4-dev 2.24.4dfsg-1.
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-- GtkAda - Ada95 binding for Gtk+/Gnome --
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 2001-2013, AdaCore --
-- --
-- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or --
-- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public --
-- License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either --
-- version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. --
-- --
-- This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, --
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of --
-- General Public License for more details. --
-- --
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public --
-- License along with this library; if not, write to the --
-- Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, --
-- Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. --
-- --
-- <description>
-- This package provides a minimal binding to the GObject type in Glib.
-- See Glib.Properties for information on how to manipulate properties
-- </description>
-- <group>Glib, the general-purpose library</group>
with Gtkada.Types;
with Glib.GSlist;
with Glib.Glist;
pragma Elaborate_All (Glib.GSlist);
pragma Elaborate_All (Glib.Glist);
package Glib.Object is
type GObject_Record is tagged private;
type GObject is access all GObject_Record'Class;
-- The base type for Glib/Gdk/Gtk objects. It basically gives access
-- to an underlying C object. This is not a controlled type for
-- efficiency reasons and because glib takes care of the memory
-- management on its own.
function Is_Created (Object : GObject_Record'Class) return Boolean;
-- Return True if the associated C object has been created, False if
-- no C object is associated with Object.
-- This is not the same as testing whether an access type (for instance
-- any of the widgets) is "null", since this relates to the underlying
-- C object.
function Get_Type (Object : access GObject_Record) return GType;
-- Return the type of Object.
-- This function is mostly used internally, since in Ada you can simply
-- test whether an object belong to a class with a statement like:
-- if Object in Gtk_Button_Record'Class then ...
-- which is easier.
-- Life cycle --
procedure G_New (Object : out GObject);
-- Create a new GObject.
-- This is only required when you want to create an Ada tagged type to
-- which you can attach new signals. Most of the time, you only need to
-- directly create the appropriate Gtk Widget by calling the correct
-- Gtk_New procedure.
procedure Initialize (Object : access GObject_Record'Class);
-- Internal initialization function.
-- See the section "Creating your own widgets" in the documentation.
procedure Ref (Object : access GObject_Record);
-- Increment the reference counter for Object. See Unref below.
-- Since an object is not deleted while its reference count is not null,
-- this is a way to keep an object in memory, in particular when you
-- want to temporarily remove a widget from its parent.
procedure Unref (Object : access GObject_Record);
-- Decrement the reference counter for Object. When this reaches 0, the
-- object is effectively destroy, all the callbacks associated with it are
-- disconnected.
type Weak_Notify is access procedure
(Data : System.Address;
Where_The_Object_Was : System.Address);
pragma Convention (C, Weak_Notify);
-- Called when Where_The_Object_Was is destroyed (although you can still
-- use this to reset it). Data is the argument passed to Weak_Ref.
-- You should destroy and free the memory occupied by Data
procedure Weak_Ref
(Object : access GObject_Record'Class;
Notify : Weak_Notify;
Data : System.Address := System.Null_Address);
-- This kind of reference doesn't increment the object's reference
-- counting. However, it can and should be used to monitor the object's
-- life cycle, in particular to detect is destruction.
-- When Object is destroyed, calls Notify
procedure Weak_Unref
(Object : access GObject_Record'Class;
Notify : Weak_Notify;
Data : System.Address := System.Null_Address);
-- Cancels the settings of Weak_Ref.
procedure Deallocate (Object : access GObject_Record);
-- This operation is used to deallocate Object.
-- The default implementation assumes that the value passed in is an
-- access value created by an allocator of the default pool, i.e. it
-- will assume that an instance of
-- Unchecked_Deallocation (GObject_Record'Class, GObject)
-- can be used to deallocate the designated object.
-- Types derived of GObject_Record can override this operation in order
-- to cope with objects allocated on other pools or even objects allocated
-- on the stack.
-- This design is limited to support only one allocation strategy for each
-- class, as the class tag is used to identify the applicable strategy.
procedure Ref_Sink (Object : access GObject_Record);
-- Increase the reference count of Object, and possibly remove the
-- floating reference, if Object has a floating reference.
-- In other words, if the object is floating, then this call "assumes
-- ownership" of the floating reference, converting it to a normal
-- reference by clearing the floating flag while leaving the reference
-- count unchanged. If the object is not floating, then this call
-- adds a new normal reference increasing the reference count by one.
-- Interfacing with C --
-- The following functions are made public so that one can easily create
-- new objects outside the Glib or Gtk package hierarchy.
-- Only experienced users should make use of these functions.
function Get_Object
(Object : access GObject_Record'Class) return System.Address;
-- Access the underlying C pointer.
function Get_Object_Or_Null (Object : GObject) return System.Address;
-- Same as above, but passing "null" is valid.
procedure Set_Object
(Object : access GObject_Record'Class;
Value : System.Address);
-- Modify the underlying C pointer.
function Get_User_Data
(Obj : System.Address;
Stub : GObject_Record'Class) return GObject;
-- Return the Ada object matching the C object Obj. If Obj was created
-- explicitely from GtkAda, this will be the exact same widget. If Obj was
-- created implicitely by gtk+ (buttons in complex windows,...), a new Ada
-- object of type Stub will be created.
function Get_User_Data_Fast
(Obj : System.Address;
Stub : GObject_Record'Class) return GObject;
-- Same as Get_User_Data, but does not try to guess the type of Obj,
-- always default to Stub if Obj is unknown to GtkAda.
function Unchecked_Cast
(Obj : access GObject_Record'Class;
Stub : GObject_Record'Class) return GObject;
-- Cast Obj in an object of tag Stub'Class.
-- Return the resulting object and free the memory pointed by Obj.
-- Signals --
-- Any child of GObject can be associated with any number of signals. The
-- mechanism for signals is fully generic, and any number of arguments can
-- be associated with signals.
-- See the function Initialize_Class_Record for more information on how
-- to create new signals for your own new widgets.
-- The subprograms below are provided for introspection: they make it
-- possible to query the list of signals defined for a specific widget,
-- as well as their parameters and return types.
type Signal_Id_Array is array (Guint range <>) of Glib.Signal_Id;
type Signal_Query is private;
function Lookup
(Object : Glib.GType; Signal : String) return Glib.Signal_Id;
-- Returns the signal Id associated with a specific Object/Signal pair.
-- Null_Signal_Id is returned if no such signal exists for Object.
-- You can then use the Query procedure to get more information on the
-- signal.
function List_Ids (Typ : Glib.GType) return Signal_Id_Array;
-- Return the list of signals defined for Typ. You can get more information
-- on each of this signals by using the Query function below.
-- See also the function Get_Type above to convert from an object instance
-- to its type. Using a GType as the parameter makes it easier to find the
-- signals for a widget and its ancestors (using Glib.Parent).
procedure Query (Id : Glib.Signal_Id; Result : out Signal_Query);
-- Return the description associated with the signal Id. You can get the
-- various fields from Query with one of the functions below.
-- Result is undefined if Id is Invalid_Signal_Id or Null_Signal_Id
function Id (Q : Signal_Query) return Glib.Signal_Id;
-- Return the signal Id. Each Id is specific to a widget/signal name pair.
-- These Ids can then be used to temporarily block a signal for instance,
-- through the subprograms in Gtk.Handlers.
function Signal_Name (Q : Signal_Query) return Glib.Signal_Name;
-- Return the name of the signal, as should be used in a call to Connect.
function Return_Type (Q : Signal_Query) return Glib.GType;
-- Return the type of object returned by the handlers for this signal.
function Params (Q : Signal_Query) return GType_Array;
-- Return the list of parameters for the handlers for this signal
-- Creating new widgets --
-- These types and functions are used only when creating new widget types
-- directly in Ada. These functions initialize the classes so that they are
-- correctly recognized by gtk+ itself
-- See the GtkAda user's guide for more information on how to create your
-- own widget types in Ada.
type Interface_Vtable is private;
-- The virtual table of an interface (see Glib.Types). This is only useful
-- when doing introspection.
type GObject_Class is new GType_Class;
Uninitialized_Class : constant GObject_Class;
-- This type encloses all the informations related to a specific type of
-- object or widget. All instances of such an object have a pointer to this
-- structure, that includes the definition of all the signals that exist
-- for a given object, all its properties,...
type Signal_Parameter_Types is
array (Natural range <>, Natural range <>) of GType;
-- The description of the parameters for each event. These are the
-- parameters that the application must provide when emitting the
-- signal. The user can of course add his own parameters when connecting
-- the signal in his application, through the use of
-- Gtk.Handlers.User_Callback.
-- Each event defined with Initialize_Class_Record below should have an
-- entry in this table. If Gtk_Type_None is found in the table, it is
-- ignored. For instance, a Signal_Parameter_Type like:
-- (1 => (1 => Gdk_Type_Gdk_Event, 2 => GType_None),
-- 2 => (1 => GType_Int, 2 => GType_Int));
-- defines two signals, the first with a single Gdk_Event parameter, the
-- second with two ints parameters.
Null_Parameter_Types : constant Signal_Parameter_Types (1 .. 0, 1 .. 0) :=
(others => (others => GType_None));
-- An empty array, used as a default parameter in Initialize_Class_Record.
procedure Initialize_Class_Record
(Object : access GObject_Record'Class;
Signals : Gtkada.Types.Chars_Ptr_Array;
Class_Record : in out GObject_Class;
Type_Name : String;
Parameters : Signal_Parameter_Types := Null_Parameter_Types);
-- Create the class record for a new object type.
-- It is associated with Signals'Length new signals. A pointer to the
-- newly created structure is also returned in Class_Record.
-- If Class_Record /= System.Null_Address, no memory allocation is
-- performed, we just reuse it. As a result, each instantiation of an
-- object will share the same GObject_Class, exactly as is done for gtk+.
-- Note: The underlying C object must already have been initialized
-- by a call to its parent's Initialize function.
-- Parameters'Length should be the same as Signals'Length, or the result
-- is undefined.
-- As a special case, if Parameters has its default value, all signals are
-- created with no argument. This is done for backward compatibility
-- mainly, and you should instead give it an explicit value.
-- Type_Name should be a unique name identifying the name of the new type.
-- Only the signals with no parameter can be connected from C code.
-- However, any signal can be connected from Ada. This is due to the way
-- we define default marshallers for the signals.
function Type_From_Class (Class_Record : GObject_Class) return GType;
-- Return the internal gtk+ type that describes the newly created
-- Class_Record.
-- See the function Glib.Types.Class_Peek for the opposite function
-- converting from a GType to a GObject_Class.
-- Properties introspection --
-- See glib.ads for more information on properties
function Interface_List_Properties
(Vtable : Interface_Vtable) return Glib.Param_Spec_Array;
-- Return the list of properties of an interface (see also Glib.Properties)
-- from a Vtable from Default_Interface_Peek).
-- See also Class_List_Properties for a similar function for objects.
function Class_List_Properties
(Class : GObject_Class) return Glib.Param_Spec_Array;
-- Return the list of all properties of the class.
-- Signals --
-- ??? This section is incomplete.
-- <signals>
-- The following new signals are defined for this object:
-- - "notify"
-- procedure Handler
-- (Object : access GObject_Record'Class; Name : String);
-- Emitted when the property Name has been modified
-- </signals>
procedure Notify
(Object : access GObject_Record;
Property_Name : String);
-- Emits the "notify" signal, to signal every listener that the property
-- has been changed.
-- User_Data --
-- This package allow you to associate your own Data to the C widgets. No
-- type verification is made to check if you are using the correct
-- matching Get function. This is your own responsability.
-- We recommend using this package only if you want your data to be
-- available from your own C code. If you just want to access it from Ada,
-- you should consider creating a new tagged type instead, that extends
-- either GObject_Record or the specific widget type you need.
-- <doc_ignore>
type Data_Type (<>) is private;
package User_Data is
type On_Destroyed_Callback is access procedure (Data : Data_Type);
-- On_Destroyed is called when the data is overriden in the object, by
-- an other object with the same ID, or when the object itself is
-- destroyed
function Get
(Object : access GObject_Record'Class;
Id : String := "user_data") return Data_Type;
-- Get the information associated with the key ID.
-- Raise Gtkada.Types.Data_Error if there is none.
function Get
(Object : access GObject_Record'Class;
Id : String := "user_data";
Default : Data_Type) return Data_Type;
-- Get the information associated with the key ID.
-- Return Default instead of raising an exception if there is no such
-- user data
procedure Set
(Object : access GObject_Record'Class;
Data : Data_Type;
Id : String := "user_data";
On_Destroyed : On_Destroyed_Callback := null);
-- Associate some new user data with the object.
-- The strings starting with "gtkada_" are reserved for GtkAda's
-- internal use, please avoid using them.
procedure Remove
(Object : access GObject_Record'Class; Id : String := "user_data");
-- Remove some data from the object
function Get
(Object : access GObject_Record'Class;
Id : Glib.GQuark) return Data_Type;
function Get
(Object : access GObject_Record'Class;
Id : Glib.GQuark;
Default : Data_Type) return Data_Type;
-- Same function as Get above, but uses directly the Quark associated
-- with the string, which speeds up the access time significantly.
procedure Set
(Object : access GObject_Record'Class;
Data : Data_Type;
Id : Glib.GQuark;
On_Destroyed : On_Destroyed_Callback := null);
-- Same function as Set above, but uses directly the Quark associated
-- with the string, which speeds up the access time significantly.
procedure Remove
(Object : access GObject_Record'Class; Id : Glib.GQuark);
-- Same function as Remove above, but uses directly the Quark associated
-- with the string, which speeds up the access time significantly.
-- <doc_ignore>
procedure Free_Data (Data : System.Address);
-- Internal procedure used to free user data in the package body
pragma Convention (C, Free_Data);
-- </doc_ignore>
end User_Data;
-- </doc_ignore>
-- Lists --
function Convert (W : GObject) return System.Address;
function Convert (W : System.Address) return GObject;
package Object_List is new Glib.GSlist.Generic_SList (GObject);
package Object_Simple_List is new Glib.Glist.Generic_List (GObject);
type GObject_Record is tagged record
Ptr : System.Address := System.Null_Address;
end record;
type Interface_Vtable is new Glib.C_Proxy;
Uninitialized_Class : constant GObject_Class :=
GObject_Class (System.Null_Address);
type Signal_Query is record
Signal_Id : Guint;
Signal_Name : System.Address; -- const gchar*
IType : GType;
Signal_Flags : Gint; -- enum GSignalFlags
Return_Type : GType;
N_Params : Guint;
Param_Types : System.Address; -- const gtype*
end record;
pragma Convention (C, Signal_Query);
-- <doc_ignore>
-- Note: the following functions and types should only be used
-- for internal usage, not in the user's applications.
-- If you use type inheritance for new widgets, you should not need
-- these functions.
GtkAda_String : constant String := "_GtkAda" & ASCII.NUL;
GtkAda_String_Quark : Glib.GQuark := Glib.Unknown_Quark;
-- The name for the user data that we set in the objects.
-- The Quark version is to speed up the string lookup (this is done
-- only once).
-- </doc_ignore>
pragma Inline (Get_Object);
pragma Inline (Set_Object);
pragma Import (C, Type_From_Class, "ada_type_from_class");
pragma Import (C, Query, "g_signal_query");
pragma Import (C, Id, "ada_gsignal_query_id");
pragma Import (C, Return_Type, "ada_gsignal_query_return_type");
end Glib.Object;