/usr/share/ada/adainclude/gtkada/gtk-paned.ads is in libgtkada2.24.4-dev 2.24.4dfsg-1.
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-- GtkAda - Ada95 binding for Gtk+/Gnome --
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 1998-2000 E. Briot, J. Brobecker and A. Charlet --
-- Copyright (C) 2000-2013, AdaCore --
-- --
-- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or --
-- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public --
-- License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either --
-- version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. --
-- --
-- This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, --
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of --
-- General Public License for more details. --
-- --
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public --
-- License along with this library; if not, write to the --
-- Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, --
-- Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. --
-- --
-- <description>
-- A Gtk_Paned is a container that organizes its two children either
-- horizontally or vertically. The initial size allocated to the children
-- depends on the size they request. However, the user has the possibility to
-- interactively move a separation bar between the two to enlarge one of the
-- children, while at the same time shrinking the second one. The bar can be
-- moved by clicking with the mouse on a small cursor displayed in the bar,
-- and then dragging the mouse.
-- No additional decoration is provided around the children.
-- Each child has two parameters, Resize and Shrink.
-- If Shrink is True, then the widget can be made smaller than its
-- requisition size by the user. Set this to False if you want to set a
-- minimum size.
-- if Resize is True, this means that the child accepts to be resized, and
-- will not require any size. Thus, the size allocated to it will be the total
-- size allocated to the container minus the size requested by the other
-- child. If Resize is False, the child should ask for a specific size, which
-- it will get. The other child will be resized accordingly. If both Child
-- have the same value for Resize (either True or False), then the size
-- allocated to each is a ratio between the size requested by both.
-- When you use Set_Position with a parameter other than -1, or the user
-- moves the handle to resize the widgets, the behavior of Resize is canceled.
-- </description>
-- <screenshot>gtk-paned</screenshot>
-- <group>Layout container</group>
-- <testgtk>create_paned.adb</testgtk>
pragma Warnings (Off, "*is already use-visible*");
with Gdk.Window; use Gdk.Window;
with Glib; use Glib;
with Glib.Properties; use Glib.Properties;
with Glib.Types; use Glib.Types;
with Gtk.Buildable; use Gtk.Buildable;
with Gtk.Container; use Gtk.Container;
with Gtk.Enums; use Gtk.Enums;
with Gtk.Orientable; use Gtk.Orientable;
with Gtk.Widget; use Gtk.Widget;
package Gtk.Paned is
type Gtk_Paned_Record is new Gtk_Container_Record with null record;
type Gtk_Paned is access all Gtk_Paned_Record'Class;
subtype Gtk_Hpaned_Record is Gtk_Paned_Record;
subtype Gtk_Hpaned is Gtk_Paned;
subtype Gtk_Vpaned_Record is Gtk_Paned_Record;
subtype Gtk_Vpaned is Gtk_Paned;
-- Constructors --
function Get_Type return Glib.GType;
pragma Import (C, Get_Type, "gtk_paned_get_type");
procedure Gtk_New_Hpaned (Paned : out Gtk_Hpaned);
procedure Initialize_Hpaned (Paned : access Gtk_Hpaned_Record'Class);
-- The children will be displayed next to each other
function Get_Type_Hpaned return Glib.GType;
pragma Import (C, Get_Type_Hpaned, "gtk_hpaned_get_type");
procedure Gtk_New_Vpaned (Paned : out Gtk_Vpaned);
procedure Initialize_Vpaned (Paned : access Gtk_Vpaned_Record'Class);
-- The children will be displayed one on top of the other
function Get_Type_Vpaned return Glib.GType;
pragma Import (C, Get_Type_Vpaned, "gtk_vpaned_get_type");
-- Methods --
procedure Add1
(Paned : access Gtk_Paned_Record;
Child : access Gtk.Widget.Gtk_Widget_Record'Class);
-- Add the first child of the container. The child will be displayed
-- either in the top or in the left pane, depending on the orientation of
-- the container. This is equivalent to using the Pack1 procedure with its
-- default parameters.
procedure Add2
(Paned : access Gtk_Paned_Record;
Child : access Gtk.Widget.Gtk_Widget_Record'Class);
-- Add the second child of the container. It will be displayed in the
-- bottom or right pane, depending on the container's orientation. This is
-- equivalent to using Pack2 with its default parameters.
procedure Compute_Position
(Paned : access Gtk_Paned_Record;
Allocation : Gint;
Child1_Req : Gint;
Child2_Req : Gint);
function Get_Child1
(Paned : access Gtk_Paned_Record) return Gtk.Widget.Gtk_Widget;
-- Obtains the first child of the paned widget.
-- Since: gtk+ 2.4
function Get_Child2
(Paned : access Gtk_Paned_Record) return Gtk.Widget.Gtk_Widget;
-- Obtains the second child of the paned widget.
-- Since: gtk+ 2.4
function Get_Handle_Window
(Paned : access Gtk_Paned_Record) return Gdk.Window.Gdk_Window;
-- Returns the Gdk.Window.Gdk_Window of the handle. This function is
-- useful when handling button or motion events because it enables the
-- callback to distinguish between the window of the paned, a child and the
-- handle.
-- Since: gtk+ 2.20
function Get_Position (Paned : access Gtk_Paned_Record) return Gint;
procedure Set_Position (Paned : access Gtk_Paned_Record; Position : Gint);
-- Sets the position of the divider between the two panes.
-- "position": pixel position of divider, a negative value means that the
-- position is unset.
procedure Pack1
(Paned : access Gtk_Paned_Record;
Child : access Gtk.Widget.Gtk_Widget_Record'Class;
Resize : Boolean := False;
Shrink : Boolean := True);
-- Add a child to the top or left pane. You can not change dynamically the
-- attributes Resize and Shrink. Instead, you have to remove the child from
-- the container, and put it back with the new value of the attributes. You
-- should also first call Glib.Object.Ref on the child so as to be sure it
-- is not destroyed when you remove it, and Glib.Object.Unref it at the
-- end. See the example in testgtk/ in the GtkAda distribution.
procedure Pack2
(Paned : access Gtk_Paned_Record;
Child : access Gtk.Widget.Gtk_Widget_Record'Class;
Resize : Boolean := False;
Shrink : Boolean := False);
-- Interfaces_Impl --
function Get_Orientation
(Self : access Gtk_Paned_Record) return Gtk.Enums.Gtk_Orientation;
procedure Set_Orientation
(Self : access Gtk_Paned_Record;
Orientation : Gtk.Enums.Gtk_Orientation);
-- Interfaces --
-- This class implements several interfaces. See Glib.Types
-- - "Buildable"
-- - "Orientable"
package Implements_Buildable is new Glib.Types.Implements
(Gtk.Buildable.Gtk_Buildable, Gtk_Paned_Record, Gtk_Paned);
function "+"
(Widget : access Gtk_Paned_Record'Class)
return Gtk.Buildable.Gtk_Buildable
renames Implements_Buildable.To_Interface;
function "-"
(Interf : Gtk.Buildable.Gtk_Buildable)
return Gtk_Paned
renames Implements_Buildable.To_Object;
package Implements_Orientable is new Glib.Types.Implements
(Gtk.Orientable.Gtk_Orientable, Gtk_Paned_Record, Gtk_Paned);
function "+"
(Widget : access Gtk_Paned_Record'Class)
return Gtk.Orientable.Gtk_Orientable
renames Implements_Orientable.To_Interface;
function "-"
(Interf : Gtk.Orientable.Gtk_Orientable)
return Gtk_Paned
renames Implements_Orientable.To_Object;
-- Properties --
-- The following properties are defined for this widget. See
-- Glib.Properties for more information on properties)
-- Name: Max_Position_Property
-- Type: Gint
-- Flags: read-write
-- The largest possible value for the position property. This property is
-- derived from the size and shrinkability of the widget's children.
-- Name: Min_Position_Property
-- Type: Gint
-- Flags: read-write
-- The smallest possible value for the position property. This property is
-- derived from the size and shrinkability of the widget's children.
-- Name: Position_Property
-- Type: Gint
-- Flags: read-write
-- Name: Position_Set_Property
-- Type: Boolean
-- Flags: read-write
-- The following properties are defined for this widget. See
-- Glib.Properties for more information on properties)
-- The following properties are defined for this widget. See
-- Glib.Properties for more information on properties)
Max_Position_Property : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Int;
Min_Position_Property : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Int;
Position_Property : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Int;
Position_Set_Property : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Boolean;
-- Signals --
-- The following new signals are defined for this widget:
-- "accept-position"
-- function Handler
-- (Self : access Gtk_Paned_Record'Class) return Boolean;
-- The ::accept-position signal is a <link
-- linkend="keybinding-signals">keybinding signal</link> which gets emitted
-- to accept the current position of the handle when moving it using key
-- bindings. The default binding for this signal is Return or Space.
-- "cancel-position"
-- function Handler
-- (Self : access Gtk_Paned_Record'Class) return Boolean;
-- The ::cancel-position signal is a <link
-- linkend="keybinding-signals">keybinding signal</link> which gets emitted
-- to cancel moving the position of the handle using key bindings. The
-- position of the handle will be reset to the value prior to moving it.
-- The default binding for this signal is Escape.
-- "cycle-child-focus"
-- function Handler
-- (Self : access Gtk_Paned_Record'Class;
-- Reversed : Boolean) return Boolean;
-- -- "reversed": whether cycling backward or forward
-- The ::cycle-child-focus signal is a <link
-- linkend="keybinding-signals">keybinding signal</link> which gets emitted
-- to cycle the focus between the children of the paned. The default
-- binding is f6.
-- "cycle-handle-focus"
-- function Handler
-- (Self : access Gtk_Paned_Record'Class;
-- Reversed : Boolean) return Boolean;
-- -- "reversed": whether cycling backward or forward
-- The ::cycle-handle-focus signal is a <link
-- linkend="keybinding-signals">keybinding signal</link> which gets emitted
-- to cycle whether the paned should grab focus to allow the user to change
-- position of the handle by using key bindings. The default binding for
-- this signal is f8.
-- "move-handle"
-- function Handler
-- (Self : access Gtk_Paned_Record'Class;
-- Scroll_Type : Gtk.Enums.Gtk_Scroll_Type) return Boolean;
-- -- "scroll_type": a Gtk.Enums.Gtk_Scroll_Type
-- The ::move-handle signal is a <link
-- linkend="keybinding-signals">keybinding signal</link> which gets emitted
-- to move the handle when the user is using key bindings to move it.
-- "toggle-handle-focus"
-- function Handler
-- (Self : access Gtk_Paned_Record'Class) return Boolean;
-- The ::toggle-handle-focus is a <link
-- linkend="keybinding-signals">keybinding signal</link> which gets emitted
-- to accept the current position of the handle and then move focus to the
-- next widget in the focus chain. The default binding is Tab.
Signal_Accept_Position : constant Glib.Signal_Name := "accept-position";
Signal_Cancel_Position : constant Glib.Signal_Name := "cancel-position";
Signal_Cycle_Child_Focus : constant Glib.Signal_Name := "cycle-child-focus";
Signal_Cycle_Handle_Focus : constant Glib.Signal_Name := "cycle-handle-focus";
Signal_Move_Handle : constant Glib.Signal_Name := "move-handle";
Signal_Toggle_Handle_Focus : constant Glib.Signal_Name := "toggle-handle-focus";
Max_Position_Property : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Int :=
Glib.Properties.Build ("max-position");
Min_Position_Property : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Int :=
Glib.Properties.Build ("min-position");
Position_Property : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Int :=
Glib.Properties.Build ("position");
Position_Set_Property : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Boolean :=
Glib.Properties.Build ("position-set");
end Gtk.Paned;