/usr/share/ada/adainclude/gtkada/gtkada-printing.ads is in libgtkada2.24.4-dev 2.24.4dfsg-1.
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-- GtkAda - Ada95 binding for Gtk+/Gnome --
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 2010-2013, AdaCore --
-- --
-- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or --
-- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public --
-- License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either --
-- version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. --
-- --
-- This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, --
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of --
-- General Public License for more details. --
-- --
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public --
-- License along with this library; if not, write to the --
-- Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, --
-- Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. --
-- --
-- <description>
-- This package provides a ready-to-use high level printing object.
-- Use functionality from Gtk.Print_Operation to manipulate the
-- printing object, and the functionality in this package to provide
-- the handlers for the printing operation.
-- Typically, to use this high-level printing API:
-- - derive from the Gtkada_Print_Operation_Record object
-- - override the Draw_Page operation
-- - (optional) override any other operation useful to you
-- - start the print operation by
-- - first setting the number of pages through Set_N_Pages
-- - then calling Connect_And_Run.
-- A dialog will be displayed, letting the user select a printer and options.
-- When the user finishes the dialog, various signals will be emitted on the
-- Gtkada_Print_Operation, which will call the operations on your object.
-- Note: on UNIX/Linux, Gtk+ is loading at run-time the libraries for printing
-- support. You will need to point the environment variable GTK_EXE_PREFIX
-- to the root directory of your Gtk+ install before calling Connect_And_Run.
-- </description>
-- <example>
-- -- Create a derived type
-- type Print_Op_Record is new Gtkada_Print_Operation_Record
-- with record
-- My_Data : My_Type;
-- end record;
-- type Print_Op_Access is access all Print_Op_Record'Class;
-- -- Override Draw_Page
-- procedure Draw_Page
-- (Print_Operation : access Print_Op_Record;
-- Context : Gtk_Print_Context;
-- Page_Num : Gint)
-- is
-- Cr : Cairo_Context;
-- begin
-- Cr := Get_Cairo_Context (Context);
-- -- Do drawing here
-- end Draw_Page;
-- -- Do the printing
-- declare
-- Print_Op : Print_Op_Access;
-- Result : Gtk_Print_Operation_Result;
-- begin
-- -- Initialize
-- Print_Op := new Print_Op_Record;
-- Print_Op.My_Data := Some_Data;
-- -- Set the number of pages to print
-- Set_N_Pages (Print_Op, 2);
-- -- Launch the printing
-- Result := Connect_And_Run
-- (Print_Op, Action_Print_Dialog, Gtk_Window (Get_Toplevel (Frame)));
-- end;
-- </example>
-- <group>Miscellaneous</group>
with Glib; use Glib;
with Glib.Error;
with Gtk.Page_Setup; use Gtk.Page_Setup;
with Gtk.Print_Context; use Gtk.Print_Context;
with Gtk.Print_Operation; use Gtk.Print_Operation;
with Gtk.Print_Operation_Preview; use Gtk.Print_Operation_Preview;
with Gtk.Window; use Gtk.Window;
package Gtkada.Printing is
type Gtkada_Print_Operation_Record is new
Gtk_Print_Operation_Record with private;
type Gtkada_Print_Operation is access all Gtkada_Print_Operation_Record;
procedure Gtk_New (Op : out Gtkada_Print_Operation);
procedure Initialize (Widget : access Gtkada_Print_Operation_Record'Class);
-- Initialize the print operation
function Connect_And_Run
(Op : access Gtkada_Print_Operation_Record'Class;
Action : Gtk_Print_Operation_Action;
Parent : access Gtk_Window_Record'Class;
Error : Glib.Error.GError := null)
return Gtk_Print_Operation_Result;
-- Runs the print operation, using the handlers installed in Op.
-- See Gtk.Print_Operations.Run.
-- Printing operations --
-- The following primitive operations are called by the printing procedure.
-- By default, these operations do nothing.
-- It is mandatory to override Draw_Page, the other callbacks are optional.
procedure Draw_Page
(Op : access Gtkada_Print_Operation_Record;
Context : Gtk_Print_Context;
Page_Number : Gint);
-- Called for every page that is printed. This handler must render the
-- page Page_Number onto the cairo context obtained from Context using
-- Gtk.Print_Context.Get_Cairo_Context.
-- Use Gtk.Print_Operation.Set_Use_Full_Page and
-- Gtk.Print_Operation.Set_Unit before starting the print operation to set
-- up the transformation of the cairo context according to your needs.
-- This is the main printing handler. This has to be overriden for the
-- printing operation to work.
procedure Begin_Print
(Op : access Gtkada_Print_Operation_Record;
Context : Gtk_Print_Context);
-- Called after the user has finished changing print settings in the
-- dialog, before the actual rendering starts.
-- A typical use is to use the parameters from the
-- Gtk_Print_Context and paginate the document accordingly, and then
-- set the number of pages with Gtk.Print_Operation.Set_N_Pages.
procedure Done
(Op : access Gtkada_Print_Operation_Record;
Result : Gtk_Print_Operation_Result);
-- Called when the print operation run has finished doing everything
-- required for printing.
-- Result gives you information about what happened during the run.
-- If Result is Result_Error then you can call Get_Error for more
-- information.
-- If you enabled print status tracking then
-- Gtk.Print_Operation.Is_Finished may still return False after
-- done was emitted.
procedure End_Print
(Op : access Gtkada_Print_Operation_Record;
Context : Gtk_Print_Context);
-- Called after all pages have been rendered.
-- This handler can clean up any resources that have been allocated
-- in Begin_Print.
function Paginate
(Op : access Gtkada_Print_Operation_Record;
Context : Gtk_Print_Context) return Boolean;
-- Called after the "begin-print" signal, but before the actual rendering
-- starts. It keeps getting called until it returns True.
-- The "paginate" signal is intended to be used for paginating a document
-- in small chunks, to avoid blocking the user interface for a long
-- time. This function should update the number of pages using
-- Gtk.Print_Operation.Set_N_Pages, and return True if the document
-- has been completely paginated.
-- If you don't need to do pagination in chunks, you can simply do
-- it all in the "begin-print" handler, and set the number of pages
-- from there.
function Preview
(Op : access Gtkada_Print_Operation_Record;
Preview : Gtk_Print_Operation_Preview;
Context : Gtk_Print_Context;
Parent : Gtk_Window)
return Boolean;
-- Called when a preview is requested from the native dialog.
-- This should return True if the in order to take over control of the
-- preview.
-- The default handler for this signal uses an external viewer
-- application to preview.
-- To implement a custom print preview, the overridden implementation
-- should return True
-- In order to use the provided Context for the preview implementation, it
-- must be given a suitable cairo context with Set_Cairo_Context.
-- The custom preview implementation can use
-- Gtk.Print_Operation_Preview.Is_Selected and
-- Gtk.Print_Operation_Preview.Render_Page to find pages which
-- are selected for print and render them. The preview must be
-- finished by calling Gtk.Print_Operation_Preview.End_Preview
-- (typically in response to the user clicking a close button).
procedure Request_Page_Setup
(Op : access Gtkada_Print_Operation_Record;
Context : Gtk_Print_Context;
Page_Number : Gint;
Setup : Gtk_Page_Setup);
-- Called once for every page that is printed, to give the application
-- a chance to modify the page setup. Any changes done to setup will be
-- in force only for printing this page.
procedure Status_Changed (Op : access Gtkada_Print_Operation_Record);
-- Called between the various phases of the print operation.
-- See Gtk_Print_Status for the phases that are being discriminated.
-- Use Gtk.Print_Operation.Get_Status to find out the current
-- status.
type Gtkada_Print_Operation_Record is new Gtk_Print_Operation_Record with
null record;
end Gtkada.Printing;