/usr/include/ncbi/connect/ncbi_lbsmd.h is in libncbi6-dev 6.1.20120620-8.
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/* $Id: ncbi_lbsmd.h,v 6.21 2009/02/03 16:39:35 kazimird Exp $
* ===========================================================================
* National Center for Biotechnology Information
* This software/database is a "United States Government Work" under the
* terms of the United States Copyright Act. It was written as part of
* the author's official duties as a United States Government employee and
* thus cannot be copyrighted. This software/database is freely available
* to the public for use. The National Library of Medicine and the U.S.
* Government have not placed any restriction on its use or reproduction.
* Although all reasonable efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy
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* warranties of performance, merchantability or fitness for any particular
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* Please cite the author in any work or product based on this material.
* ===========================================================================
* Author: Anton Lavrentiev
* File Description:
* Low-level API to resolve NCBI service name to server meta-address
* with the use of NCBI Load-Balancing Service Mapper (LBSMD).
#include "ncbi_servicep.h"
#include <connect/ncbi_heapmgr.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
const SSERV_VTable* SERV_LBSMD_Open(SERV_ITER iter,
SSERV_Info** info,
HOST_INFO* host_info,
int/*bool*/ no_dispd);
/* Get configuration file name. Returned '\0'-terminated string
* is to be free()'d by a caller when no longer needed.
* Return NULL if no configuration file name is available.
* LBSMD_FastHeapAccess() was set to "eOff" and there is a cached copy
* of LBSM heap kept in-core, it will be released by this call.
extern NCBI_XCONNECT_EXPORT const char* LBSMD_GetConfig(void);
/* Get (perhaps cached) copy of LBSM heap, which is guaranteed to be
* current for given the time "time". If "time" passed as 0, the heap
* (if present as shmem) will be returned regardless of its freshness.
* Return NULL if the copy operation cannot be performed (due to various
* reasons, including the original LBSM shmem to be stale).
* Returned heap (if non-NULL) has a serial number reflecting which
* shmem segment has been used to get the snapshot. The serial number
* is negated for newer heap structure, which has dedicated version
* entry format. Older heap structure uses SLBSM_OldEntry instead,
* and has TTLs for entries instead of expiration times. The returned
* copy must be passed to (MT-locked by the caller) HEAP_Destroy() when
* no longer needed.
* The copy may be cached in-core, the only way to release it is to
* call LBSMD_GetConfig() provided that LBSM_FastHeapAccess() has
* been set to "eOff" (which is the default setting).
/* Get a value of a host parameter from the LBSMD host environment.
* Return 0 if none found; return heap-allocated string otherwise
* (the caller is responsible for calling free() when no longer needing it).
* Argument "host" can be either an IP address of the host to inquire about,
* or SERV_LOCALHOST(or 0) to get the information as defined for the current
* (local) host.
extern NCBI_XCONNECT_EXPORT const char* LBSMD_GetHostParameter
(unsigned int addr,
const char* name);
extern NCBI_XCONNECT_EXPORT ESwitch LBSMD_FastHeapAccess(ESwitch onoff);
int LBSM_HINFO_CpuCount(const HOST_INFO hinfo);
int LBSM_HINFO_CpuUnits(const HOST_INFO hinfo);
double LBSM_HINFO_CpuClock(const HOST_INFO hinfo);
int LBSM_HINFO_TaskCount(const HOST_INFO hinfo);
int/*bool*/ LBSM_HINFO_Memusage(const HOST_INFO hinfo, double memusage[5]);
int/*bool*/ LBSM_HINFO_MachineParams(const HOST_INFO hinfo, SHINFO_Params* p);
int/*bool*/ LBSM_HINFO_LoadAverage(const HOST_INFO hinfo, double lavg[2]);
int/*bool*/ LBSM_HINFO_Status(const HOST_INFO hinfo, double status[2]);
#ifdef __cplusplus
} /* extern "C" */
#endif /* CONNECT___NCBI_LBSMD__H */