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Program: Visualization Toolkit
Module: vtkPCAStatistics.h
Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen
All rights reserved.
See Copyright.txt or http://www.kitware.com/Copyright.htm for details.
This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
Copyright 2010 Sandia Corporation.
Under the terms of Contract DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation,
the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software.
// .NAME vtkPCAStatistics - A class for principal component analysis
// .SECTION Description
// This class derives from the multi-correlative statistics algorithm and
// uses the covariance matrix and Cholesky decomposition computed by it.
// However, when it finalizes the statistics in Learn mode, the PCA class
// computes the SVD of the covariance matrix in order to obtain its eigenvectors.
// In the assess mode, the input data are
// - projected into the basis defined by the eigenvectors,
// - the energy associated with each datum is computed,
// - or some combination thereof.
// Additionally, the user may specify some threshold energy or
// eigenvector entry below which the basis is truncated. This allows
// projection into a lower-dimensional state while minimizing (in a
// least squares sense) the projection error.
// .SECTION Thanks
// Thanks to David Thompson, Philippe Pebay and Jackson Mayo from
// Sandia National Laboratories for implementing this class.
#ifndef __vtkPCAStatistics_h
#define __vtkPCAStatistics_h
#include "vtkMultiCorrelativeStatistics.h"
class vtkDoubleArray;
class VTK_INFOVIS_EXPORT vtkPCAStatistics : public vtkMultiCorrelativeStatistics
virtual void PrintSelf( ostream& os, vtkIndent indent );
static vtkPCAStatistics* New();
// Description:
// Methods by which the covariance matrix may be normalized.
enum NormalizationType
NONE, //!< The covariance matrix should be used as computed.
TRIANGLE_SPECIFIED, //!< Normalize cov(i,j) by V(i,j) where V is supplied by the user.
DIAGONAL_SPECIFIED, //!< Normalize cov(i,j) by sqrt(V(i)*V(j)) where V is supplied by the user.
DIAGONAL_VARIANCE, //!< Normalize cov(i,j) by sqrt(cov(i,i)*cov(j,j)).
NUM_NORMALIZATION_SCHEMES //!< The number of normalization schemes.
// Description:
// These are the enumeration values that SetBasisScheme() accepts and GetBasisScheme returns.
enum ProjectionType
FULL_BASIS, //!< Use all entries in the basis matrix
FIXED_BASIS_SIZE, //!< Use the first N entries in the basis matrix
FIXED_BASIS_ENERGY, //!< Use consecutive basis matrix entries whose energies sum to at least T
NUM_BASIS_SCHEMES //!< The number of schemes (not a valid scheme).
// Description:
// This determines how (or if) the covariance matrix \a cov is normalized before PCA.
// When set to NONE, no normalization is performed. This is the default.
// When set to TRIANGLE_SPECIFIED, each entry cov(i,j) is divided by V(i,j).
// The list V of normalization factors must be set using the SetNormalization method
// before the filter is executed.
// When set to DIAGONAL_SPECIFIED, each entry cov(i,j) is divided by sqrt(V(i)*V(j)).
// The list V of normalization factors must be set using the SetNormalization method
// before the filter is executed.
// When set to DIAGONAL_VARIANCE, each entry cov(i,j) is divided by sqrt(cov(i,i)*cov(j,j)).
// <b>Warning</b>: Although this is accepted practice in some fields,
// some people think you should not turn this option on unless there
// is a good physically-based reason for doing so. Much better instead
// to determine how component magnitudes should be compared using
// physical reasoning and use DIAGONAL_SPECIFIED, TRIANGLE_SPECIFIED, or
// perform some pre-processing to shift and scale input data columns
// appropriately than to expect magical results from a shady normalization hack.
virtual void SetNormalizationSchemeByName( const char* sname );
virtual const char* GetNormalizationSchemeName( int scheme );
// Description:
// These methods allow you to set/get values used to normalize the covariance matrix before PCA.
// The normalization values apply to all requests, so you do not specify a single
// vector but a 3-column table.
// The first two columns contain the names of columns from input 0 and the third column contains
// the value to normalize the corresponding entry in the covariance matrix.
// The table must always have 3 columns even when the NormalizationScheme is DIAGONAL_SPECIFIED.
// When only diagonal entries are to be used, only table rows where the first two columns are
// identical to one another will be employed.
// If there are multiple rows specifying different values for the same pair of columns,
// the entry nearest the bottom of the table takes precedence.
// These functions are actually convenience methods that set/get the third input of the filter.
// Because the table is the third input, you may use other filters to produce a table of
// normalizations and have the pipeline take care of updates.
// Any missing entries will be set to 1.0 and a warning issued.
// An error will occur if the third input to the filter is not set and the
virtual vtkTable* GetSpecifiedNormalization();
virtual void SetSpecifiedNormalization( vtkTable* );
// Description:
// Get the eigenvalues. This function:
// void GetEigenvalues(int request, int i, vtkDoubleArray*);
// does all of the work. The other functions simply call this function with the appropriate
// parameters. These functions are not valid unless Update() has been called and the Derive
// option is turned on.
void GetEigenvalues(int request, vtkDoubleArray*);
void GetEigenvalues(vtkDoubleArray*);
double GetEigenvalue(int request, int i);
double GetEigenvalue(int i);
// Description:
// Get the eigenvectors. This function:
// void GetEigenvectors(int request, vtkDoubleArray* eigenvectors)
// does all of the work. The other functions are convenience functions that call this function
// with default arguments. These functions are not valid unless Update() has been called and the Derive
// option is turned on.
void GetEigenvectors(int request, vtkDoubleArray* eigenvectors);
void GetEigenvectors(vtkDoubleArray* eigenvectors);
void GetEigenvector(int i, vtkDoubleArray* eigenvector);
void GetEigenvector(int request, int i, vtkDoubleArray* eigenvector);
// Description:
// This variable controls the dimensionality of output tuples in Assess mode.
// Consider the case where you have requested a PCA on D columns.
// When set to vtkPCAStatistics::FULL_BASIS, the entire set of basis vectors
// is used to derive new coordinates for each tuple being assessed.
// In this mode, you are guaranteed to have output tuples of the same dimension
// as the input tuples. (That dimension is D, so there will be D additional
// columns added to the table for the request.)
// When set to vtkPCAStatistics::FIXED_BASIS_SIZE, only the first N basis vectors
// are used to derive new coordinates for each tuple being assessed.
// In this mode, you are guaranteed to have output tuples of dimension min(N,D).
// You must set N prior to assessing data using the SetFixedBasisSize() method.
// When N < D, this turns the PCA into a projection (instead of change of basis).
// When set to vtkPCAStatistics::FIXED_BASIS_ENERGY, the number of basis vectors
// used to derive new coordinates for each tuple will be the minimum number
// of columns N that satisfy
// \f[
// \frac{\sum_{i=1}^{N} \lambda_i}{\sum_{i=1}^{D} \lambda_i} < T
// \f]
// You must set T prior to assessing data using the SetFixedBasisEnergy() method.
// When T < 1, this turns the PCA into a projection (instead of change of basis).
// By default BasisScheme is set to vtkPCAStatistics::FULL_BASIS.
virtual const char* GetBasisSchemeName( int schemeIndex );
virtual void SetBasisSchemeByName( const char* schemeName );
// Description:
// The number of basis vectors to use. See SetBasisScheme() for more information.
// When FixedBasisSize <= 0 (the default), the fixed basis size scheme is equivalent to the full basis scheme.
// Description:
// The minimum energy the new basis should use, as a fraction. See SetBasisScheme() for more information.
// When FixedBasisEnergy >= 1 (the default), the fixed basis energy scheme is equivalent to the full basis scheme.
// Description:
// A convenience method (in particular for access from other applications) to
// set parameter values.
// Return true if setting of requested parameter name was excuted, false otherwise.
virtual bool SetParameter( const char* parameter,
int index,
vtkVariant value );
// Description:
// This algorithm accepts a vtkTable containing normalization values for
// its fourth input (port 3).
// We override FillInputPortInformation to indicate this.
virtual int FillInputPortInformation( int port, vtkInformation* info );
// Description:
// Execute the calculations required by the Derive option.
virtual void Derive( vtkMultiBlockDataSet* inMeta );
// Description:
// Execute the calculations required by the Test option.
virtual void Test( vtkTable*,
vtkTable* );
// Description:
// Execute the calculations required by the Assess option.
virtual void Assess( vtkTable*,
vtkTable* );
// Description:
// Provide the appropriate assessment functor.
virtual void SelectAssessFunctor( vtkTable* inData,
vtkDataObject* inMeta,
vtkStringArray* rowNames,
AssessFunctor*& dfunc );
int NormalizationScheme;
int BasisScheme;
int FixedBasisSize;
double FixedBasisEnergy;
static const char* BasisSchemeEnumNames[NUM_BASIS_SCHEMES + 1];
static const char* NormalizationSchemeEnumNames[NUM_NORMALIZATION_SCHEMES + 1];
vtkPCAStatistics( const vtkPCAStatistics& ); // Not implemented
void operator = ( const vtkPCAStatistics& ); // Not implemented
#endif // __vtkPCAStatistics_h