/usr/share/octave/packages/signal-1.3.0/invfreq.m is in octave-signal 1.3.0-1.
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## Copyright (C) 2007 Rolf Schirmacher <Rolf.Schirmacher@MuellerBBM.de>
## Copyright (C) 2003 Andrew Fitting
## Copyright (C) 2010 Pascal Dupuis <Pascal.Dupuis@uclouvain.be>
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
## the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
## Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
## version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
## ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
## FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
## details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
## this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
## usage: [B,A] = invfreq(H,F,nB,nA)
## [B,A] = invfreq(H,F,nB,nA,W)
## [B,A] = invfreq(H,F,nB,nA,W,[],[],plane)
## [B,A] = invfreq(H,F,nB,nA,W,iter,tol,plane)
## Fit filter B(z)/A(z) or B(s)/A(s) to complex frequency response at
## frequency points F. A and B are real polynomial coefficients of order
## nA and nB respectively. Optionally, the fit-errors can be weighted vs
## frequency according to the weights W. Also, the transform plane can be
## specified as either 's' for continuous time or 'z' for discrete time. 'z'
## is chosen by default. Eventually, Steiglitz-McBride iterations will be
## specified by iter and tol.
## H: desired complex frequency response
## It is assumed that A and B are real polynomials, hence H is one-sided.
## F: vector of frequency samples in radians
## nA: order of denominator polynomial A
## nB: order of numerator polynomial B
## plane='z': F on unit circle (discrete-time spectra, z-plane design)
## plane='s': F on jw axis (continuous-time spectra, s-plane design)
## H(k) = spectral samples of filter frequency response at points zk,
## where zk=exp(sqrt(-1)*F(k)) when plane='z' (F(k) in [0,.5])
## and zk=(sqrt(-1)*F(k)) when plane='s' (F(k) nonnegative)
## Example:
## [B,A] = butter(12,1/4);
## [H,w] = freqz(B,A,128);
## [Bh,Ah] = invfreq(H,F,4,4);
## Hh = freqz(Bh,Ah);
## disp(sprintf('||frequency response error|| = %f',norm(H-Hh)));
## References: J. O. Smith, "Techniques for Digital Filter Design and System
## Identification with Application to the Violin, Ph.D. Dissertation,
## Elec. Eng. Dept., Stanford University, June 1983, page 50; or,
## http://ccrma.stanford.edu/~jos/filters/FFT_Based_Equation_Error_Method.html
## FIXME: implement Steiglitz-McBride iterations
## FIXME: improve numerical stability for high order filters (matlab is a bit better)
## FIXME: modify to accept more argument configurations
function [B, A, SigN] = invfreq(H, F, nB, nA, W, iter, tol, tr, plane, varargin)
if length(nB) > 1, zB = nB(2); nB = nB(1); else zB = 0; endif
n = max(nA, nB);
m = n+1; mA = nA+1; mB = nB+1;
nF = length(F);
if nF ~= length(H), disp('invfreqz: length of H and F must be the same'); endif
if nargin < 5 || isempty(W), W = ones(1, nF); endif
if nargin < 6, iter = []; endif
if nargin < 7 tol = []; endif
if nargin < 8 || isempty(tr), tr = ''; endif
if nargin < 9, plane = 'z'; endif
if nargin < 10, varargin = {}; endif
if iter~=[], disp('no implementation for iter yet'),endif
if tol ~=[], disp('no implementation for tol yet'),endif
if (plane ~= 'z' && plane ~= 's'), disp('invfreqz: Error in plane argument'), endif
[reg, prop ] = parseparams(varargin);
## should we normalise freqs to avoid matrices with rank deficiency ?
norm = false;
## by default, use Ordinary Least Square to solve normal equations
method = 'LS';
if length(prop) > 0
indi = 1; while indi <= length(prop)
switch prop{indi}
case 'norm'
if indi < length(prop) && ~ischar(prop{indi+1}),
norm = logical(prop{indi+1});
prop(indi:indi+1) = [];
norm = true; prop(indi) = [];
case 'method'
if indi < length(prop) && ischar(prop{indi+1}),
method = prop{indi+1};
prop(indi:indi+1) = [];
error('invfreq.m: incorrect/missing method argument');
otherwise # FIXME: just skip it for now
disp(sprintf("Ignoring unkown argument %s", varargin{indi}));
indi = indi + 1;
Ruu = zeros(mB, mB); Ryy = zeros(nA, nA); Ryu = zeros(nA, mB);
Pu = zeros(mB, 1); Py = zeros(nA,1);
if strcmp(tr,'trace')
disp(' ')
disp('Computing nonuniformly sampled, equation-error, rational filter.');
disp(['plane = ',plane]);
disp(' ')
s = sqrt(-1)*F;
switch plane
case 'z'
if max(F) > pi || min(F) < 0
disp('hey, you frequency is outside the range 0 to pi, making my own')
F = linspace(0, pi, length(H));
s = sqrt(-1)*F;
s = exp(-s);
case 's'
if max(F) > 1e6 && n > 5,
if ~norm,
disp('Be carefull, there are risks of generating singular matrices');
disp('Call invfreqs as (..., "norm", true) to avoid it');
Fmax = max(F); s = sqrt(-1)*F/Fmax;
for k=1:nF,
Zk = (s(k).^[0:n]).';
Hk = H(k);
aHks = Hk*conj(Hk);
Rk = (W(k)*Zk)*Zk';
rRk = real(Rk);
Ruu = Ruu + rRk(1:mB, 1:mB);
Ryy = Ryy + aHks*rRk(2:mA, 2:mA);
Ryu = Ryu + real(Hk*Rk(2:mA, 1:mB));
Pu = Pu + W(k)*real(conj(Hk)*Zk(1:mB));
Py = Py + (W(k)*aHks)*real(Zk(2:mA));
Rr = ones(length(s), mB+nA); Zk = s;
for k = 1:min(nA, nB),
Rr(:, 1+k) = Zk;
Rr(:, mB+k) = -Zk.*H;
Zk = Zk.*s;
for k = 1+min(nA, nB):max(nA, nB)-1,
if k <= nB, Rr(:, 1+k) = Zk; endif
if k <= nA, Rr(:, mB+k) = -Zk.*H; endif
Zk = Zk.*s;
k = k+1;
if k <= nB, Rr(:, 1+k) = Zk; endif
if k <= nA, Rr(:, mB+k) = -Zk.*H; endif
## complex to real equation system -- this ensures real solution
Rr = Rr(:, 1+zB:end);
Rr = [real(Rr); imag(Rr)]; Pr = [real(H(:)); imag(H(:))];
## normal equations -- keep for ref
## Rn= [Ruu(1+zB:mB, 1+zB:mB), -Ryu(:, 1+zB:mB)'; -Ryu(:, 1+zB:mB), Ryy];
## Pn= [Pu(1+zB:mB); -Py];
switch method
case {'ls' 'LS'}
## avoid scaling errors with Theta = R\P;
## [Q, R] = qr([Rn Pn]); Theta = R(1:end, 1:end-1)\R(1:end, end);
[Q, R] = qr([Rr Pr], 0); Theta = R(1:end-1, 1:end-1)\R(1:end-1, end);
## SigN = R(end, end-1);
SigN = R(end, end);
case {'tls' 'TLS'}
## [U, S, V] = svd([Rn Pn]);
## SigN = S(end, end-1);
## Theta = -V(1:end-1, end)/V(end, end);
[U, S, V] = svd([Rr Pr], 0);
SigN = S(end, end);
Theta = -V(1:end-1, end)/V(end, end);
case {'mls' 'MLS' 'qr' 'QR'}
## [Q, R] = qr([Rn Pn], 0);
## solve the noised part -- DO NOT USE ECONOMY SIZE !
## [U, S, V] = svd(R(nA+1:end, nA+1:end));
## SigN = S(end, end-1);
## Theta = -V(1:end-1, end)/V(end, end);
## unnoised part -- remove B contribution and back-substitute
## Theta = [R(1:nA, 1:nA)\(R(1:nA, end) - R(1:nA, nA+1:end-1)*Theta)
## Theta];
## solve the noised part -- economy size OK as #rows > #columns
[Q, R] = qr([Rr Pr], 0);
eB = mB-zB; sA = eB+1;
[U, S, V] = svd(R(sA:end, sA:end));
## noised (A) coefficients
Theta = -V(1:end-1, end)/V(end, end);
## unnoised (B) part -- remove A contribution and back-substitute
Theta = [R(1:eB, 1:eB)\(R(1:eB, end) - R(1:eB, sA:end-1)*Theta)
SigN = S(end, end);
error("invfreq: unknown method %s", method);
B = [zeros(zB, 1); Theta(1:mB-zB)].';
A = [1; Theta(mB-zB+(1:nA))].';
if strcmp(plane,'s')
B = B(mB:-1:1);
A = A(mA:-1:1);
if norm, # Frequencies were normalised -- unscale coefficients
Zk = Fmax.^[n:-1:0].';
for k = nB:-1:1+zB, B(k) = B(k)/Zk(k); endfor
for k = nA:-1:1, A(k) = A(k)/Zk(k); endfor
%! order = 6; # order of test filter
%! fc = 1/2; # sampling rate / 4
%! n = 128; # frequency grid size
%! [B, A] = butter(order,fc);
%! [H, w] = freqz(B,A,n);
%! [Bh, Ah] = invfreq(H,w,order,order);
%! [Hh, wh] = freqz(Bh,Ah,n);
%! plot(w,[abs(H), abs(Hh)])
%! xlabel("Frequency (rad/sample)");
%! ylabel("Magnitude");
%! legend('Original','Measured');
%! err = norm(H-Hh);
%! disp(sprintf('L2 norm of frequency response error = %f',err));