/usr/lib/R/site-library/Hmisc/NEWS is in r-cran-hmisc 3.14-5-1.
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The actual contents of the file can be viewed below.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 | Changes in version 3.14-5 (2014-09-11)
* latex.summaryM: fixed bug in caption with test=TRUE. Thanks: Yonghao Pua
* csv.get: uses data.table package's fread in place of read.csv if data.table is in effect
* combined.levels: sensed all NA vector, now return non-factor numeric instead
* dataframeReduce: handle all-NA factor variable
* subplot: replaced with latest version from TeachingDemos package by Greg Snow
* latexTabular: fixed error in example in help file; result is not a file
* latex: another test added in tests/latex.s
* summaryP: removed observations with a right-hand-side variable missing
* latex.summaryP: fixed bug with wrong column labels due to reshape reordering columns coming from factor levels alphabetically instead of by original levels
* format.df: added % & <= >= to list of characters handled, the last two by going into math mode
* latex.summaryP: use blank if denominator 0, instead of NaN
* summary.formula: fixed problem with deparse formula. Thanks: Andreas Kiermeier
* describe: added relative information measure for numeric variables - a measure of how continuous the variable is
* wtd.table: detect duplications using duplicated() instead of diff(x) to handle Inf. Thanks: Benjamin Tyner
* DESCRIPTION, NAMESPACE: multiple function changes to work in R-devel
Changes in version 3.14-4 (2014-04-13)
* rcspline.eval: stop new logic for ignoring outer values when there are many ties when there are also many ties on interior values. Added new logic to use interior unique values of x when the number of unique x is small.
* latexBuild: generalized with insert argument
* latex.default: modified to use mods of latexBuild, fixed bug with caption.loc='bottom' (thanks: YacineH)
* latex.default: fixed bug where comma did not appear after caption={} for ctable (thanks: Johannes Hofrichter)
* tests: fit.mult.impute.bootstrap.r: added new example (thanks: Jane Cook)
* fit.mult.impute: added call for fit.mult.impute in returned object, replacing call from fitter; makes update work for fit.mult.impute
* summary.formula: fixed recognition of multiple left-hand-side variables to trigger call to summaryM (thanks: Kevin Thorpe)
* summaryM: changed group label to '' instead of 0 for formulas like age + sex ~ 1
* Ecdf: added what argument to all functions
* nobsY: return constructed id vector
* addMarginal: instead of .marginal. being logical, make it contain names of variables being marginalized over
* mChoice.c: fixed some inconsistencies
Changes in version 3.14-3 (2014-03-02)
* format.df: clarified in help file that col.just can contain specifications other than l,r,c, e.g., "p{3in}" to get paragraph formatting in a column. Thanks: Ben Bolker
* latex.default: added example for the above in tests
* label.Surv: got units from inputAttributes in addition, and added type argument
Changes in version 3.14-2 (2014-02-26)
* latex.default: improved logic using new function in Misc: latexBuild
* latex.default: fixed bug with ctable=TRUE with no caption by removing default label
* latex.default: improved formatting for insert.top
* latex.default: added tests, fixed insert.bottom
* latex.summaryM: return stat summary key as legend attribute, use this according to insert.bottom argument
* latex.summary.formula.response: fixed bug related to computation of cdec. Thanks: Kevin Thorpe
* latex.default: added new argument star: ctables uses this to spread over two columns when the LaTeX document is in \twocolumn mode. Thanks: David Whiting
Changes in version 3.14-1 (2014-02-25)
* Added latexNeedle function
* Change latexTherm, latexNeedle to use user LaTeX macro \tooltipn to do the pop-up
* latex.default: changed line breaks around \end{tabular}
* latex.summaryM: put insert.bottom text in minipage so \tooltip will not devote wide space to it
* sas.get: added defaultencoding argument and logic (Thanks: Reinhold Koch)
* plot.summaryP: omit tick marks for proportion > 1.0
* format.df (used by latex): fixed na.blank logic for character var
* latex: removed newlines when ending environments, added hyperref argument
* latex: added center='centerline', fixed 'centering'
* upData, cleanup.import, dataframeReduce: changed argument pr to print
* rcspline.eval: added more evasive action in case of extreme ties
Changes in version 3.14-0 (2014-01-22)
* Added trans argument to varclus
* Removed recode, existsFunction functions, under.unix object, survfitKM, functions used only by S-Plus: comment, mem, mulbar.chart, p.sunflowers
* as.category, is.category, untangle.special: removed
* Removed reference to .R. from many functions
* Remove oldClass, oldUnclass, getFunction
* latex.default: changed 'rotate' to 'sideways' for ctable mode. Thanks: Simon Zehnder <szehnder@uni-bonn.de>
* gView: removed
* ldBands: removed
* summaryP: new function - graphical replacement for tables of proportions
* ynbind: new function for combining related yes/no variables into a matrix with a label
* added file argument to prn
* summaryP: added autoarrange
* added addMarginal and nobsY functions
* pBlock: new function for blocking variables for summaryP
* summaryP: changed text positioning to grid absolutes, added text.at argument
* scat1d, histSpike: if grid used and y has grid units, fixed logic for frac
* plsmo, panel.plsmo: added scat1d.opts argument
* label.Surv, units.Surv: added, removed ::: in survival calls
* summarize: added keepcolnames argument
* Suppressed startup message unless options(Hverbose=TRUE) is set
* summaryS: new function - multi-panel lattice xy and dot plots
* summaryD: added ylab argument
* dotchart3: quit letting left margin be less than pre-existing one
* multLines: new function
* Improved nobsY to respect subject IDs when counting number of subjects, and to return an attribute 'formula' without id variable; changed bpplotM, summaryP, summaryS to use this
* Removed nobsY calculations from bpplotM, summaryP, summaryS, enhanced nobsY to allow stratification by treatment
* panel.bpplot: added violin and violin.opts arguments
* summaryS: added medvPanel support during-plot vertical violin plots
* plot.summaryP: padded x-axis limits
* latexTabular: added translate and hline arguments; moved to its own file and help page
* latexTherm: added tooltip using LaTeX ocgtools package
* summaryP: stopped reversing order of panels
* summaryM: added table.env argument, changed how model.frame built
* latex.summaryM: changed to print proportions by default, added round='auto'
* character.table: added xpd=NA; thanks: Dale
* summaryP: added latex method
* latex.default: added insert.top argument
* summaryM: added stratification (multiple tables)
Changes in version 3.13-0 (2013-11-18)
* Changed n location (nloc argument) in bpplotM
* Improved dotchart3 to better compute string widths when there is a mixture of expressions and regular strings for auxdata/auxtitle
* Changed rlegend to not take logs if log axes are in effect. Fixes Ecdf(..., log='x', label.curves=list(keys=1:3)). Thanks: Bayazid Sarker <sarkarbayazid@gmail.com>
* Extended non-panel (regular) version of plsmo to handle matrix y
* Likewise for summaryRc
* Added xlim to bpplotM
* Added latexTherm function to create LaTeX picture environments to add a series of thermometers to LaTeX text
* Fixed deff to handle the case where R^2 = 1. Thanks: Matthieu Stigler <matthieu.stigler@gmail.com>
* Added new test file for wtd.mean, wtd.quantile
* New test aregImpute3.r for glm Poisson regression
* Improved describe.vector to format single unique values
* Took away warning about var, s.e., t, p in fit.mult.impute
* Switched from subversion to github repository
* Changed maintainer from Charles Dupont to Frank Harrell
* Changed wtd.loess.noiter to use loess instead of stats:::simpleLoess