/usr/lib/R/site-library/Rcmdr/NAMESPACE is in r-cran-rcmdr 2.1-3-1.
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import(splines, tcltk, RcmdrMisc, car)
importFrom(utils, available.packages, install.packages)
importFrom(tcltk2, tk2tip, tk2theme, tk2theme.list, tk2table)
#importFrom(knitr, knit, knit2pdf)
#importFrom(markdown, markdownToHTML)
importFrom(abind, abind)
export(tkfocus, tkspinbox,
activateMenus, activeDataSet, ActiveDataSet, activeDataSetP, activeModel,
ActiveModel, activeModelP, aicP, buttonRcmdr,
checkActiveModel, checkBoxes, checkClass, checkFactors, checkMethod,
checkNumeric, checkReplace,
checkTwoLevelFactors, checkVariables, closeCommander,
closeDialog, Commander,
commanderPosition, CommanderWindow, Confint, dataSetsP, defmacro,
dialogSuffix, doItAndPrint, errorCondition, exists.method,
Factors, factorsP, formulaFields, flushDialogMemory,
gassign, getDialog, getFrame, getRcmdr, getSelection, gettextRcmdr,
glmP, GrabFocus, groupsBox, groupsLabel, hclustSolutionsP, initializeDialog,
is.SciViews, is.valid.name, justDoIt, knitrP, labelRcmdr, Library,
listAllModels, listAOVModels, listDataSets, listFactors, listGeneralizedLinearModels,
listLinearModels, listMultinomialLogitModels, listNumeric, listPlugins,
listProportionalOddsModels, listTwoLevelFactors, listVariables,
lmP, logger, LogWindow, MacOSXP, manualTranslationP, MarkdownP,
Message, MessagesWindow, modelFormula, modelsP, multinomP, Numeric,
numericP, OKCancelHelp, OutputWindow, packageAvailable,
polrP, popCommand, popOutput, putDialog, putRcmdr,
radioButtons, rglLoaded, RcmdrPager, RcmdrTclSet,
RExcelSupported, RmdWindow, RnwWindow, sortVarNames, subOKCancelHelp,
tclvalue, titleLabel, trim.blanks, ttkentry, ttkframe, ttkradiobutton, ttkcheckbutton,
ttkscrollbar, TwoLevelFactors, twoLevelFactorsP,
UpdateModelNumber, variableComboBox, variableListBox, Variables, varPosn, WindowsP, X11P,
beginRmdBlock, endRmdBlock, enterMarkdown, removeNullRmdBlocks, removeStrayRmdBlocks, suppressMarkdown,
beginRnwBlock, endRnwBlock, enterKnitr, removeNullRnwBlocks, removeStrayRnwBlocks,
removeLastRmdBlock, removeLastRnwBlock,
setBusyCursor, setIdleCursor,
.Tcl, tcl, tclRequire, tclServiceMode, "tclvalue<-",
tclVar, tkbind, tkcget, tkcheckbutton, tkconfigure,
tkchooseDirectory, tkcurselection, tkdelete, tkdestroy, tkentry,
tkframe, tkgrab.release, tkgrab.set, tkgetOpenFile, tkgetSaveFile,
tkgrid, tkgrid.columnconfigure, tkgrid.configure, tkgrid.rowconfigure,
tkicursor, tkindex, tkinsert,
tkinvoke, tkitemconfigure, tklabel, tklistbox, tkmark.set,
tkmessageBox, tkpack, tkradiobutton, tkraise, tkscale,
tkscrollbar, tk_select.list, tkselection.clear, tkselection.present,
tkselection.set, tkset, tktag.configure, tktext, tktoplevel,
tkwait.window, tkwm.deiconify, tkwm.iconbitmap, tkwm.geometry, tkwm.protocol,
tkwm.resizable, tkwm.title, tkwm.transient,
tkxview.moveto, tkxview, tkyview, tkyview.scroll,
S3method(coef, multinom)
S3method(Confint, glm)
S3method(Confint, default)
S3method(Confint, multinom)
S3method(confint, glm)
S3method(confint, multinom)
S3method(confint, polr)
S3method(getFrame, combobox)
S3method(getSelection, combobox)
S3method(getFrame, listbox)
S3method(getSelection, listbox)