/usr/src/castle-game-engine-5.2.0/base/castleutils_miscella.inc is in castle-game-engine-src 5.2.0-3.
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Copyright 2002-2014 Michalis Kamburelis.
This file is part of "Castle Game Engine".
"Castle Game Engine" is free software; see the file COPYING.txt,
included in this distribution, for details about the copyright.
"Castle Game Engine" is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
{ Some miscellaneous things, too small to be included in separate files. }
{$ifdef read_interface}
{ OS constants ---------------------------------------- }
{ New line. Short name for LineEnding. }
NL = LineEnding;
{ basic types ---------------------------------------- }
{$ifdef FPC}
{ }
PByteArray = ^TByteArray;
TByteArray = array[0..MaxInt div SizeOf(Byte)-1] of Byte;
TArray_PChar = array[0..MaxInt div SizeOf(PChar)-1]of PChar;
TArray_TObject = array[0..MaxInt div SizeOf(Pointer)-1]of TObject;
PString = ^AnsiString;
{ Pointer to TObject.
Don't call this PObject or PTObject to avoid possible name clashes
with other units (pointers are often used in situations that prevent
good type-checking, so better to avoid name clashes to avoid some
nasty errors). }
PtrObject = ^TObject;
(*Class to be raised (like an exception) and caught, to exit from some
code blocks.
When deriving new TCodeBreaker descendant, specify always where it's caught.
It should be caught and silenced (without causing any errors) in appropriate
place. This way doing @code(raise BreakXxx.Create) is a way to exit from
given code part.
This class does not inherit from @code(Exception) because it does not
signal some errorneous situation (it must always be caught and silenced),
also it doesn't need a Message property. *)
TCodeBreaker = class(TObject);
{ Internal error in the program. Something that definitely should not
happen and indicates a bug that should be reported.
This exception must be shown to user (never silently ignored),
and usually the safest thing to do is to close the program at this point.
We will add to your error message (passed to the constructor) some
instructive message, like @code('Internal error occurred, please
submit this to the author : '). }
EInternalError = class(Exception)
constructor Create(const s: string);
constructor CreateFmt(const s: string; const Args: array of const);
ECheckFailed = class(Exception);
{ Check condition.
@raises ECheckFailed Raised with ErrMessage if condition TrueValue if false. }
procedure Check(TrueValue: boolean; const ErrMessage: string = 'Check failed');
{ Arrays searching ----------------------------------------------------------- }
{ Search the array for a given value.
Returns index (zero-based) or -1 if not found.
Useful for writing case as:
case ArrayPosStr(variable, [val1, val2]) of
0 : Something1;
1 : Something2;
else SomethingElse;
#) }
function ArrayPosStr(const A: string; const Arr: array of string): Integer; overload;
function ArrayPosText(const A: string; const Arr: array of string;
IgnoreCase: boolean = true): Integer; overload;
function PArrayPosStr(const A: string; Arr: PString; ArrCount: Integer): Integer; overload;
function PArrayPosText(const A: string; Arr: PString; ArrCount: Integer;
IgnoreCase: boolean = true): Integer; overload;
{ Iff functions ------------------------------------------------------------- }
{ }
function Iff(boolval: boolean; trueval, falseval: string) : string; overload;
function Iff(boolval: boolean; trueval, falseval: Integer) : Integer; overload;
function Iff(boolval: boolean; trueval, falseval: Float) : Float; overload;
function Iff(boolval: boolean; trueval, falseval: Cardinal): Cardinal; overload;
function Iff(boolval: boolean; trueval, falseval: char) : char; overload;
{ Some helpful consts -------------------------------------------------------- }
{$ifdef FPC}
{ Describe FPC version. In the form 'version.release.patch'.
This is actually a constant (for every run of a program it has
always the same value) but I can't declare it as a Pascal constant
because it must use "Format" function that is not allowed in constant
expressions. }
function SFPCVersion: string;
{ Short name and version of Pascal compiler used
to compile this unit. It is a constant, actually, but I cannot
declare it as a constant because it must call SFPCVersion that
is not declared as a constant. }
function SCompilerDescription: string;
{ Print some common info for programs released on
This is useful only for programs released on this WWW page by Michalis.
Resulting string is multiline.
@param(DisplayApplicationName Usually ApplicationName, but you can give
here something else if you want.)
@param(Version For my programs this usually looks like '%d.%d.%d'
and conforms to [http://castle-engine.sourceforge.net/versioning.php])
@param(WrapLines If true then resulting string will not have lines
longer than 80 characters. Suitable for printing program
help message on stdout, e.g. in response to @--help option.) }
function SCastleEngineProgramHelpSuffix(const DisplayApplicationName: string;
const Version: string; WrapLines: boolean): string;
{ If not TrueValue then RaiseLastOSError. }
procedure OSCheck(TrueValue: boolean); overload;
procedure OSCheck(TrueValue: boolean; const Place: string); overload;
{$endif read_interface}
{$ifdef read_implementation}
constructor EInternalError.Create(const s: string);
inherited Create('Internal error: something that should not ever happen... happened. ' +
'This indicates a bug in the program''s code (or something related, ' +
'like a shared library, that should be workarounded from the program then). ' +
{ 'Don''t panic - if you see this note then at least my code noticed the '+
'bug in some way, so it may be something simple and I can probably fix it '+
'(or it''s external bug and I am not responsible for this...). '+}
'We definitely want you to report this as a bug! Please send this error-specific info: ' + S);
constructor EInternalError.CreateFmt(const s: string; const Args: array of const);
Create(Format(S, Args));
procedure Check(TrueValue: boolean; const errMessage: string);
if not TrueValue then raise ECheckFailed.Create(errMessage);
{ arrays searching ---------------------------------------- }
function ArrayPosStr(const A: string; const Arr: array of string): Integer;
for Result := 0 to High(Arr) do
if Arr[result] = A then Exit;
Result := -1;
function ArrayPosText(const A: string; const Arr: array of string;
IgnoreCase: boolean): Integer;
Result := PArrayPosText(A, @Arr, High(Arr)+1, IgnoreCase);
function PArrayPosStr(const A: string; Arr: PString; ArrCount: Integer): Integer;
for result := 0 to ArrCount-1 do
if Arr^=A then exit;
result := -1;
function PArrayPosText(const A: string; Arr: PString; ArrCount: Integer;
IgnoreCase: boolean): Integer;
var AA: string;
if IgnoreCase then
AA := AnsiUpperCase(A);
for result := 0 to ArrCount-1 do
begin if AnsiUpperCase(Arr^) = AA then exit; Inc(Arr) end;
result := -1;
end else
for result := 0 to ArrCount-1 do
begin if Arr^=A then exit; Inc(Arr) end;
result := -1;
{ Iff functions ------------------------------------------------------------- }
function Iff(boolval: boolean; trueval, falseval: string) : string; begin if boolval then result := trueval else result := falseval end;
function Iff(boolval: boolean; trueval, falseval: Integer) : Integer; begin if boolval then result := trueval else result := falseval end;
function Iff(boolval: boolean; trueval, falseval: Float) : Float; begin if boolval then result := trueval else result := falseval end;
function Iff(boolval: boolean; trueval, falseval: Cardinal): Cardinal; begin if boolval then result := trueval else result := falseval end;
function Iff(boolval: boolean; trueval, falseval: char) : char; begin if boolval then result := trueval else result := falseval end;
{ Helpful consts ------------------------------------------------------------ }
{$ifdef FPC}
function SFPCVersion: string;
Result := Format('%d.%d.%d', [FPC_VERSION, FPC_RELEASE, FPC_PATCH]);
Notes about old ideas how to implement it to be able to declare it
as a constant:
As some time, I used this code:
{$ifdef VER1_0_6} '1.0.6' {$endif}
{$ifdef VER1_0_10} '1.0.10' {$endif}
{$ifdef VER1_9_4} '1.9.4' {$endif}
{$ifdef VER1_9_5} '1.9.5' {$endif}
{$ifdef VER1_9_6} '1.9.6' {$endif}
{$ifdef VER1_9_7} '1.9.7' {$endif};
but this obviously had to be fixed for each new FPC version.
There's also this trick to define it as a constant,
but it works only when there are only single digits in version
(e.g. it wouldn't work for FPC 1.0.10):
Chr(Ord(FPC_VERSION)+Ord('0')) +'.' +
Chr(Ord(FPC_RELEASE)+Ord('0')) +'.' +
After some time, I decided to implement SFPCVersion cleanly
as a function. *)
{$endif FPC}
function SCompilerDescription: string;
Result :=
{$ifdef FPC}
'Free Pascal Compiler ' + SFPCVersion
{$else} {$ifdef DELPHI}
{$ifdef WIN32} 'Delphi'
{$ifdef VER140} + ' 6' {$endif}
{$ifdef VER150} + ' 7' {$endif}
{$else} 'Kylix'
{$else} {$ifdef __GPC__}
'GNU Pascal'
Undefined compiler.
{$endif} {$endif} {$endif} ;
function SCastleEngineProgramHelpSuffix(const DisplayApplicationName: string;
const Version: string; WrapLines: boolean): string;
Result :=
DisplayApplicationName + ' version ' + Version + '.' +nl+
'Author: Michalis Kamburelis, aka Kambi <michalis.kambi@gmail.com>' +nl+
'See http://castle-engine.sourceforge.net/ for latest versions' +
Iff(WrapLines, nl + ' ', '') +
' of this program, sources, documentation etc.' +nl+
'Compiled with ' + SCompilerDescription +'.';
procedure OSCheck(TrueValue: boolean);
if not TrueValue then RaiseLastOSError;
procedure OSCheck(TrueValue: boolean; const Place: string);
if not TrueValue then
except on E: EOSError do
E.Message := Place + ': ' + E.Message;
{$endif read_implementation}